A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 126 The village heading for destruction

"Can you still do this? Doesn't that mean that if you plant just one elixir plant, it will grow quickly?"

Yun Ye was immediately shocked.

Growth accelerated by 30,000 times, what a terrifying speed this is!

One year of growth will last 30,000 years. This is to plant a powerful medicine!

"Hmm... It's unlikely, right? This is just the accelerated growth ability of the wood spirit root monk. It can grow ordinary crops very quickly, but if it is a spiritual medicine, the spiritual energy is only enough for a few plants."

Say tomorrow.

"What do you mean, can't the elixir speed things up tenfold?"

Yun Ye asked quickly.

"It's possible. But whether it's elixirs or ordinary crops, they all have their own growing space, and it's impossible to grow them densely."

"Elixirs need more space to grow, otherwise they won't be able to obtain enough nutrients, so it's difficult to accelerate to the level of crops."

"However, compared with ordinary crops, once the elixir reaches its growth limit, it will continuously generate spiritual energy until it reaches the life limit. This is the biggest difference between elixirs and ordinary crops, so it is best not to harvest them immediately when they are ripe."

The Yingyue Baohuan and the secret realm are both part of her, so Tomorrow speaks clearly and understands a lot about how to use her own power.

Yun Ye was very satisfied with this result, as long as it could accelerate growth, not to mention the unexpected surprise?

He had never paid attention to this issue. He really did not expect that part of the spiritual energy in this world was made from elixirs. This was the second way to obtain spiritual energy besides spiritual veins.

However, it takes a very long time for the elixir to reach its growth limit, at least hundreds of years. This is difficult to achieve in places with low spiritual energy concentration.

"Okay, in that case, let's take root in the secret realm, work hard, and accelerate growth!"

After Yun Ye understood the situation, he made a decision.

As long as there is no one around, he will stay in the secret realm, planting rice and accelerating his growth in this life!

In this secret realm, he can grow at a much faster rate than normal, and because it is blessed by the Wood Spirit Technique, he does not need to obtain additional nutrients, he only needs to eat as usual!

In one year, he can grow to be ten years old!

Even if the effect is worse on humans, it is still at least seven or eight years old!

In just two years, he can begin to walk around the world, establish the base of the Tomorrow Society, and launch a challenge to Baishi Town!

In three days, the secret realm was filled with rice, but the growth rate also dropped to ten times.

Since the sunlight in the secret realm can be adjusted at will and the water supply is not interrupted, a batch of rice can mature in almost four months, which is ten times less than 12 days. Compared with the outside world, it is already very fast.

Unfortunately, Yunye's area can only produce 50 kilograms at most, and processing it into rice requires 30% less. It is obviously not enough to maintain rapid growth, and resources must be obtained from the outside world.

In the past three days, Yun Ye has grown a lot and can now walk normally, so going out is not a big problem.

However, behind these gains, there is a heavy reality.

The parents in this life never came back and left their children at home for three full days.

What this means is already obvious.

They probably won't come back.

"Come on, let's go out and take a look."

Yun Ye wrapped the linen cloth around his body and stepped out of the house for the first time with bare feet. The Taoist weapon shrank and was hidden under the linen cloth.


Tomorrow was very excited, floating around, helping Yun Ye explore the way, "There's no one outside!"

Hearing this, Yun Ye stuck his head out of the wooden fence.

Sure enough.

The village is very empty, there are no people, and there is no sound of chickens or dogs.

Come all the way out.

Yun Ye became more and more surprised.

Although this was only a small village, with a thatched hut and courtyard at a distance, there were too few people there. No wonder he hadn't heard anything in the village in the past few days, and everyone was gone?

Suddenly, the shuttle between Tomorrow and tomorrow stopped, and she walked out of the house, with a hint of intolerance in her eyes.

"Master, this family..."

Yun Ye was led in by her. As soon as he entered, the stench that hit his face made his expression change.

When he opened the door, he saw a tragic scene. Four members of the family were all dead. Three of them were stabbed to death, and the murderer... also committed suicide.

Obviously, this is a man who gave his family a happy moment and followed closely behind.

"What happened to this family? Why did they commit suicide?"

Tomorrow explained in confusion.

She is the new path full of hope and cannot understand this escape.

Yun Ye was silent for a moment and said: "It seems that all the food has been taken away, otherwise they would not commit suicide in such despair!"

"Take it away?... Even if you want to take it away, why don't you leave anything behind? Wouldn't this force them to death? Then, who will plant the land for them?" There was anger on Tomorrow's delicate little face.

"Aren't you my 'Tao'...don't you understand these?" Yun Ye's focus was even more special.

