A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 825: This is called reasonable and evidence-based!

Chapter 825: This is reasonable!

 Li Yi did not feel any psychological pressure when explaining in public on such an occasion.

If Director Zhu is really asked to come, he is really worried that Director Zhu will not be able to handle it.

 Moreover, he is the most professional in silk weaving, and only he understands the weaving technology. It is undoubtedly the best choice for him to explain it.

After the review of the Neon Guo Yun Brocade project is completed, the next step is Hua Guo.

 When he heard the host of the meeting, the spokesperson of the Tsinghua delegation came on stage, Li Yi stood up directly.

 “I’ll give you the information.”

 Director Zhu handed the speech and the project information to Li Yi.

Li Yi took it and walked to the podium. He put the information on the stage without opening it and said directly: "Dear members and friends, I am the spokesperson of the Jinling Yunjin World Heritage Project in China, Li Yi. , Next, let me explain to you the content of the project.”

Looking across the Neon Country delegation not far away, Li Yi smiled slightly and said: "Silk is a specialty of our country, and it was also the medium that opened the first large-scale commercial exchange between the East and the West in world history.

 During the Warring States Period, my country’s silk had already been transported to Europe through the Silk Road.

In the 1st century AD, Ptolemy, the great Roman geographer, recorded the Macedonian businessman Metz’s journey to the Kingdom of Seles in his Geography.

 Seres, also known as Seres in Latin, means related to silk.

It can be seen that in the eyes of Europeans at that time, silk represented our country, and our country represented silk.

The business travel experience of Macedonian businessman Metz also marked the beginning of the Silk Road. "

Li Yi casually supported the podium and said with a smile: "The silks that could be exported at that time were all fabrics with very exquisite weaving skills.

It is recorded in "Natural History", also written in the 1st century, that after a successful campaign, Caesar returned to Rome and held a grand performance in the Roman Theater to celebrate his victory.

 When he appeared, he was wearing a silk robe.

 At that time, Roman clothes were mainly made of linen and animal skins, which were far less lightweight than silk.

 The Romans present forgot about the performance, and all their attention was attracted by the silk robe.

After watching the performance, a writer named Peliagetis described the silk robe as so light that it would float when the breeze blew, as if it came from heaven.

"Natural History" records that soon after, the price of silk on the Roman market experienced a surge. At its highest, one pound of silk was equivalent to 12 taels of gold. "

 At this point, Li Yi paused, looked in the direction of the Neon Kingdom delegation, and said with a smile: "Both Geography and Natural History are both academic masterpieces compiled during the heyday of the Roman Empire.

 The contents mentioned in the book are all well-documented and are not some mythical stories. "

Hearing Li Yi's words, Konoyama Jun, who was sitting in the audience, smiled stiffly.

He understood clearly that Li Yi was talking about the "Book of Ancient Matters" he mentioned in his speech just now.

This book is the first written text book in the history of Neon Country, but the recorded contents are all mythical stories about the founding of Neon Country.

This book was written in 712, which is a full 600 years away from the first century when "Geography" and "Natural History" were written. The academic value of the content is even more different.

Konoyama Jun understood that Li Yi was mocking the history of Neon Country.

Looking at Li Yi's undisguised look of disdain, Konoyama Jun felt as if a stone was stuck in his heart.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that the materials used by Li Yi to ridicule the Neon Kingdom were not even Chinese classics, but ancient European books.

Seeing Konoyama Jun's uncomfortable expression as if he had eaten a fly, Director Zhu in the audience clenched his fists and secretly cheered: "That's beautiful! When we were doing business with ancient Europe, you were still playing Where are the stones?"  Li Yi looked back and said with a smile: "If we use mythology as an argument, the origin of our country's silk culture can even be traced back to ancient times.

 Fuxi transformed sericulture into silk, the Yellow Emperor offered silk to the silkworm god, and the Yellow Emperor’s concubine Lei Zu of the Xiling clan taught the people how to raise silkworms. These legends are all recorded in the annals of history.

But since this is a serious academic conference here, we don’t use myths and legends as arguments, only facts. "

With that said, Li Yi raised his hand and picked up the laser pointer, signaling the staff to open the PPT.

 A photo of an archaeological excavation site suddenly appeared on the projection screen.

Pointing at the photo with a laser pointer, Li Yi introduced seriously: "This photo was taken in 1926 in Xiyin Village, Xia County, Jin Province, my country.

 Here, the first scientific archaeological excavation conducted by a Chinese is underway.

This excavation marks the beginning of modern archaeology in my country. Here we discovered a large number of painted pottery pieces from the Neolithic Age and stone-carved silkworm chrysalises from the same period.

The style of these painted pottery pieces belongs to the same source as the painted pottery discovered in Yangshao Village, Henan Province, and they both belong to the same cultural circle of Yangshao culture.

 But these are not the point. The point is that at the excavation site, we found half a hand-cut silkworm cocoon! "

The laser pointer shook, the PPT was switched, and a blackened photo of a silkworm cocoon appeared on the projection screen.

Li Yi pointed at the photo with a laser pointer and introduced: "This cocoon has been determined by Chinese entomologists and American experts. It is a mulberry cocoon.

 Its cocoon shell is about 1.36 centimeters long and 1.04 centimeters wide. Part of the cocoon is cut off with a sharp blade.

 This shows that as early as the Yangshao period 5,600 years ago, my country had already started raising silkworms. "

 Looking at the photos displayed on the projection screen, Konoyama Jun could no longer laugh.

But the photos on the projection screen were still switching, and Li Yi on the stage continued to talk: "Of course, if it is just a cocoon, it does not fully prove that our country had mastered the weaving technology of silk at that time.

But don’t worry, let’s continue.

In 1983, traces of silk appeared in the urn and coffin burials unearthed from the Qingtai site in Henan Province.

The Qingtai site is also a relic from the Yangshao culture period. The silk in the urn and coffin is evidence of the emergence of silk in the Yellow River Basin. It is also considered to be the earliest silk fabric discovered in my country.

  However, the silk fabrics unearthed at that time were not preserved and cannot be used as physical evidence.

It doesn't matter, because at the Wanggou site not far from the Qingtai site, we unearthed the same silk fabrics that were more than 5,000 years ago.

 This is conclusive physical evidence, which is enough to confirm that our country had mastered silk weaving in the Yangshao period more than 5,000 years ago. There is no doubt! "

After Li Yi finished speaking, the audience was silent for two seconds, and then there was a burst of applause.

The representatives from various countries at the scene applauded, nodded repeatedly, and said something to each other.

  In the simultaneous translation headphones, representatives from various countries expressed their admiration.

The applause from the Chinese delegation was the loudest, and Director Zhu almost clapped his hands to pieces.

 Well done!

 He shouted wildly in his heart.

 This is called reasonable and well-founded! Little devil, learn from it!

While applauding, he glanced in the direction of the neon delegation.

  Compare history with us? Do whatever you want!




 (End of this chapter)

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