A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 126 Join forces, the God of War returns!

Eyes facing each other.

The blood in Giorno's body seemed to be on fire!

Sensing something strange about his friend, Mista calmly took out the 'Smith Wilson M10' pistol from his boot and said in a deep voice: "BOSS, do you need me to kill him?"


Giorno waved his hand.

After pondering for a moment, he summoned the 'Golden Experience·Quiet', "I'll do it myself."

Several dozen meters apart.

Donatello Vansus closed "Florida History" with a sneer on his lips.

His stand-in, 'Underworld', has the ability to mine "events" and "memories".

Hypothetically, there is a "memory" of everything that happened.

Then, the 'underworld' can summon any "event" that happened in Florida by digging into the soil, without being limited by date or scope.

These "events" include, but are not limited to, 'ancient biological extinction', 'Civil War', and 'plane crash'.

"'Insects attracted by fate will rush towards the holy fire without knowing their own strength.' Mr. Father, you are right."

With a whisper, Vansus turned his head, "Richiel, the rest is up to you."

Following his words, a purple-haired young man wearing a spotted jumpsuit stepped out of the shadows.

Richiel had a pious expression on his face.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and pointed in the distance, "Go ahead and kill them."

'call out! ''call out! ''call out! ’.

In an instant, countless mysterious creatures flew towards the SUV business car where Giorno and others were riding.

In the car, the battle-experienced Jotaro was the first to sense the danger.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

Start and stop your hands to show respect.

During the still period, Jotaro saw clearly the incoming 'thing' through the car window.

It's a stick-shaped flying insect.

It has no head, no eyes, and a body with eight wings.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He pressed the brim of his hat, "Things are getting troublesome."

The time of speaking ends with ‘time stopping’.

Countless 'flying sticks' hit the car directly!

"Don't act rashly. This is a stand-in attack from the enemy." Jotaro said with a serious expression, "Close the windows and be alert."

Not to mention, this trick is really effective.

The car windows are sealed.

No matter how much the 'flying sticks' bombarded them, they failed to break through the defense.

Richiel was dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, a great sense of frustration came over me.

He hugged his head and muttered to himself in despair: "People like me, people like me, really can't do it."

Beside him, Vansus clicked his tongue in displeasure.

I really don't want to admit that this kind of trash is my half-brother.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he opened the history book he deliberately stole from the library and said word by word: "What happened in the past will definitely happen again!"

After saying that, a group of last century cavalry rushed out from the ground.

Charge with sword raised, galloping with horse.

The cavalry rushed to the car where Giorno and others were riding without fear of death!

Mista, who was driving the car, saw it and quickly turned the steering wheel.

However, it was too late.

At the critical moment, Jotaro takes action again.


The world is stagnant!

As the saying goes, ‘once born, twice cooked’.

Time stop+transportation

He is already quite proficient in this set of combos.

Jotaro looked at the 'Platinum Star'.

Although the 'Platinum Star' has completed its growth (degeneration), there is no change in appearance, but there are ten thousand words of 'Eula' that it wants to express in its heart.


Life is not easy, the stars sigh.

Fly out of the car.

The 'Platinum Star' exerted all its strength, hurriedly and slowly, and finally moved the SUV that everyone was riding in during the two-second 'stop' time.

Jotaro breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, "Then, time began to flow."

‘Xi Lv Lv. ’

The war horses neighed.

The cavalry rushed into the distance like a gust of wind.

Giorno and others only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the crisis was resolved.

After a few seconds of reaction, they all looked at Jotaro in unison.

Jotaro pretended to be a master without saying anything.

Sit down, sit down.

Just a small scene.

Don’t do basic things like 6.

"How reliable, Mr. Kujo." Giorno smiled.

Immediately, he said seriously: "It is better to attack passively than to defend passively. Leave those two people to me."

this means

One against two?

Hearing this, Jotaro subconsciously wanted to refuse.

However, when he met Giorno's calm and firm eyes, he pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

Wait a moment!


I just do not understand.

We clearly have a numerical advantage here, why do you want to fight alone?

Mista grabbed Giorno's sleeve and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Mista, you don't understand." Giorno shook his head, "This is a 'shackle' that I must cut off with my own hands. "

Mista didn't understand what shackles meant. He only knew that the boss couldn't be put in danger.

