A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 124 The Guidance of Destiny

There is a famous ‘monkey theorem’ in academia.

That is, infinite monkeys will produce specific articles in infinite time.

In an infinite amount of time, even a random typing monkey could produce some meaningful words.

So by analogy, there will be a lucky enough monkey to hit a book either continuously or non-consecutively, even if the odds are lower than catching a hundred straight flushes in a row. But after a long enough time, its occurrence is inevitable.

Jon, that’s the ‘monkey’.

Restart the world countless times.

Rewrote destiny countless times.

There will always be a time when everyone will have no regrets!

‘Green Dolphin Prison’, confessional room.

Father Pucci covered his heart in pain, as if he had just been fished out of the water, and his face was extremely pale.

At the same time, the hands of the gold watch on his wrist were rotating crazily at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye.

After an unknown amount of time, Father Pucci finally calmed down.

He took a long breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to himself: "Although I don't know what happened, I should have succeeded."

Using the "code word", Father Pucci easily controlled the "green baby" in the solitary room.

After that, the 'white snake' and the 'green baby' combined to give birth to a new substitute

——‘Crescent Moon (C-MOON)’

However, the power of the new stand is quite strange, and even Father Pucci cannot fully control it.

Just thinking about it.

‘Crescent Moon’ appeared quietly, lying on the main body’s shoulder like a kitten.

Father Pucci's expression was a little unnatural.

After absorbing the power of the 'Green Baby' and evolving from the 'White Snake', the 'Crescent Moon' is as innocent and ignorant as a child in many places.

He sighed silently.

Immediately, his eyes flashed.

All the conditions are there, all it takes is getting to the right place.

North latitude 28 degrees 24 minutes, west longitude 80 degrees 36 minutes.

Waiting for the next "new moon" to arrive, "heaven" will open!

Just leave.

Father Pucci was a man of great action.

After simply changing his clothes, he put on a hat with a brass cross on it and left the Green Dolphin Prison with steady steps.

the other side.

‘ghost house’

Giorno stood up suddenly.

Facing the slightly astonished eyes of everyone, he pondered for a moment and explained: "I feel like something is calling me."

Hearing this, Jon understood instantly.

Swipe on the back of Weather Forecast.


The star-shaped birthmark unique to the Joestar family appears!


Jon was overjoyed.

OK, Pucci, you did a great job!

"Brothers and sisters, uncles and nephews." He also stood up from the sofa and waved his hand, "It's time to leave here and go to a wider world!"


this means

prison Break!

Anna Sui and "Weather Forecast"'s eyes flashed with excitement.

F.F and Ames are also looking forward to it.

Jotaro lowered the brim of his hat and said in a deep voice, "You mean, Enrique Pucci has already started taking action, right?"


Jon nodded.

The conversation changed.

"So, we can't stay here anymore."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Xu Lun was almost anxious, "Don't just talk!"

Love is precious, but freedom is even more valuable.

I really can't stay in this shitty place for a second!

Under Xu Lun's urging, the group walked out of the 'ghost house'.

Usually, 'jailbreaking' requires a solid plan.

However, Jon, who has extensive experience in jailbreaking (referring to escaping from ‘Propel City’), said.


Is that thing edible?

Open your eyes and see who our teammates are!

"God of War" Jotaro Kujo;

"The owner of the BUG Stand" Giorno Giovanna.

There are these two people.

Prison break ≈ spring outing.

There is no need to do so many bells and whistles, just go out openly and be done with it.

of course.

There is an easier way

That is to directly open a 'portal' to the outside world.

With Jon's current ability, not to mention Florida, even Antarctica can be reached in an instant.

Think about it this way.

Xiao D’s classmate is really easy to use.

Leaving the 'Green Dolphin Prison'.

Father Pucci got into a taxi.

The strange thing is that no matter how far we go, the taxi meter always shows '44.44'.

"Sorry, Mr. Father." The taxi driver smiled sheepishly, "Maybe the machine is malfunctioning."


Father Pucci pressed his hat, feeling something indescribable in his heart.

He had a premonition

-Something wonderful is happening.

Come to the city center.

Got out of the car.

