Chapter 617 Ji Ji Dan

  As the memory alienation gradually took effect, those memories belonging to Zhang Xuanqing were also stripped out.

  Li Yi looked back at those memory fragments with indifferent eyes.

  Through Zhang Xuanqing's memory, he solved a lot of doubts.

  For example, Yongzheng's death was not because of taking Jiji Dan, because Li Yi saw the Dan formula, which contained some non-toxic medicinal materials.

   According to the Danfang, this elixir uses two or three ounces of crispy antler, one or two halves each of Achyranthes bidentata and Cistanche deserticola, soaked in high-grade wine for one night, that is, 12 hours.

   There is still one or two halves of dried rehmannia glutinosa, soaked in wine for half an hour, and then steamed in a pot.

  Angelica also needs one or two halves, so soak it in the Reed Empress Wine for one night.

  And one or two halves of Baiziren, one or two halves of agarwood, one or two halves of Fushen, and one or two halves of wolfberry soaked in wine for one night.

   One or two halves of slightly fried jujube kernels, one or two halves of fried yam.

   There is also one or two halves of polygala, cooked together with half and two licorice.

  Two halves of aconite, processed and peeled navel.

  After drying all these materials, grind them together into fine powder, knead them into jujube meatballs, and Jiji Dan is ready.

   When eating, you only need to take it with warm wine and salt water before eating.

   These medicinal materials are basically non-toxic. Even if long-term use does not have the effect of prolonging life, at least it will not kill people.

  Through Zhang Xuanqing's memory, Li Yi also knew the inside story behind it.

  It turned out that Zhang Taixu and the others had no intention of refining the real golden elixir for Yongzheng.

  They just used some warming and tonic medicinal materials to make this Jiji Dan to fool Yongzheng.

  And most of the other time, they are using the resources of the royal family, whoring all kinds of materials for free, to try to refine the legendary Nine Rank Golden Elixir.

  But until they were expelled from the palace, they failed to refine it.

  As for the cause of Yongzheng's death, it was actually myocardial infarction caused by prolonged overwork.

   Qianlong, who rushed to hear the news, also thought that Yong died because he ate Jindan.

  Seeing this, Zhang Taixu had no choice but to explain the truth.

  Although the crime of deceiving the emperor is also a capital crime, if Zhang Taixu and the others are killed in this way, it will also confirm the fact that Yongzheng was deceived by alchemy Taoists.

  It is not a big deal for the emperor to be deceived by his courtiers, but he can even boast of his kind heart.

   But being deceived by alchemy Taoists is stupid, and no emperor is willing to bear the infamy of a stupid king.

  Thus, Qianlong had no choice but to issue the imperial edict, expelling Zhang Taixu and the others from the Old Summer Palace.

   But he couldn't let it out, Qianlong took his anger on Taoism, suppressed the Taoist sects, and the world's orthodoxy also declined rapidly.

   Folk rumors that Yongzheng died of taking Jindan, and the popes of various avenues dare not explain the reason, and there is unspeakable suffering.

   And Zhang Xuanqing was arranged to enter Beijing under this background.

  His task is not to intercede for the Taoist sects in the world, and he has no such ability.

  The purpose of Zhang Taixu's arrangement for him to go to Beijing is to change Qianlong's prejudice against Taoism little by little through his superb medicinal cooking skills.

  Zhang Taixu was very familiar with Qianlong, so he knew that he must not show any intention of changing Shangyi.

  He can only install someone who can be under Qianlong's nose first, and who will not remind him of Yongzheng's death and annoy him, so that Qianlong can see the benefits of Taoism.

  This process may take decades, and it may take Zhang Xuanqing's lifetime.

  But for a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, decades is just a flick of a finger.

  The disputes of various sects in history are also measured in dynasties.

   Mere decades, and the life of a disciple, are absolutely worth paying for.

  But Li Yi knew the follow-up, Qianlong was very hard-hearted in order to maintain the rule.

  He not only intensified his suppression of Taoism, but also intensified his suppression of Buddhism.

  Not only did he repeatedly ask the governors of the provinces to reduce the number of monks and Taoists, but he also repeatedly reprimanded the provinces for their poor implementation.

  But because the management was difficult to implement, he finally abolished the Duyi system and changed it to the Baojia system. Registered monks and Taoists were registered one by one, and house numbers were hung on temples and temples, just like checking households.

   It was also from this time that he began to increase the number of times he called Zhang Xuanqing to make medicinal meals.

   And Zhang Xuanqing gradually conquered Qianlong's appetite and stomach through his superb medicinal cooking skills.

  The memory was gradually peeled off, Li Yi pulled out his thoughts from the memory fragments, and looked down at the medicine grinder at his feet.

   This is the most commonly used tool for Zhang Xuanqing to make medicinal meals.

  Picking up the medicine, he lowered his head and sniffed it. A strong fragrance of the medicine flooded into his nasal cavity, making him sneeze uncontrollably.

  His nose is not even afraid of the hot chili and prickly ash smoke, but the medicinal fragrance is extremely penetrating, easily breaking through his defenses.

  But after the sneeze came out, Li Yi felt extraordinarily comfortable and refreshed.

  Looking back at the metal plate, his occupation above is still 【Famous Chef】.

  In the real world, it is really difficult to upgrade this profession.

  Looking up at the still red and transparent fog wall around him, Li Yi was thoughtful.

  He still remembers his little experiment before entering the wooden tablet space this time.

   This monument space also has the function of accelerating time, but the acceleration effect is 10:1.

  He activated this function before entering the wooden monument space, but after he came out, this function has not ended yet.

   While he was thinking, the bright red dissipated, and the fog wall gradually returned to its original state.

  Seeing this, Li Yi had a thought.

  The next moment, he woke up from the hotel bed.

  Opening his eyes, he took the phone and checked the time.

   Sure enough, only one hour had passed in real time.

  This shows that his experiment is feasible. Using the time acceleration function can indeed reduce the time consumption of entering the dream space and save real time.

   Putting the phone back, Li Yi habitually raised his right hand and pressed on the pulse of his left hand.

   This is Zhang Xuanqing's habit, every day after waking up, he will take his own pulse.

   What he studied in Longhu Mountain was pharmacology, and herbal diet was just a skill he practiced to verify the pharmacology.

  However, he has never seen a doctor for others, and only practiced on himself.

   Otherwise, he should be able to find a new career in Chinese medicine.

   But he didn't feel sorry for it, because what he mastered was a better medicinal food than medical skills.

  Medical skills are for curing diseases, while medicated diet is for maintaining health and avoiding diseases.

   No matter how powerful the medical skills are, they can’t compare to not being sick. All the ways lead to the same source, and health is the common goal of all.

   Gathering his thoughts, he closed his eyes.

  Staying up late is the most harmful to the body. Even with his physical fitness, it is better to stay up late less.

  After sleeping until dawn, Li Yi was woken up by the courier call. It was the book he bought that had arrived.

  Just went to the courier point to pick up the book and came back, Li Yi was in the taxi listing the ingredients and medicinal materials that he needed to buy for Xiao Lu, when he suddenly received a WeChat from Liu Yifei.

   "I'm here as my aunt."

  Seeing the message, Li Yi calculated the time, and it was indeed time.

   "Are there any sanitary napkins left? I happened to be outside, so I'll buy you some."

   After returning a message to Liu Yifei, Li Yi added a few herbs to the list.

   Motherwort, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Safflower, Rhizoma Cyperi…




  (end of this chapter)

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