A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 128 The team battle begins

Time has stopped!

——It's a substitute attack.

The body has become smaller!

——It's a substitute attack.

The car is flying!


——Stand-in attack!

Generally speaking, no matter what weird things happened.

It's right to leave the blame entirely to the substitute attack.

Xu Lun reacted very quickly.

The moment she noticed something unusual, she summoned 'Stone Freedom' without thinking.

"call out!"

The thread broke through the car window and wrapped tightly around the fire hydrant on the roadside.

Under the influence of inertia, the car suddenly stopped.

Even though they were protected by seat belts, everyone in the car still couldn't help but lean forward and backward.


The most uncomfortable thing was Xu Lun himself.

After all, the silk thread is a part of the avatar, and can also be regarded as a part of the body. If the silk thread is damaged, her internal organs feel like they are on fire, and there is burning pain.

However, she had no words.

After stabilizing the car, Xu Lun kicked the door open and retracted the thread bit by bit with great effort.

The car slowly landed and returned to the ground.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn it." Ames turned off the engine, looked at Xu Lun, and asked, "What happened to Enrique Pucci?"


Xu Lun's expression was solemn.

Not an inference.

Not a guess.

But intuition.

Strong and accurate intuition!

Anna Sui said solemnly: "Whether it's Enrique Pucci or not, we can't stay in the car anymore."

After a pause, he continued, "One more thing, Jon is not here, Jotaro and Giorno are unable to do anything at all, should we continue.

In other words, are you prepared to fight to the death? "

Within the 'Alliance of Enemies of Father', Jon, Giorno, and Jotaro are at the T0 level of combat strength.

There is one thing to say, it can really fight.

Anna Sui, such a proud person, was so abused that she lost her temper when faced with three heavyweight contestants.

What he meant was obvious.

Instead of rushing to send someone off like a fool, it's better to be steady and wait for the 'ace' to return.

If it were Xu Lun from before, he would have raised his eyebrows and stared, "Huh? Who do you think I am? Are you looking down on me?"

But after experiencing battles with John Grey.A, Spots Max, and Kaizu, Miss Xu Lun has understood the essence of substitute battles.

That is.

Long hand is better than short hand (cross out)

If there are more people, beat the less people (cross out again)

Hug the thigh (correct answer)

Your own potential is limited.

The abilities of loved ones are unlimited!

It can be seen from the stand-in:

My dad - invincible in melee combat, time paused.

My uncle and grandfather - evil, treacherous and unfathomable.

My great-uncle - all things are derived and all come to nothing.


Turn yourself into a "thread".

The style of painting is completely different!

After pondering for a moment, Xu Lun said: "The connection in the dark made me clearly feel that Enrique Pucci was several kilometers away.

Our mission is not to fight that guy, but to investigate and 'surveillance'. "

Anna Sui's meaning is obvious.

Xu Lun's meaning is equally obvious.

Fighting or something.

Da baa baa.

We are the ones responsible for keeping track, just be careful not to let that black guy Enrique Pucci get too far away.

Hearing what Xu Lun said, Anna Sui nodded.

Little Xu Xu, who assesses the situation and is calm and composed, is so charming~

DAISUKI, I fell in love with you.

At the same time, several kilometers away.


Father Pucci frowned deeply.

He had clearly sensed Xu Lun's existence.

But for some reason, the other party just refused to come over.

This feeling of being like a J makes him extremely awkward!

(You are looking at me, Kongtiao Xu Lun)


Take the initiative?

As soon as the idea came to him, Father Pucci pinched his eyebrows and immediately rejected the idea.


By now.

The less trouble, the better.

There's nothing scary about Kujo Xuren and her friends.

Jotaro Kujo who took back the Stand was different from the mysterious man who crushed the chapel of the Green Dolphin Prison.

If you don't take it seriously, even with the blessing of 'fate', there is still a risk of overturning!

In addition, the fourth 'dove', the only 'white dove', also concerned Father Pucci.

Anglo, Donatello Vansus and Richiel, symbolize the three ‘grey doves’.

Then here comes the problem.

What about ‘white dove’?

Where is Lord DIO's last heir?

There are too many mysteries, too many concerns.

Father Pucci had a vague premonition.

On the surface, he has an absolute advantage.

In fact, every step he took was on thin ice.

"Since you like to watch, I will let you watch until the "new moon" comes. My stand will evolve again and gain invincible power. "

After calming down, Father Pucci crossed himself on his chest with a pious expression, "Until then, neither Jotaro Kujo nor anyone else can stop me."

Take a deep breath.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be making a solemn oath.