Father Pucci glanced around.

Four passers-by in a hurry;

Four cars whizzed past;

Four colorful billboards.

He held his chest tightly and walked into a convenience store on the street without saying a word.

"Product sale, product sale, all products are 40% off!"

"You heard, John's family has another baby, the fourth one!"

"What? You finished fourth in the class? How could I have a daughter as stupid as you!"

"What day is it today? Is it Thursday?"

Father Pucci:.

Four four four four!

There are ‘four’s everywhere!


What exactly does ‘four’ represent?

Stunning Kungfu.

A child stumbled over.

With a 'bang', it hit Father Pucci's leg.

The child was in pain and burst into tears.

Father Pucci came back to his senses and quickly comforted: "My child, are you okay?"

The child didn't speak, just kept crying.

At this moment, a woman with heavy makeup walked over quickly.

Seeing her child with tears and runny nose, she shouted loudly without saying a word, "Do you have any morals? You actually bully my baby!"

Father Pucci frowned subconsciously.

Look at the other person carefully.

Four buttons, four earrings, and four holes in the stockings.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" the woman raised her tone, "Where are the clergy? Is this how the merciful Heavenly Father lets you look at other people randomly?"

Hearing this, Father Pucci was silent for a few seconds.

He said word by word: "I'm sorry, I was rude."

"Humph, that's about it." The corners of the woman's mouth raised slightly, showing a smile that showed success, "In this case, hurry up and pay for it!"

As she said that, she raised four fingers and said, "I don't want more, just four hundred dollars and this matter is over."

Father Pucci smiled instead of angry.

Taking out his wallet, he counted out four hundred-dollar bills and handed them over, "Here."

The woman hurriedly took it.

Be good.

Just a casual mention, I didn’t expect to actually get money!

Those who work in the church are generous.

Thinking of this, the woman looked at Father Pucci with much more eager eyes. She took out a crumpled business card from her underwear and said with a smile: "For the sake of your good attitude in admitting your mistake, I won't argue with you." .

I'm Marianne from Fourth Street. Come to me next time with this business card and I'll give you a 20% discount. "

After saying that, the woman who didn't look very serious licked her lips and suddenly changed her words: "Look carefully, you are surprisingly the type I like. So, I'll give you a 40% discount."

40% off

As expected.

Father Pucci twitched his lips.

He didn't accept the other party's business card.

Instead, he chose to turn around and leave.

Looking at Father Pucci's retreating back, the woman spat disdainfully, "Bah, you're a prude, a trash with a lustful heart but no courage."

Then, she counted the banknotes happily.

After thoroughly checking the authenticity, the woman wanted to put this windfall in her purse.

Unexpectedly, why can't I lift my arm?

She was stunned at first.

Then, huge fear rushed down the spine and into the back of the head.

Look down.

The skin that was originally quite elastic has become as thick as tree bark at some point!

Outside a convenience store.

Father Pucci half-knelt on the ground, silently enduring the severe pain deep in his soul.

"235 This is God's test that I must endure."

Just like the saints of the past were crucified on the cross.

The pain at this time.

It's just a stairway to "heaven".

His face became paler and his eyes became firmer.

A faint white light emitted from Father Pucci's body.


He suddenly felt some kind of guidance.

By chance, four pigeons flew overhead.

Three gray and one white.

Father Pucci stood up firmly.

The severe pain immediately receded like a tide and disappeared without a trace.

He looked into the distance in ecstasy.

"Destiny chose me."

Florida, an apartment.

I went alone.

When we came back there were nine people.

Mista was dumbfounded.

"Mista, let me introduce you." Giorno said calmly, "This is Mr. Kujo Jotaro, and this is Miss Kujo Xuren."

Mista: (⊙_⊙)

BOSS, I'm actually not interested in who they are.

I just want to know, what's going on now?

"Hello, Mista." Jon approached Mista without any surprise and raised four fingers. "If you think about it, we haven't seen each other for almost 44 days."

Hearing this, Mista became angry on the spot.

What does it mean?

Personal attack, right?

Giorno quickly stopped his friend, "Mista, don't be impulsive."

