A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 127 The Moon Reflecting Flag

After reaching the foundation of cultivation, Yun Ye's physique has become much stronger, with more physical strength and energy, and his speed of travel has increased.

But his current physical condition is at most that of a two-year-old child. It is good enough to walk one thousand meters a day. It is still 20 to 30 days to reach the edge of Hongshan.

It will probably take a long time to find an area with good spiritual energy that will not be noticed by Baishi Town.

Moreover, Yun Ye's secret realm only produces food, and Yun Ye has to prepare other necessities of life by himself.

For example, salt.

Yun Ye has been hunting prey to get salt for the past month, which is a waste of effort.

There is a reason why people live in groups.

There are too many things a person needs to do, and he can't take care of them at all. At least Yun Ye is now wrapped in a piece of cloth casually, without even a decent pair of clothes and shoes.

This is okay in summer, but as time goes by, the weather turns cold, Yun Ye still feels cold even if he wraps himself in a few layers of linen, and it is extremely uncomfortable to wear.

Not to mention that wrapped in linen, his legs and feet are not protected, and he often gets injured, which makes people depressed.

He must become stronger as soon as possible and establish the Tomorrow Club. An organized group is necessary.

Whether it is survival, development or enjoyment!

"I don't know how Wang Yao and the others are doing. Have they put the halo book in place according to my instructions? At this rate, I'm afraid I will be able to get the halo book back soon."

It has only been a month since Yang Shi's death, and Wang Yao and the others will not change.

Therefore, the halo book should have been placed by them at the designated location in Hongshan.

This was originally a back-up plan, allowing Yun Ye to contact the Tomorrow Club in advance and gain a stable growth space.

However, he is growing very fast now, so he is not in a hurry. It will be easier to awaken the spiritual roots and join the Tomorrow Club directly as the successor of the Dao weapon in two years.


"Blood smell?"

Yun Ye, who was struggling on the mountain road, suddenly smelled the smell of blood. He frowned and chased after him quickly.

When he walked to the corner, he suddenly saw the light.

Three carriages overturned.

Corpses were everywhere.

The smell of blood was extremely strong.

A team was intercepted here, and they were going for money and property.

"A caravan that was robbed?"


Yun Ye had never thought that there were still bandits in Baishi Town. There was no room for bandits in this world, right?

In his second life, he had never seen a mission to eliminate bandits, let alone encounter them on the road.

Even if the government did not pay attention to it and there was no mission to eliminate bandits, theoretically bandits would have no way to survive.

Because the caravans that passed by were basically protected by spiritual root revivers, they were a tool for the family to make money.

What kind of bandits could intercept the money of the family and still be at large?

Yun Ye did not continue to advance, fearing that he would cause any big trouble, so he observed the body first.

"He died about one or two hours ago, died from weapons and various traps, and there was no sign of any spiritual magic..."

Yun Ye was a little confused.

This place was not the protection area of ​​the Taoist artifacts in Baishi Town, and the probability of demons appearing was not small.

A group of ordinary people, not only set up a mountain stronghold here, but also killed people?

Afraid that the demons would not be attracted?

Just when Yun Ye was wondering why, a fragment of a flag caught Yun Ye's attention.

That was a bright moon.

The outer side was like a ring, all white, and the inner side seemed to have waves. From a distance, it looked like a moon disk, lifelike - isn't this the Yingyue Ring?

"What's going on! I've only been reincarnated for a month, and the Tomorrow Society has already started to act?"

Yun Ye held his head and tried to sort out his thoughts.


It doesn't make sense at all!

It's only been a month or two, how strong can the Tomorrow Society be now? Aren't the core members only Wang Yao, Tong Huoyang, Yang Shu and his wife, and the earliest batch of children trained by the Yang family?

How dare they come out and make a fuss, and directly draw the Yingyue Ring to attract hatred?

Yun Ye, who was puzzled, decided to go up the mountain to explore.

He was originally very stable.

But when it came to the Tomorrow Society, he couldn't be stable, and he had to see what was going on.

"Mingri, help me look around!"


Mingri ran out with great interest. Her activity radius was 30 meters, which was actually a very large number. At least in the forest, it was very far away, and a lot of information could be detected.

Yunye followed the breath all the way up the mountain. There were a lot of blood dripping. Obviously, someone was kidnapped and taken up the mountain together.

After walking a distance and reaching the top of the mountain, a mountain village loomed.

Although it was very simple, there was indeed a group of people gathered here.

Yunye murmured: "There are really bandits..."

No matter how many times he repeated it.

Yunye was still very surprised when he really saw the real thing.

But he also came to his senses.

It was because he had only been reincarnated for a month that this group of bandits had room to survive.

After a long time, he was noticed by Baishi Town, and being trampled like weeds was the only result.

Mingri, who went to investigate, came back.

She said: "It seems that they have been here for a short time. This is only the second time they succeeded, so they were celebrating, and I didn't hear any response from my fellow practitioners."

In short, it is.

Real bandits.

It has nothing to do with the tomorrow meeting.

The whole conclusion made Yun Ye feel relieved, but it was obviously not the end. He needed to know why someone would take the banner of Yingyue Baohuan to be a bandit.

The fine workmanship was obviously not something that could be done casually, and there must be a certain plan.

If Yun Ye wants to get the truth, he has to ask his leader, but guessing is useless.

But he looked at his height of fifty centimeters.

"Hmm... It seems that I have no choice but to play stealth."

Night falls.

The entire cottage fell into a dead silence after the carnival. Most of the people were drunk and collapsed on the ground. There was not even a guard. Yun Ye, who had been preparing for a long time, twitched the corner of his mouth and felt that he was ogling a blind man.

But it saves effort, so it's good. Yun Ye followed his good example and slipped directly into the village from a corner, and started wandering around looking for the target who was suspected of being the leader.

Of course, he didn't look for it on his own. The risk of exposure would be too great. There is no need to do this if there is tomorrow's help.

This search lasted for two hours, intermittently, mainly because he needed mental energy to maintain tomorrow. Yun Ye had to keep his mental energy above the horizontal line at all times, so he kept resting and recovering, which wasted a lot of time.

Yun Ye found the bandit leader at the central bonfire. It was mainly because it was dark under the lamp. He kept searching in tents and huts. Unexpectedly, the bandit leader lay down and slept beside the bonfire.

As for how to recognize it...

Only this bandit has a moon disk embroidered on his chest. Although it is very rough and incomparable with the one on the flag, it can still be seen that it shows his identity.

"Moon disk!"

Yun Ye opened the space tunnel and brought the bandit leader directly into the secret realm.

In the secret realm, no matter how big the movement is, it is no big deal, so you can feel free to “ask”.

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