Since words are useless.

Only action!

Mista was afraid that Giorno would offend, so he opened the car door and rushed out without saying a word.

Richiel, who was frustrated, took a look.


Happiness comes so suddenly!

Instantly cheered up.

He shouted, "Kill him! Kill him quickly!"

The words fall.

Hundreds of 'flying sticks' rushed towards Mista.

Mista suddenly felt chilled all over.

Body is cold.

But his hand is steady.

Mi 4, who calls himself the top 'assassin', is determined and pulls the trigger one after another.

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

Three gunshots rang out in the middle of the street.

Vansus and Richiel were not stupid and hurriedly avoided the bullets.

Unexpectedly, several yellow villains appeared with strange screams, and forcedly relied on kicks to change the trajectory of the bullets.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Giorno's brothers were unable to dodge and were shot one after another.

Mista cheered, "Well done! NO.2, NO.5, NO.7!"

Suddenly, his excited expression froze on his face.

With a 'click' sound, the pistol fell to the ground.

Giorno, who was chasing after the car, happened to see this scene and hurriedly controlled the 'Golden Experience Requiem' to fly forward and punched Mista in the chest.


‘Golden Experience. Requiem’ has the unparalleled ability to return everything to ‘nothing’.

After receiving a solid punch, Mista's complexion improved visibly.

Giorno felt slightly relaxed.

The requiem rang out.

Mista can never reach the "reality" of being injured and dying.

If Jon were here, he would definitely say something like, "He's good at beating breasts, and he's the most incomprehensible substitute. He's truly well-deserved." ’

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

Although Mista regained his life under Giorno's quick wit.

But at this time, he unexpectedly found that he couldn't hold the gun.

Not only that.

Even the eyesight that he was so proud of had declined rapidly, almost to the point of blindness!


Giorno gritted his teeth.

At this time, Jotaro and "Weather Forecast" got out of the car.

"Giorno, let's help you."

Giorno turned around and said solemnly: "I told you, this is a 'shackle' that I must cut off with my own hands.

Mr. Kujo, I believe you have also felt that those two people are ‘brothers’ with the same blood as me. "

"Don't succumb to fate, Giorno, you have never had any "shackles" on you. "Jotaro's expression was indifferent, "If there is, that's my job, the bad relationship between me and DIO. No, it's up to me to cut off the bad relationship between the Joestar family and DIO! "

According to the 'Qiao Dinger's Dolphin' theorem, it can be concluded that when DIO or DIO-related things appear in front of Jotaro, Jotaro's combat power will be presented in the form of (X+1).

Under Giorno's gaze, Jotaro's momentum increased little by little.

In just a few breaths, it reached a point where even the ‘Golden Experience Requiem’ felt tense.

What’s even weirder is that not only Jotaro himself, but also the body of ‘Platinum Star’ has rapidly expanded.

Not only has the color become darker, but even the muscle circumference has been stimulated by hormones, full of strength and beauty.


——The God of War returns!

Staring at Jotaro, whose face was full of fighting spirit, Giorno took a deep breath.

He smoothed his hair on his temples and put on his usual gentle smile, "I really lost to you, Mr. Kujo.

I even couldn't help but wonder if you would beat me if I didn't agree with you to stay. "

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jotaro smiled rarely, "No matter what, I will never take action against my relatives."

"Are you a relative?"

Giorno pondered the word carefully.

After thinking for a few seconds, he said nothing and turned around silently, "Then let me see how powerful you are, Mr. Kujo."

The atmosphere is very subtle.

"Weather Forecast" found that he couldn't get a word in at all.

He looked at Giorno and then at Jotaro, who had a cold expression on his face.

The warm man "Pleasant Goat" decisively chose to take away Mista, who had lost the ability to fight.

the other side.

Vansus and Richiel stood up with difficulty.

The two of them were shot once and twice respectively.

Fortunately, the location hit was not a critical point.


"Oh shit."

Vansus covered his shoulders and cursed fiercely.

On the other hand, Richiel, whose mentality was prone to explosion, said nothing. He silently tore open his clothes and simply bandaged the wound with a strip of cloth.

Vansus looked at the people around him with emotion.

