Chapter 826 Jingjin and Weijin

 Listening to the applause of the audience, behind Konoyama Jun, everyone in the neon delegation looked quite ugly.

But Konoyama Jun has adjusted his mentality and is whispering something to Arai Junta.

On the stage, Li Yi raised his hand to suppress the applause and then said with a smile: "Thank you for your applause. I know that these applauses are not for me, but for our wise Chinese ancestors."

  After making a small joke, which caused all the representatives from various countries present to laugh, Li Yicai continued seriously: "The evidence of silk fabrics only represents that our country already had superb textile technology 5,600 years ago at the latest.

 But if we examine the emergence of textile technology, it will take longer.

 At the Cao Xie Mountain Cultural Site in Suzhou Province, silk fabrics, as well as textile tools and sewing tools such as pottery spinning wheels, bone spindles, and wooden hank rods were unearthed.

From the Neolithic sites in Meiyan Town, Wujiang, many relics were unearthed and collected, including seven flat and round spinning wheels. On the unearthed pottery decorations, there are two silkworm-shaped decorations.

From the Yang Neolithic site in Qianshan, Zhejiang, silk threads, ribbons and other silk fabrics were unearthed. Among them, the silk fabrics were identified as plain weave fabrics made of filaments twisted by silkworms, intertwined with warp and weft.

The earliest primitive loom was unearthed at the Hemudu site in Yuyao, which shows that my country had mastered sericulture and textile technology as early as 6,000 years ago. "

Having said this, Li Yi stopped for a moment, turned his gaze to the Neon Country delegation office, and said with a slight smile: "This is the absolute leader in sericulture and textile technology. Many areas affected by our country's silk weaving culture, even in the 7th century, They also use the method of holding silkworms in their mouths to draw silk into silk, which is enough to show the difference in the level of mulberry silk weaving."

Hearing Li Yi's words, the corners of Konoyama Jun's eyes twitched.

He knew that what Li Yi said about holding a silkworm in his mouth and pulling out the silk was referring to the Neon Kingdom.

 This sentence comes from Volume 1 of "Neon Secretary", "The Age of the Gods".

 "Neon Secretary" and "Kojiki" were compiled at the same time, eight years later than "Kojiki".

They were all compiled under the order of Emperor Tenmu at that time in order to declare his imperial authority.

 Different from "Kojiki", "Neon Secretary" is regarded as the earliest official history of Neon Kingdom, ranking first among the histories of the Six Kingdoms.

  However, like "Kojiki", it is written entirely in Chinese characters.

When preparing the materials for the application, Konoyama Shun also checked this ancient book, the official history.

When he saw the method of pulling silk from a cocoon by holding it in the mouth recorded in the book, he already understood that the Neon Country had not mastered the method of pulling out silk from the cocoon, at least before that time.

 Therefore, in the material, he deliberately ignored this matter and did not even mention the book "Neon Secretary".

But he didn't expect that Li Yi had even read this book and found the key to life.

Our ancestors in China were weaving silk with looms as early as 6,000 years ago, while in Neon Country, we were still holding silkworm cocoons in our mouths to draw silk more than a thousand years ago.

 Is it still necessary to compare?

 Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and comforted himself secretly.

 It is useless to argue about the origin, what matters is the development of technology.

Even if the silk weaving technology of the Neon country developed relatively late, why can’t the Neon people develop it more advanced than the Chinese people through their own ingenuity?

 In the last century, Neon Country’s textile industry surpassed that of China!

 Don’t panic! Don’t panic at all!

On the stage, Li Yi put one hand in his pocket and held a laser pointer in the other as he walked out of the podium.

He had already entered the state, pointed at the photo on the curtain with a laser pointer, and introduced: "This silk fabric was unearthed from the Yin Ruins site in Xiaotun Village, Henan Province. The period of the site is the Shang Dynasty in the 16th century BC in my country. .

 Look at the surface of the silk fabric. Do you see the pattern on it? That is woven using jacquard technology.

This shows that more than 3,600 years ago, people of the Shang Dynasty were already proficient in using looms to produce such exquisite jacquard fabrics. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, our country transitioned from slavery to feudalism, and all countries began to enrich the country, strengthen their military, and develop agriculture and mulberry.

As a result, silk textile technology experienced explosive development again.

 At that time, assembly line operations had already appeared for the production of weapons and tools. Similarly, the textile industry also carried out division of labor.

As a result, silk textile technology began to differentiate, forming three major categories of silk fabric products: silk, qi, and brocade.

The brocade here is the predecessor of the Jinling Yun Brocade that we applied for World Heritage this time. "

Following Li Yi’s explanation, representatives from various countries at the scene were fascinated.

 Many representatives from small countries were shocked beyond measure when looking at the silk fabric cultural relics displayed in a photo.

Although most of these silk fabrics are damaged, the patterns revealed in the remaining parts and the delicacy of the texture can also be seen how exquisite they were when they were intact.

You must know that these are silk fabrics from more than 2,000 years ago!

 In many countries and regions more than two thousand years ago, they were still eating hair, drinking blood, and living in animal skins.

Looking at the sense of history in the photo, representatives from various countries could not help but stand in awe.

 This is a powerful and brilliant culture of an ancient civilization!

Standing on one side of the podium, Li Yi looked like a teacher teaching a group of primary school students.

“Xishi, one of the four famous beauties in our country, before she was presented to King Wu Fucha, she raised silkworms and weaved silk in her hometown of Zhuluo Village, and she often washed yarn by the river next to the village.

 The later name of the song "Huanxisha" comes from this allusion, and countless nouns were born.

 In the Qin and Han Dynasties, the unification of Qin and the establishment of a centralized system laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Han Dynasty.

 During the Western Han Dynasty, my country's silk production focus was mainly in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River.

 Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, Shu brocade from the southwest has become the most famous silk product in our country.

It was also during this period that Zhang Qian went on a mission to the Western Regions and opened up the Silk Road. Shu brocade was sold to Europe and became a top-grade commodity more precious than gold.

In order to strengthen the management of Shu Brocade, the Eastern Han Dynasty government established a Shu Brocade Management Agency in Chengdu, and set up Brocade Officials for management.

 That’s why Chengdu, a city in Chengdu, got its nickname Jinguancheng from this time. "

Shaking the laser pointer, the photos on the PPT were switched, and photos of silk fabrics appeared one after another. Li Yi introduced them one by one: "During the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty, the popular brocades at that time were mainly two-color or three-color warp brocades with alternately displayed patterns. host.

In 1959, the Wanshiruyi brocade discovered at the site of Fengnia, a province in the Western Regions, is a typical brocade of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

 Both Jing brocade and Wei brocade appeared relatively early in my country, but because the weft density of Jing brocade is relatively low, it can be produced with only one shuttle, and the efficiency is relatively high.

Brocade weaving is more time-consuming, but more than two shuttles can be used, and the colors can be easily changed and the colors are rich.

 Hence, most of the brocades woven before the Six Dynasties were warp brocades based on warp flowers.

Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, a large number of weft brocades mainly made of weft flowers appeared. "

 Speaking of this, Li Yi looked at the Neon delegation again.

 Seeing Li Yi looking over, Konoyama Jun's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Every time this guy looks at him, nothing good happens. What does he want to do this time?

He expected it well, and sure enough, Li Yi immediately spoke: "You can find evidence of this from the information just presented by the representative of Neon Country."




 (End of this chapter)

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