A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 125 Secret Realm Growth Acceleration Mechanism

Yesterday, only three seeds were planted in Yingyue Secret Realm, but today Yun Ye saw a large area of ​​thriving rice, at least three hundred plants!

Apparently, the newly planted rice ears were already mature and fell down to form a large area!

A line of text appeared on these more than 300 rice ears.

"Growth is accelerated 80 times, remaining maturity time: 3 hours. 』

"If I remember correctly, the current maximum growth acceleration limit should be ten times..."

Yun Ye was full of astonishment.

He didn't understand how this eighty times acceleration came about!

Has the secret realm grown?

The book of reincarnation fell in Yun Ye's hand and turned to a page in the secret realm.

"Strange, there is no change...the upper limit is indeed ten times the acceleration. What is going on?"

Looking at these three hundred rice plants, Yun Ye's thoughts were looming, and he couldn't calm down.

"Hey, what's the reason?"

A little annoyed, Yun Ye rubbed his head against the thatch, and for a while he really couldn't grasp this flash of inspiration.

Before Yun Ye could figure it out, Tomorrow came back first.

"How about it?"

Yun Ye asked.

"I'm not sure. They just walked up the mountain without saying a word."

Tomorrow shook his head.

"What about the people in the village? What didn't you notice?"

Yun Ye said.

"In the village, everyone seems to be in a bad mood?"

Tomorrow was a little uncertain because she wasn't paying attention.

"bad mood?"

Yun Ye fell into deep thought.

Could it be that Baishi Town has increased taxes again?

After all, the rice has just been harvested, which is a good time for exploitation.

However, this is obviously not something that Yun Ye can solve at the moment, and he himself can't even protect himself.

Yun Ye pressed his stomach, feeling a strong sense of hunger lingering. He had woken up from hunger in the first place, but now he was getting more and more uncomfortable. He had to get something to eat.

Yun Ye looks towards tomorrow...

He has limited mobility, but he can walk through walls tomorrow, so it doesn't seem difficult to get some food back.

"Master, although I look like I have a body, I can't interfere with reality. I can only add rules if I want to do it."

The little black-haired girl saw what Yun Ye meant and quickly waved her little hand to prevent Yun Ye from having too high expectations of her.

"That's it. Then help me find somewhere to eat at home."

Yun Ye had expected it a long time ago. He originally thought that his Taoist weapon would be special, but it seemed that it was not.

"Yeah, yeah."

Tomorrow readily accepted it and began to search through the walls everywhere.

But in reality, how much space can there be in a farmer's thatched house, so it didn't take long for Tomorrow to find two areas for storing food: "There is a rice jar over there, which is about three kilograms thick. Rice. And there are some pickles in the corner of the kitchen, but the quantity is very small.”

Three kilograms of rice...

Yun Ye sighed and climbed hard to the place mentioned tomorrow.

Then, he held the rice can and sank directly into the secret realm.

It is impossible for him to eat the rice raw, so he needs to use the Yingyue Baohuan to heat it. This operation is safer in the secret realm.

After arriving at the secret realm, Yun Ye could freely open the moon disk and travel back and forth. He carried the rice can and moved to the puddle, stood up and filled the can with water.

But this was obviously too slow. Yun Ye thought for a moment. Since he could transfer, wouldn't it be enough to just use the moon disk to connect to the water source?

So, the jar was quickly filled, and when Yun Ye closed the lid, the Yingyue Baohuan illuminated some high temperatures, and the cooking stage began.

I have to say that the conditions in this life are really good.

With a safe base like the Secret Realm to produce supplies, and the Yingyue Baohuan Road protecting the road to deal with common dangers, it has become almost perfect.

"Tomorrow, do you have the ability to drive away demons similar to the White Stone Taoist Device?"

"Next, I will probably accelerate my growth and then establish a base for tomorrow's meeting. If you have this ability, it will be much easier."

Yun Ye took a big gulp of porridge, and as soon as he thought about it, the Qi Nourishing Technique started to work.

A great deal of spirituality is extracted from food and transformed into life force.

Of course, spirituality only.

Nutrients such as starch also need to be absorbed slowly by the intestines and stomach.

Tomorrow walked around the secret realm and touched rice, but she passed directly through it. She was indeed incorporeal to other substances in the outside world, and she didn't care. She observed happily and answered Yun Ye's questions.

"No, except for the true name ability, all other abilities are the result of revised rules. The Taoist tools in Baishi Town can expel demons. Maybe he has this ability himself? It may also be achieved by revised rules."

"Master, please work hard and let everyone know me, so that everyone can eat full rice."

Her statement further complemented Yun Ye's understanding of Taoist tools.

Yun Ye nodded silently: "I see, if you want to expel demons, you need to customize your own rules..."

He doesn't have the conditions now. The work of clearing out demons should be left to the upgrade system in the early stage.

If he responds, he should give priority to the upgrade system so that the upgrade system can get rid of a single individual as soon as possible.

This will not only improve the strength of the Tomorrow Society, but also greatly weaken the threat of demons, with no harm at all.

Yun Ye only made one-tenth of the three kilograms of rice, and he drank it all in one gulp.

As a new generation with a D-level physical talent, Yun Ye's digestion ability was much higher than that of the previous one, and he didn't feel any discomfort after drinking the porridge.

Yun Ye even turned his attention to the mouse corpse lying quietly not far away.

"Sword of Tomorrow!"

Yun Ye summoned the Taoist weapon and wanted to use the ability to cut open the concept to dispose of the corpse.

But he glanced at Tomorrow who was watching him take the next step with some interest...

He still put away the Tomorrow Sword.

Forget it, using the Tomorrow Sword to deal with a mouse is too awesome. It always feels like you are pouring blood and water on this little girl, which is ridiculously dirty.

"Eh? Don't you want to deal with it?"

On the contrary, Tomorrow had no such concept and asked a little strangely.

"It may not be needed. Besides, the Yingyue Baohuan can be used instead."

Yun Ye concentrated his attention and gathered the power of the Yingyue Baohuan.

Finally, the heat rays converge to form a high-temperature cutting line.

Even though this is a very dispersed force compared to a judge, it is still enough to deal with an ordinary mouse.

Yun Ye simply removed the head, opened the internal organs, picked out the edible meat, and then roasted it with high temperature to kill the virus.

The meat was piled up in front of him, stained with a lot of soil, but Yun Ye didn't care.

Isn’t the rice he eats all ashes?

Still thick rice!

As long as you can eat it, get used to it.

As soon as he finished dealing with it, Yun Ye suddenly felt dizzy, and tomorrow disappeared directly.

Yun Ye pressed his head and could still feel the presence of tomorrow, "What is this?"

"Ah... the master's energy is not enough to maintain my existence. The Taoist weapon is an aggregation of beliefs, so maintenance requires a steady stream of energy. If the energy is not enough, it will not be able to enter the liberated state, or even call me out, the master will definitely pay attention."

Tomorrow's voice echoes ethereally, completely different from the physical voice, but it is very easy to distinguish its state.

"I see, I will pay attention."

"By the way, tomorrow, I remember that this secret realm only has a tenfold acceleration. Why do these rice grow so fast? There is a sixty-fold acceleration?"

Yun Ye was interrupted like this and thought of this problem.

"Well, because the spiritual energy is fixed, it will naturally be instilled as much as there is. About 3,000 rice plants can be planted here. If only one plant is planted, the growth rate will be 30,000 times the normal growth."

"Three hundred plants are 100 times more likely to mature. It will take about a little more than a day to mature."

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