Chapter 827 The argument is reasonable!

 The information just shown?

Konoyama Jun was stunned when he heard this, and then he squeezed the hand on his knee.

 Before the meeting, he was very confident in the materials he had prepared personally.

 But after hearing that Li Yi quoted scriptures several times, and even cited classics from the Neon Kingdom to support his arguments, he felt a little guilty.

This young man who suddenly appeared is a bit more difficult than he realized.

He knows a lot about the rising stars in the fields of Chinese history and archeology, but why has he never heard of the name Li Yi before?

Looking at Li Yi's leisurely posture strolling on the stage, Konoyama Jun couldn't help but feel an inexplicable panic in his heart.

He had a hunch that what Li Yi would say next might completely cut off the possibility of their Nishijin Cloud Brocade project being approved as a World Heritage Site.

 On the stage, Li Yi signaled to the staff responsible for playing the PPT: "Please play the player to bring up the speech materials of the representative of Neon Country just now, open it, and turn it back. Yes, continue to turn it. Okay, stop, this is it."

Pointing the laser pointer at the PPT, Li Yi explained the speech materials of Neon Country: "The chain of evidence listed by the Neon Country project team starts here. Representative Kono Yamatoshi believes that Neon Country's silk fabrics appeared in The Jomon period of the first millennium BC.

The evidence listed in the materials is the traces of cloth patterns on the pottery fragments at that time.

  But you can see that the density of these lines only ranges from 6 to 12 per square centimeter.

To put it bluntly, I think this should not be called cloth, but a mosquito net.

In the materials I just listed, the silk fabrics unearthed from the Zhou Dynasty ruins in my country that were also in the first millennium BC are already exquisite silk fabrics with jacquard textures.

 There is no need for me to elaborate on the difference between them. Everyone should make a judgment in their minds.

Flipping back, the next listed physical evidence of the Yayoi period is a picture of a fabric unearthed at the Ayaragi site in Neon Shimonoseki City.

 But the fabric in the photo is not silk fabric at all, but a piece of ramie cloth, and it has only 18 warp threads and 20 weft threads per square centimeter.

Compared with the Jomon period six hundred years ago, this level of weaving seems to have not improved significantly!

In addition, according to Neon Kingdom documents such as "Neon Shoki", "Kojiki", and "Old Sayings Collected Articles", most of the clothes during the Yayoi period were made of plant fiber materials such as mulberry cloth, cotton coarse cloth, linen cloth, and rattan cloth. The fabric does not form a scale. "

Having said this, Li Yi glanced at the livid Neon Kingdom delegation below the stage, smiled slightly, and continued: "The Yayoi period was from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD, but before the middle of the 2nd century AD, Neon None of Hong Kong has mastered silk fabric technology.

In the late 2nd century AD, my country was in the Western Jin Dynasty. The "Three Kingdoms" written by Chen Shou, a historian at that time, recorded a fabric exchange between my country and the Neon Kingdom.

 A.D. 238, which was the second year of Emperor Jingchu of Cao Wei and Ming Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period of my country.

In this year, there was a slave country called Yamatai Kingdom in Neon. Queen Himihu sent an envoy to Luoyang, the capital of Wei, hoping to establish diplomatic relations with Wei.

Among the gifts presented by the envoys at that time, there were two pieces of Banbu and two feet long.

 The so-called Banbu is a coarse and variegated linen fabric.

 As a national gift, the gift given by Yamatai Kingdom was just a roll of linen.

This shows that in the Neon country at that time, even the rulers could not produce decent silk fabrics. It can be seen that the silk weaving technology did not appear at all in the Neon country at that time.

Among the gifts that Emperor Wei Ming gave back at that time, there were five pieces of Jiangdijiaolong brocade, ten pieces of Jiangdi crepe millet, fifty pieces of Qianjiang, and fifty pieces of cyanotic green.

In addition, he also presented to Queen Himihu separately three pieces of Cyan Diju Wen brocade, five pieces of Guixi Banhua, and fifty pieces of Baijuan.

 In this gift list, two kinds of brocades appear.

Jiang Di Jiao Long Brocade is made of crimson as the ground brocade, decorated with cross dragon patterns.

Cyan Dijuwen brocade is made of cyan color and decorated with Juqu patterns. This is a historical material recorded at the end of the 2nd century AD, more than 1,800 years ago.

It is enough to show that at that time, Neon Country did not master silk weaving technology, let alone brocade weaving technology. "

  Listening to Li Yi on the stage, who turned on the fire mode without mercy, everyone in the Neon Country delegation felt as if they were sitting on pins and needles.

But faced with Li Yi's argument, they didn't know how to refute, so they could only look at Konoyama Jun at the front.

Konoyama Jun sat upright, looking at the stage silently, trying hard to manage his expression.

 He knew that he must not lose his composure at this time.

 Once you lose your composure, there is really no hope.

As for the Chinese delegation, Director Zhu could no longer contain his excitement and his face was beaming.

If the leader at the front hadn't turned around and signaled with his eyes, he would have been unable to hold back and would have jumped up and cheered.

right! That's it! The argument must be reasonable! He was so angry that the kid couldn't even fart!

"So when did the Neon Kingdom master silk weaving technology? It is also recorded in "Three Kingdoms"."

Li Yi gestured to switch back to the project information, pointed to the content of "Three Kingdoms" intercepted above, and explained: "In the fourth year of the reign of King Wei Qi, that is, in 243, Queen Himihu once again sent envoys to Wei and presented gifts again. .

This time, the gifts she presented included Japanese brocade, purple silk, brocade clothes, silk cloth and other fabrics.

In other words, the Neon Kingdom learned and mastered the silk fabric weaving technology from our country only after 238 AD. "

 Listening to Li Yi's explanation, representatives from various countries present looked astonished.

At the judges' bench in front, all the judges nodded.

Compared with Konoyama Jun's eloquent and secretive speech, Li Yi's speech is well-founded, has facts, evidence, and exact figures. The quality and level of his speech are countless times better.

Seeing that the judges had been conquered by Li Yi's speech, the Neon Country delegation was also panicked and anxiously rummaged through the information, looking for rebuttal arguments.

But the more they read, the more they became disheartened, because Li Yi's arguments were all based on the information in their hands and could not be refuted at all.

 Li Yi on the stage did not stop, and was still throwing out ironclad evidence: "When "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" was written, it was at the end of the 2nd century, which was also the era of Emperor Yingshen of the Neon Kingdom.

At that time, our country was in the midst of the war between the Five Hus and the Chinese, and many people fled through the Chaoxian Peninsula and fled to the Neon Kingdom.

From the end of the 2nd century to the end of the 3rd century, for more than a hundred years, Emperor Onishin to Emperor Nintoku worked hard to absorb immigrants from our country, and took the initiative to send male and female weavers to the land of Wuyue in our country to learn silk spinning technology. .

Emperor Ongami also issued an edict to give the surname Hata to the textile workers from our country who immigrated there.

This character is the Chinese character Qin. In Neon language, this character means weaver.

In the 4th century, during the reign of Emperor Yungō, Emperor Yungō gathered the silk weaving workers together and once again gave the surname Hattori Ren.

 These workers are the predecessors of the wealthy family of Neon Country, the Hattori family.

The ninja **** Hattori Hanzo in the history of Neon Country came from this family. "

Li Yi was still speaking on the stage, but Junta Arai, who had been sitting next to Konoyama Jun in the audience, suddenly stood up angrily, pointed at Li Yi and yelled.

The voice of the translator came from the simultaneous translation earphones: "You are talking nonsense!"




 (End of this chapter)

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