"The enlightened will always be happy, and I will definitely let all mankind ascend to "heaven"! "

Time flies by.

Neither side acted rashly.

Father Pucci is waiting for the "new moon".

Xu Lun and others are waiting for their teammates.

Judging from the results, it is easier to wait for ‘teammates’ than ‘new moon’.

Jotaro, who rushed over, saw his daughter wrapping herself into a rice dumpling because she wanted to fight the uncontrolled gravity. He shouted kawaii in his heart, but he had a cold expression on his face.

He pressed the brim of his hat and said, "Daze."

"Jotaro, "Weather"! "

Anna Sui was overjoyed to see the visitor.

Reinforcement has arrived.

This situation is stable!

Jotaro turned his head and looked at Anna Sui, who had the same look as Xu Lun, and said coldly: "This is so ridiculous, Anna Sui, are you considered a man like this?"

Anna Sui:

I suspect you are targeting me.

And I have plenty of evidence!

Obviously everyone looks similar, but what do you mean by running against me?

If I couldn't beat you (you, you), I...

Oh, it seems that it can't be killed.

After all, he is Xu Lun's father.

Anna Sui pursed her lips.

In his eyes, Jotaro Kujo was no longer a human being.

But a mountain.

There is a mountain between him and Xiao Xuxu that is difficult to climb but has to be climbed.

Tragically, there is more than one such mountain.

But a full three seats!

As the saying goes, 'Every mountain is more difficult than the next, and every mountain is more dangerous than the other'.

The road to marriage.

There is a long way to go.

Anna Sui's wild thoughts.

Giorno said: "Xu Lun, thank you for your hard work. You did a good job."


Oh no, Mr. Rong showed a gentle smile like sunshine, "Next, let us fight side by side."


Why haven't I noticed it usually?

Why is this golden-haired pretty girl so sinister!

A strong sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of her heart, and Anna Sui, who was in love, stared at Giorno warily.

I'm afraid this guy is trying to steal his wife from me!

Feeling Anna Sui's eyes, Giorno just smiled and said nothing.

On the other hand, Mista, the gold-medal assassin and meat-suited assassin of the ‘Passionate’ organization, couldn’t stand it anymore.

This is our BOSS. Do you want to stare at me?

You stare.

You stare at me!

Mista's eyes were fixed on Anna Sui, and the more she looked at that pink hair, the more displeased she became.

There is only one pink hair that he recognizes.

That is Trish Una.

The rest of the pink hairs are all his tall enemies!

We haven't started a war with the enemy yet.

A fight is about to start on my side.

Xu Lun was speechless.

After coming back to her senses, she coughed lightly and said, "Enrique Pucci has been at the aviation center over there and hasn't moved anywhere."


Jotaro was noncommittal.

He raised his arm and glanced at the watch on his wrist. He said word by word: "The flow of time is disordered and gravity is out of control. These are probably the enemy's stand-in abilities."

Aqiang's combat experience is so rich.

Although he had just stepped into the scope of 'Crescent Moon's' abilities, he still initially guessed the opponent's stand-in ability through some details.

When it came to the serious matter, Mista and Anna Sui no longer cared about their fighting spirit and hurriedly collected their thoughts.

Giorno smiled slightly, took a step back silently, and gave up the absolutely dominant position to Jotaro.

As if he hadn't seen anything, Jotaro said methodically: "Don't worry about Jon for now, the few of us must find a way to restrain the loss of gravity. Only in this way can we safely approach and defeat Enrique Pucci. "

While at the 'Ghost House', Jotaro often chatted with Jon.

What the two talked about the most was the 'DIO Fighting Group' in another world where all members survived.

'Know thyself, ever-victorious! ’

‘If you can use more to defeat less, use more to defeat less. ’

‘Never fight one-on-one with the enemy unless absolutely necessary. ’

‘The power of a substitute is limited, but the power of teammates is unlimited. ’

‘When it’s time to play in a group, you have to fight in a group. There will never be a future as a solo player! ’

Although Jotaro didn't express these words at the time, he remembered them deeply in his heart.

The fighting style is simple and rough.

It does not mean that he is also a rough person.

On the contrary, Jotaro has a more thoughtful mind than ordinary people.

Sweeping through the crowd.

Jotaro secretly clenched his fists.

This time, he won't let anyone sacrifice again!


At this moment, "Weather Forecast" raised his hand, "I have an idea."

For a moment, all eyes were focused on him.

Meeting the eyes of his companions, "Weather Forecast" raised a finger, "Anyway, gravity is really hard to control.

How about we change our mind and actively adapt to gravity. "

The words came out.

