A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 123 Spare key GET!


Xu Lun was shocked.

Not only Xu Lun, but also green leaves grew on Ames's face.

Even Jon was not spared!

But Mr. Qiao acted much calmer than the two sisters.

"Don't panic." He said calmly, "Remain calm under any circumstances."

Are you confused if you have some flowers and plants on your body?

Look at your potential!

Come on, little D gives them the whole job.

With a thought, Deep Purple's substitute flew out from behind.

Xu Lun and Aimees calmed down immediately after seeing the bizarre and crazy-looking look.

Jon nodded happily.

Children can be taught~

Xu Lun asked with a solemn expression: "What is the situation now?"

After pondering for a moment, Jon explained the reason why everyone turned into plants.

"The old enemy of the Joestar family once left a fragment of his toe bone. After being activated by Spots Max's substitute, the life level of the toe bone has leapt forward, and after absorbing the souls of thirty-six sinners"

As he spoke, he pointed at the many plants not far away.

"'It' completes the resurrection."

Toe bones resurrected?

Xu Lun and Ames were dumbfounded.

Even a science fiction novel wouldn’t dare to write like this!


Suddenly, a burst of crying reached the ears of the three people.

Xu Lun and Aimee were immediately on alert.

They said in unison: "Who!"

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Please help me.” The weird-looking short prisoner crawled out from the corner with difficulty, his nose dripping with tears, “Help me, I don’t want to die!”

"Don't come over!"

Xu Lun, who got her first victory from Kaizu, is no longer the stupid girl who didn't understand anything.

She warned the other party loudly, "Don't come over!"

Following Xu Lun's words, the 'Freedom of Stone' guarded behind the body like a guard.

The short prisoner was startled, held his head and said: "I surrender, don't hit me!"

Like Li, the weakest substitute - Gu Qiu!

Jon's eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, he felt an undetectable electric current pouring into the back of his head from the soles of his feet.

"Xu Lun, you can't trust the people here." Ames's eyes flashed with a faint red light, "Kill him quickly!"

It's obviously a friendly reminder.

For some reason, Xu Lun suddenly felt a little impatient and replied angrily, "Yakamashi (long-winded)."

"Hey, what's your attitude?" Ames said anxiously, "If you can't do it, let me do it!"

Xu Lun refused to show weakness, "Are you looking down on me?"

In just three or five sentences, the two sisters fell out.

Jon quickly stopped the two of them, "Calm down, look at your feet first before talking."


Hearing this, Xu Lun and Ames looked down.

Good guy, I don’t know when, there were many ring-shaped creatures on the ground!

It is the "true and weakest substitute" who relies on weak current to stimulate the brain and make the affected people fight with each other - the "survivor".

Gu Qiu secretly thought something was wrong, and ran back without caring about showing pity.

As he ran, he shouted: "Mr. Dolce \u0026 Gabbana (D\u0026G), I'm exposed!"


Actually playing dirty!

Xu Lun and Ames suddenly reacted.

It's too late, but it's soon.

‘Freedom of Stone’ shoots out a thread, hitting the opponent’s back without any bias.

The silk threads were entangled, and Gu Qiu's figure was stunned.

Humph, want to escape?

Have you asked us?

Xu Lun calmly controlled the 'Freedom of Stone' to retract the thread.

But at this moment, a tall prisoner wearing a fur coat and an eyepatch came out and tore off the thread!

Xu Lun suffered a secret loss and looked a little ugly.

Ames originally wanted to fight alongside Xu Lun.

Unexpectedly, Jon took the lead and stood in front of the two of them.

"let me."

Ah this

Xu Lun and Ames were extremely surprised.

Jon didn't explain.

‘Every cause must have its effect, and I will be your retribution’

What’s the wrong name? I have to call it Dolce \u0026 Gabbana (this brand once made public RH). Isn’t this just looking for a fight?

Opposite, Dolce \u0026 Gabbana looked grim.

He felt unprecedented pressure from the black-haired young man.

No, we must not confront that guy head-on.

Rolling his eyes, Dolce \u0026 Gabbana said, "Gu Qiu, I need you to report the situation here to White Snake."

Upon hearing this, Gu Qiu nodded hastily, "No problem, Mr. Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, I promise to complete the task!"

As long as he can stay away from this land of right and wrong, let alone report the news, it will be fine even if he is allowed to kneel down and kowtow.