"But Master, you haven't started walking yet? Isn't the road a walking path? If it doesn't form an echo, it's false. I can't understand it naturally." Tomorrow said.


Yun Ye was stunned. He didn't expect that Tomorrow would be able to say such wonderful words.

He nodded: "You are right, it is true. My way is still in the stage of fantasy, and there is no confirmation of what repercussions it will cause. In this case, there is no need to say more. Next, I will actually use my eyes and hands to see it. Explore.”

Although they spoke of righteousness, Yun Ye and Tomorrow still rushed in to search for supplies.

Forced to make a living.JPG

In addition to food and clothing, this family also saved some salt. Although the amount was small, it was of great help to Yun Ye. He had not touched salt for three days, so a little was a good thing.

In this way, Yun Ye searched one by one.

Most of the houses were empty, but at the same time there were no supplies left, they had all been taken away.

Only those families who committed suicide in despair had some food left, and the total amount of food was more than ten kilograms.

In the process, Yun Ye also roughly figured out the situation by helping to eavesdrop on the people who were still left tomorrow.

In fact, it was just a very simple thing. The landlord of the village felt unsafe, so he forcibly took away all the grain, and the family moved directly to Baishi Town, leaving them, farmers with no remaining grain, to fend for themselves.

The environment in this world is very desperate. The landlord's family has "masters" who practice Qi nourishing. One person can easily kill a dozen weak peasants with a blade and penetrate people's psychological defenses.

This kind of despair is deeper than that of the feudal dynasty. There is no hope of resistance. A large number of farmers would rather commit suicide as a family than to struggle in vain.

But some simply committed suicide with a knife, while others jumped off a cliff, hoping to die painlessly.

Yun Ye shook his head, expressed his condolences to these miserable farmers and his parents in this life, and then left.

Although he wants to create order, he also knows human nature. At least until he is two years old and can walk, he will open the secret realm, show his power, and establish the Tomorrow Society outside Baishi Town!

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will only lead to deeper despair!

The small village where Yun Ye was born this time was called Qicao Village.

The main thing is that there is a kind of weed called flagweed everywhere, and its only function is to feed cattle and sheep.

However, due to various reasons, fewer and fewer cattle and sheep are fed in Qicao Village, and Qicao has simply become a weed.

This village is relatively close to Hongshan, so when Yun Ye walked towards the back mountain, the concentration of spiritual energy was slowly rising.

The test method is also very simple. Just open the moon disk, let the spiritual energy flow, and then observe the changes in the growth time of the crops.

The faster it grows, the stronger the aura from the outside world is.

This is also a new method. As long as the concentration of external spiritual energy is higher than that of the secret realm, the growth acceleration of the secret realm can be further enhanced.

"But, in that case, I should try my best to increase the concentration of spiritual energy, right? As long as the concentration of spiritual energy is high, the acceleration multiplier will naturally increase?"

After walking a hundred or two hundred meters, Yun Ye felt extremely tired and returned to the secret realm to rest.

This was the question he asked during this period. Since he was idle anyway, he might as well ask whatever came to mind and get a thorough understanding of the situation.

"No, no, the law of wood is the foundation. The higher the foundation, the stronger the effect of the same amount of spiritual energy."

"The correct situation is to fully improve the Law of Wood and completely borrow external spiritual energy... But this will cause a lot of inconveniences. The space channel needs to be opened all the time. The master's current situation is very good!"

In his heart, he said quickly tomorrow.

"I see... It seems that I need to find a spiritual land as soon as possible. The secret realm will be accelerated as soon as possible, and I will also complete the primitive accumulation as soon as possible!"

Yun Ye said.

In this life, he will rapidly surpass his previous life.

In the second life, he could penetrate the judge's head and almost behead Ji Xuan and Ji Yan. In this life, he will directly suppress them and will not give them a chance to resist.

But the premise of all this is to grow up steadily, and it is best to surpass all the judges and win like a crushing force. Otherwise, problems will inevitably arise if the team is weak and weak.

"Master, don't be careless. Those judges have not used many methods, and almost no magic weapons or magic weapons have been used."

After a reminder tomorrow, she fell silent. Once she becomes active, Yun Ye's mental energy will be consumed.

Yun Ye is too weak now. Even spiritual dialogue is a burden!

Yun Ye closed his eyes and rested his mind, running his imagination and quickly regaining his strength.

"Cultivation of Qi Nourishing Technique, mid-entry level!"

Three days.

He has completed the entry and completed the early stage. If there is enough food, he will probably start laying the foundation soon.

The accumulation in the second life is actually very powerful.