Everyone except Jotaro was a little confused.

"Weather Forecast" explained: "My avatar can create natural weather within a range."

He gestured, "Since gravity is out of control and this place has become a weightless field, let's just abandon gravity and use strong winds to drive everyone forward."

Not leaving.

Let's fly!

F.F cheered after understanding the "weather forecast".


It's so interesting.

Coming out of the farm was truly the best choice he made in his life!

Everyone nodded.

Jotaro raised his hand and pressed the brim of his hat, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

The conversation changed.

“In that case, we are divided into three groups.

The first group, me, Giorno, Mista, F.F, was responsible for attacking Enrique Pucci.

The second group, "Weather", is responsible for sitting in the rear and providing support at all times. "

The third group, Xu Lun, Ames, and Anna Sui, you can fight at close range or attack from a distance, and are responsible for protecting the "weather". "

Reasonable division of labor and clear responsibilities.

As for Emporio, the only one left behind, he continued to stay where he was and act as a mascot.

After saying that, Jotaro hesitated for a second and stretched out his hand stiffly.

"As an older person, I should."

Before he could finish his words, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Xu Lun, "Hey, hey, hey, it's time now, so don't be cool.

Don’t you just want to say, ‘As an elder, it is my responsibility to hit the enemy?’ balabala, I advise you to put away that old-fashioned rhetoric. "

She glanced at Jotaro angrily, "I will rely on you, but I will not rely on you. Before Jon comes back, stopping Enrique Pucci is our joint task, not yours alone."

Knowing your father is better than being a daughter.

Aqiang's arrogant attributes disappeared under the strength of his own daughter.

There was a long silence.

Jotaro lowered the brim of his hat, making it difficult for others to see his expression clearly, "Let's go."

Some people laughed wildly, while others couldn't stand it.

Father Pucci was numb.



This is wrong!

Where did you get all these people from?

Take a quick look.

Good guy.

In addition to Xu Lun Kujo and Jotaro Kujo, as well as familiar faces such as Ames.

Did your younger brother also get together with the enemy?

When did it happen?

Why do I know nothing!

The vague uneasiness turned into reality the moment he saw the enemy lineup.

Father Pucci turned around and ran away without saying a word.

no way.

It's not that he is too cowardly.

But it's impossible to fight at all.

One against nine.

If he could still fight, he would not be Enrique Pucci, but Enrique Pujing.

Father Pucci was very attentive.

But Jotaro didn't want the other party to follow his heart.


Can you run away?

You have the ability to whip my substitute, but you don't have the ability to confront me head-on, right?

With the help of the wind, Jotaro stretched out his hand and said, "Platinum Star. THE WORLD!"

‘Buzz. ’

Time stands still.

The ‘Platinum Star’ flew out of the body.

But Father Pucci was knocked back in the blink of an eye.

He punched the opponent hundreds of times as if to vent his anger, and he finally felt comfortable.

Then, time begins to flow.

After receiving a severe beating from the 'Platinum Star' for no apparent reason, Father Pucci felt like he was falling apart, and he was about to die before his eyes.

It’s not over yet.

Seeing that Jotaro succeeded in his attack, "Weather Forecast" used all his strength to ask his substitute to increase the wind force, blowing Mista and F.F into the shooting range.

All of a sudden.

Gunshots are everywhere!

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

The brass bullet and the UFO bullet hit Father Pucci's vitals respectively.

Blood splattered.

Not far away, Xu Lun and others, who were responsible for protecting the "Weather Forecast", were extremely happy.

Look at it this way.

Enrique Pucci is not a ‘son of destiny’ as Jon said.

Look, that guy jumped into the street easily.

"Did I lose?" Father Pucci, who was covered in blood, muttered to himself unconsciously, "The revelation of fate, the guidance of fate, the person who ascends to "heaven"."

Accompany his words.

A clear and violent heartbeat rang in everyone's ears.

Giorno subconsciously covered his chest.

This feeling.

This feels like it!

"Yes, I am exactly the 'destined person', and 'fate' favors me!"

"Master DIO's blood will help me reach "heaven". This is an unchangeable destiny. "

'The people of the Joestar family will accompany me to "heaven". This is also an unchangeable fate. ’

The speaking speed is getting faster and faster.

The aura is getting weirder and weirder.

‘Crescent Moon’ appeared quietly, staring at Jotaro and the others expressionlessly.

at the same time.

The birthmark obtained by Father Pucci's fusion with the 'Green Baby' also burned silently.

Father Pucci himself had three more black moles on his ears.

On the third day after losing contact with the protagonist, I miss him

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