Dolce \u0026 Gabbana raised a subtle sneer on his lips, "In that case, you go ahead and I'll stop them."

"Then it's up to you."

Gu Qiu has no doubt that he is there.

Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away!


He hadn't run a few steps, and his legs felt inexplicably weak.

'Snapped! ’

Gu Qiu fell to the ground and chewed the mud.

"Okay, it worked!" Yo-Yo Ma, who looked like a green sack, jumped out of the darkness and cheered loudly.

——As a long-distance automatic control stand-in, it has been released by Dolce \u0026 Gabbana a long time ago and has been hiding in secret to observe the situation.

Just now, it was 'Yo-Yo Ma' who used dissolving saliva to destroy Gu Qiu's Achilles tendon.

Dolce \u0026 Gabbana took the opportunity to fly up and kick the ruined ancient fur directly towards the enemy.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

This task of reporting the news should be done by myself.

Jon didn't even think about it and threw out a 'Land Kick'.

The sharp wind blade cut Guqiu in half.

Blood rained down.

That scene was quite a feast.

Xu Lun and Ames were disgusted, but they didn't look away.

Under the gaze of the two men, Jon dodged tens of meters and stopped Dolce \u0026 Gabbana who was betraying his teammate almost in the blink of an eye.

A punch in the face, hitting the opponent's nose!

'boom! ’

Dolce \u0026 Gabbana was shattered into pieces as if it had hit a dump truck.

‘Yo-Yo Ma’ also disappeared before he had time to play his role.

Do you think this is the end?

of course not.

‘Reverse flow of time’ is activated.

Dolce \u0026 Gabbana is back in full force.

Then, Jon threw another punch.

'boom! ’

Same plot, same outcome.

Ames and Xu Lun's eyelids jumped.

Beat to death and then revive, revive and then beat to death.

How much hatred is this? !

Ames swallowed quietly and whispered: "Xu Lun, compared to Kaizu, I think Jon is more perverted."

Xu Lun didn't even look back, "What's the point of comparing? Isn't it obvious?"

Aimees: (⊙﹏⊙)b

After beating Dolce \u0026 Gabbana to death sixty-six times, Jon let him go.

He took a long breath.

Feeling comfortable~

At this point, the four stand-in messengers sent by the 'White Snake' were all destroyed.

Xu Lun and Ames came over and said worriedly: "Since the enemy has been defeated, we should leave quickly."

"That is to say, I feel that the flowers on my head are much bigger."

Although there is no substitute messenger, the phenomenon of people turning into plants has not stopped.

Not only Xu Lun and Ames, but Jon's own situation is not much better.

Jon blinked and opened a 'portal' casually, "You go first, I have something else to do."

Hearing this, a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of Xu Lun and Ames.

Good sisters, we advance and retreat together.

What's going on if you leave first?

Let’s go, let’s go together!

As if he saw what the two of them were thinking, Jon smiled and said: "Okay, don't act like a bitch. You don't know how powerful I am? You two retreat first, I will come later." .”

What does it mean to act like a girl?

We are just girls, right?

Three black lines appeared on the foreheads of Xu Lun and Ames.

After much persuasion, the sisters were persuaded to leave.

Jon raised his arm and glanced at the arm that gradually turned into a plant.

It has to be said that the life born from DIO's phalanges is indeed strange. Even he, a superhuman who has long since separated from the mortal body, is still affected by it.

Thinking of this, he looked at the largest tree in the courtyard.

The giant tree is about twenty meters high, almost reaching the ceiling.

[Hurry up, it’s about to be born. 】Little D classmate said through the voice.

Jon took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the giant tree.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters.


Getting closer!

After wasting a lot of effort, he finally came to the giant tree.

The giant tree is hollow, and in the center of the tree is a 'green baby'.

It's a coincidence.

As soon as Jon stood still in front of the giant tree, the green baby suddenly opened his eyes!

【Auntie (right now)! 】

Jon didn't hesitate at all and whispered: "Spiral staircase."

The ‘green baby’ was slightly startled.

Jon knew it in his mind, and then said, "The unicorn, the ruined street."

"Spiral Staircase"

"One-horned Fairy"

"Ruin Street"

"Fig Tower"

"One-horned Fairy"

"The Way of Teresa"

"One-horned Fairy"




"Hydrangea ball"

"One-horned Fairy"


"Secret Emperor"

The fourteen code words were spoken completely, and the breath of the 'green baby' suddenly became extremely dangerous.