The effect of the Dacheng Realm Imagination Technique is at least twice that of the Perfect Realm Qi Nourishing Technique, and the spiritual utilization efficiency is extremely high.

By eating the same food, Yun Ye gained twice as much life energy as the Perfect Realm Qi Nourishing Technique.

It once took him three years to reach the foundation level, but now, it only takes him a month to eat ordinary food.

Reincarnation means that Yun Ye no longer needs to stumble through exploration and learning, and can start directly at a high position.

"This is...a gray ferocious pig?"

Suddenly, Yun Ye jumped up, his eyes shining.

What did he see?

A big gray pig that weighs at least 500 kilograms?

For ordinary villages, this is not an easy solution, but for Yun Ye, it is a feast delivered to their door!

"Hum hum!"

The gray pig was wandering in the fields, looking for something to eat. Now that the village was almost empty, no one stopped it.

Unfortunately, the food had already been dug up three feet into the ground. The gray pig went around and couldn't find anything good. It could only dig up some grass roots and bulbs to gnaw.

This is also the racial talent of the gray ferocious pig. It can eat almost anything, is very adaptable, and is a dominant species.

Even outside human areas, areas where demons are rampant, there are many gray ferocious pigs. Although they are only at the bottom and are not even ordinary demons, they are still an important part of the ecological chain. They have rough skin and thick flesh, and do not have sharp swords. It is difficult to kill seven or eight people.

Yun Ye came out of the secret realm and directly summoned the Taoist weapon. The Yingyue Baohuan rotated at the hilt of the sword, and a large amount of sunlight gathered to form an eager sword blade.

"Hum hum--"

The sound of chirping suddenly stopped, and the gray ferocious pig did not notice the problem at all, so its body and head were separated, and its head was chopped off by Yun Ye who walked aside.

Yun Ye was still a baby, and with the size of the gray ferocious pig, he couldn't even notice it, so it died without any struggle.

The moon disk expanded and was teleported into the secret realm along with Yun Ye.

With such a big harvest, Yun Ye rubbed his hands and started handling it enthusiastically. No meat was wasted, even the bones were used to make soup, and then he ate and drank.

In this world, even E-level physiques are very strong.

This is natural. Having inherited the spiritual roots and spiritual talent from the ancestors, the physique cannot be too ordinary.

Maybe it can't be compared with those great gods, but it is better than modern people. It is a kind of group evolution.

Because of this, even though Yun Ye was only one month old, he had no problem eating meat.

While eating, Yun Ye used his imagination to absorb spiritual substances, allowing his Qi-nourishing skills to increase.

This gray ferocious pig is not a demon, but it is just right. It does not need to be transformed into demon power. It is rich in spiritual substances, much more than rice. It makes Yun Ye feel like he is eating premium food and quickly regains his energy.

After eating and resting for a while, Yun Ye set off again.

With the strength of a baby's feet, it was obviously impossible to walk very far, so the journey lasted a long time.

It took a full month before Yun Ye slowly walked through the rolling hills behind Qicao Village and saw the Red Mountain in the distance.

In this area, although the aura content is still lower than that in the secret realm, it is only a little different. It will probably be surpassed soon, further increasing the growth rate of crops in the secret realm.

In one month, I harvested three times, basically about 40 kilograms each.

Yun Ye was obviously very dissatisfied, because after conversion, the yield per mu was only two hundred kilograms, which was far from the modern eight hundred to one thousand. It had to be increased to support his cultivation!

However, before increasing production, Yun Ye wanted to develop various modern automatic machines.

Even if the yield is only 40 kilograms, it would be very difficult for a baby to harvest it, not to mention the subsequent operations of cleaning, shelling, and removing the bran layer to turn it into white rice, which is really troublesome.

After Yun Ye tried it for a while, he gave up decisively and boiled it directly with the shell. Anyway, it just tasted bad, but the nutrition was very high.

It has to be said that farming is really a hard job, especially when there is no extraordinary strength or machinery. It is natural for farmers who have struggled to survive for generations to become mentally numb.

I'm so exhausted that I can't think of anything else.

"Nurture Qi and lay the foundation, mid-term!"

Looking at the cultivation level displayed on the panel, Yun Ye breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his efforts had been rewarded.

In this month, although the road has been slow, the growth has been extremely rapid. Not only has he grown a lot taller, but his cultivation of Qi cultivation has also reached the foundation, and it is still in the middle stage.

The speed of cultivation for increasing physical talent was far beyond his imagination, and it didn't even take a month to establish the foundation!

With the help of Gray Fierce Pork, Yun Ye even surpassed the early stage of founding and reached the middle stage directly in one month.

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