"Giorno, let me go, I'm going to give that mean-mouthed guy a few shots!" Mista, who was locked up by Giorno like a strong man, struggled desperately, "There's no need to discuss this matter! "

"How terrible."

Jon, who had successfully persecuted Mista, hid behind Jotaro without even thinking, with a bright smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jotaro raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, "Why do you always do such meaningless things?"

"It makes no sense, but it's interesting." Jon replied seriously.

Jotaro was speechless.

Xu Lun asked curiously, "Giorno, what happened to your friend?"

"Mista" Giorno was a little helpless, "He is very sensitive to the number between three and five."

Oh, so that’s it~

Everyone suddenly realized.

Then, they looked at Jon in unison.

Which pot is not opened and lifted?

Grab the bamboo shoots.

You have almost taken away all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!

Jon blinked.


What's wrong?

What did I just do?

"Okay Mista, Jon was just kidding you."

After all, Giorno was Giorno, and he calmed down the furious Mista with just a few words.

After a pause, he continued, "Anyway, for a certain purpose, I temporarily joined them."

join in?

Mista asked with an ugly expression: "BOSS, where did they hang out?"

Without waiting for Giorno to reply, Jon began to introduce himself, "No talent, I am Jon Joestar, nicknamed 'Jie Liu Zi'."

Ah this

We obviously know every word, so why are they put together so confusingly?

Mista opened her mouth and couldn't speak for a long time.

After talking about it, Giorno was also speechless.

He always felt that this guy Jon Joestar was completely different from them.

Shaking his head, Giorno walked towards the water dispenser.

No matter what, the most basic courtesy is still required.

Those who come are guests.

Give Xu Lun and the others some saliva.

Rong Rong has a good idea.

But when he opened the cup storage box under the water dispenser, he was surprised to find that there were only four disposable paper cups inside.

Giorno's eyelids twitched slightly.

Such a coincidence?

An indescribable feeling came over me.

He turned around.

Sweep the living room.

One of the five pots of green plants died and became four pots;

What was playing on the TV was an animation of four people traveling together;

There are four cigarette burn holes on the sofa.


It's weird from the inside out.

Suddenly, Giorno's pupils shrank and he instinctively summoned a substitute, "Golden Experience. Requiem!"

Everyone was shocked.

Giorno shouted: "Get away from the TV!"

TV set?

Is there something wrong with the TV?

Jotaro reacted the fastest and directly threw out the 'Time Stop'.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"


Heaven and earth are stagnant.

In the still time, he controlled the Platinum Star to move everyone away.

Jon, who was not affected by the 'time stop', curled his lips.

The dragon slayer eventually becomes the evil dragon.

Ah Qiang, you are getting more and more proficient in this trick of "moving people from time to time".

Half helpless and half amused, he looked at the TV.

The originally played animation of four people inexplicably turned into three people.

The missing one is struggling to climb out of the TV.


That's right, literally crawling out of the TV.

The famous scene of Miss Sadako is perfectly recreated.

"This is the effect of 'Bohemian Rhapsody.'"

Jon touched his smooth chin.

Not only was he not afraid, but there was excitement in his eyes.

‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, whose ability is to give life to all virtual characters.

In short, make paper people come to life!

(Otaku ecstasy.jpg)

The time for random thoughts, ‘Time Stop’ is over.

The people who had been moved away by the 'Platinum Star' turned around without knowing why, and happened to see the avatar crawling out of the TV.


Several people took a breath of cold air involuntarily.

That thing

Is it a stand-in attack? !

At this moment, Jon smiled and said, "Hey, don't be afraid, it's okay."

As he spoke, he picked up the remote control placed on the coffee table.

Pressed a few times.

However, the TV did not respond.

[Partner, that guy blocked the channel. 】Little D reminded him in his mind.

"That's right." Jon said he understood.

With a snap of his fingers, countless thin threads came out from behind him and wrapped around the unknown cartoon character.

One pull, one tug.

A passerby, a cartoon character, was forcefully pulled out.

Jon turned his head and looked at the stunned Mista.

"You have lived here the longest. Please tell me, which channel is the beautiful girl anime on?"


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