Jon's expression remained unchanged as countless transparent filaments came out from behind and pierced into the body of the 'green baby'.

The 'green baby' was in pain and cried loudly.

At the same time, Jon stopped becoming a plant and gradually returned to his original appearance.

【WRYYYYY! I'm so high! 】

【Time control! Dominate space! Soul power! 】

[The one who ascends to "heaven" is me, Oda! 】

In the team’s voiceover, Little D has completely let himself go.

Jon was really frightened.


I, Qiao, won’t be someone’s substitute who will be taken away by DIO, right? !

Fortunately, Little D’s convulsions did not last long.

After taking away the power of the 'green baby', it shook its head hard and said fearfully.

[Damn, that’s too much energy, I’m sorry. 】

Jon: .

Dare you put this dry cigarette away?

Shaking his head, he asked: "Have you got the 'key'?"

[Of course, who do you think I am? I am the 'Gate. Requiem. ACT2' who steals the sky, seizes the earth, and grabs the air in the middle! The mere ‘key’ is naturally within reach. 】

Hearing this, Jon felt relieved.

To put it simply, his current behavior is like secretly getting a spare key.

When the specific time, specific place, and specific people are all correct, he can take the "key" and ascend to "heaven".

OK, get it done and call it a day!

After the matter was done, Jon opened the 'portal' and walked in happily.

It didn't take long.

Father Pucci appeared quietly in the solitary room.

On the other side, the ‘ghost house’

"Rong Mi, I miss you so much."

Jon looked extremely enthusiastic when he saw Giorno.

Although he also knows that this antler is not that antler.

However, velvet is velvet, and this will not change!

Giorno twitched his lips.

Being famous is not as good as meeting, meeting is worse than being famous.

‘Visitor from Another World’ Jon Joestar cannot be guessed based on common sense.

"Hello, Mr. Joestar." Giorno smiled with a friendly yet distant smile, "It's our first time meeting you, please give me some advice."

"Why are you so angry?" Jon frowned pretending to be dissatisfied.

Giorno smiled and said, "Mr. Joestar, if you deliberately destroy public facilities and then blame me, doesn't it count as a living thing?"

What he said was very high level.

Jon pretended to be stupid and said: "What? What did you say? I don't know what framed things are going on."

Full of emotion and no acting skills.

Not to mention Emporio and Anna Sui, even Jotaro couldn't stand it anymore.

He pressed the brim of his hat and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I really don’t want to admit that this guy is a member of the Joestar family.

Giorno was speechless.

We are all adults. If you have something to say, why not talk it over in person? Do you have to play this trick?

"Okay, okay, I admit, I just deliberately left your name to see if I could attract you." Jon spread his hands, "As a result, the connection between bloodlines is still as reliable as ever, Rong Mi .”


Let’s not mention the connection between bloodlines.

Can you tell me, what the hell is "Rong Mi" called?

Seeing that Giorno didn't speak, Jon smiled, leaned on the sofa and glanced at everyone in the room——

Xu Lun, Jotaro, F.F, Ames, Emporio, Anna Sui, "Weather Forecast", Giorno

Counting myself, there were nine people in total.

It’s more than enough to form an ‘Alliance of (God) Father Haters’!

He coughed lightly.

"Everyone, listen to me."

Everyone's attention naturally focused on Jon.

Jon continued: "So far, our plan has gone very smoothly, and I have successfully obtained the key to heaven."

At this moment, Giorno raised his hand, "Excuse me, Mr. Joestar, can I ask you a question?"

Jon nodded, "Okay."

Catching Jon's eyes, Giorno said, "I want to ask, what does ascending to 'heaven' mean?"

Of all the people present, he was the only one who came later.

To be honest, he was still confused about going to "heaven".

Jon raised a finger and said, "To put it simply, it is to create a happy one."

Halfway through, he modified his wording, "For me, going to 'heaven' means gaining unparalleled power.

For you, going to "heaven" means achieving happiness.

In other words, I want to create a world where all eight of you are happy. "

Xu Lun’s childhood;

Jotaro’s many regrets;

Emporio’s mother who died young;

Anna Sui's manslaughter;

Aimees' sister;

Giorno's companion;

Love of "Weather Forecast";

F. F’s ‘intelligence’.

With the ability of "Made in Heaven", the world was restarted countless times, and the real "Paradise" was finally completed.

And he, Jon Joestar, will be promoted to a saint on earth, above fate in these countless restarts!

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