But he saw that his brother's eyes were full of indifference and solemnity.

Fansus was shocked.

At this moment, a six-car SUV passed by quickly!

Vansus reacted and was about to summon "Event" to block the opponent, but was interrupted by Richiel waving his hand.

"That's not necessary, Vansus, we have more important things to do."

More important things?

Vansus didn't know why.

Richiel pointed not far away, "Look, the guy over there looks like he wants us to die."

Fansus looked in the direction that Richiel pointed, and saw two figures, one tall and one short, approaching with the same pace.



No mercy.

Like a mouse seeing a cat.

Versu's hands and feet suddenly felt cold!

At this time, Richiel put his hand on Vansus's shoulder and whispered: "Relax, my brother, our mentality must be like Apollo 11."

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky.

"This is a growth that no one can escape."

Vansus:? ? ?

No, can we speak some language that normal people can understand?

Vansus has black lines all over his head.

While they were talking, Jotaro and Giorno were already less than fifty meters away from Vansus and Richiel!

Fansus became anxious, removed the hand on his shoulder, and shouted: "'Underworld', let everything that has happened happen again before my eyes!"

Using land as a carrier, we summon the projection of "history" from the long river of time.

Fansus' ability is not bad.

But it's a pity.

The opponent he has to face.

It cannot be speculated based on common sense.

'call! ’

A typhoon suddenly breaks out.

‘Platinum Star’ paused time and opened his mouth to take a breath.

The violent natural phenomenon disappeared without a trace.

'boom! ’

Thunder suddenly appears.

‘Golden Experience·Quiet’ punches the sky.

This area will never be able to achieve the "reality" of thunder.

'Roar! ’

Countless troops rushed out.

Jotaro and Giorno pointed forward at the same time.

‘Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola! ’

‘Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! ’

The shadow of the fist is like light!

The boxing shadow is like lightning!

So what if there are thousands of people?

It's just the soul of the dead under the punch.

"How can this be!"

Vansus was completely panicked.

The 'underground world' can not only unearth "events", but also lead people involved in "events" to their inevitable ending.

For example, Jotaro and Giorno were swept away by a typhoon. In theory, it was absolutely impossible to escape the fate of death.

The results of it.

People were stunned that nothing happened.

Something is wrong.

There's something very wrong with those two people!

"Vansus, calm down."

Completely opposite to the panicked Vansus, Richiel seemed to be a different person at this time.

He adjusted the 'Hai Fei Tian Wai' worn on his wrist and said softly: "When facing your fateful enemy, no matter what happens, don't lose your cool. That will make you stupid."

"Stop talking nonsense with me!" the incompetent and furious Vansus roared: "You are so capable, why don't you kill them?"

Richiel smiled, a glint flashing in his eyes, "Because, I am accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to kill with one strike."

Hearing this, Vansus couldn't help but swallow.

How could he grow to such an extent after only being shot twice?


This guy is so dangerous!

"Look, they must be thinking about which way to beat us." Richiel hugged Vansus. "It just so happens that I am also thinking about which way to kill them."

The words just fell.

Like a tsunami of flying sticks, they rushed toward Jotaro and Giorno.

The precision of 'Platinum Star' and 'Golden Experience·Quiet' is both A (+), and the danger is detected instantly.

Jotaro put one hand in his pocket and pressed the brim of his hat with the other hand, "Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

‘Buzz. ’

Everything seemed to have been put on pause.

Feeling the state of his body, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I really miss you. I didn't expect that I could regain my original strength."

Five seconds.

For many people, it is extremely short-lived.

But for Jotaro.

Five seconds is enough for him to do a lot of things.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

Feeling the emotions of the original body, the 'Platinum Ape' also returned to its peak state.

Punch, punch, endless punches!


any enemy.

They will all be crushed under these fists!

After all the 'flying sticks' in sight were destroyed, Jotaro spoke softly, "Then, time began to flow."


Anger explodes like waves.

It blew so hard that the cheeks of Vansus and Richiel hurt.

However, Richiel raised the corner of his mouth.

A flick of the wrist.

Countless ‘flying sticks’ appeared again!

This competition of will and consciousness.

He controlled the 'flying stick' without any consumption, and he was in an invincible position from the beginning!

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