Chapter 618 Xuehai Point and Taichong Point

   "There are sanitary napkins, but they hurt a little."

   When he saw the message that Liu Yifei had returned, Li Yi didn't think much about it.

  But when he first arrived at the hotel, Liu Yifei called him, and his voice was crying.

   "Are you back? My stomach hurts..."

  Hearing her voice, Li Yi couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? Is it hurting badly?"

   "Hmm... it's getting more and more painful."

  Hearing this, Li Yi paid the driver and said, "I've already arrived at the hotel, just wait, I'll come up right now."

   After finishing speaking, he got out of the car with the book in his hand.

   Go straight to the elevator and go upstairs to Liu Yifei's floor.

  The elevator door opened, and Li Yi ran into a staff member who lived on this floor.

   "Brother Yi, good morning!"

  When she saw Li Yi, she took the initiative to say hello.

  Nodding at her, Li Yi handed her the book in his hand: "Can you do me a favor? Help me take these books down and put them in the car. I have something to do, so I'll go down later."


  The staff didn't think much, took the book and entered the elevator.

  Li Yi freed his hand and went straight to Liu Yifei's room.

  When he came to the door, he took out the room card from his pocket, and opened the door with a swipe.

   Entering the door and coming to the bedroom, he saw Liu Yifei lying on the bed and crying with her mouth flattened.

  Seeing her miserable appearance with messy hair, Li Yi suddenly wanted to laugh.

  But this situation is really not good to laugh out loud.

  Cleared his throat, suppressed his smile, Li Yi stepped forward to the bed and sat down, reached out and touched her forehead, and asked, "Is it still hurting?"

   "Well, it hurts."

  Liu Yifei looked at him aggrievedly, tears fell down again.

   "Where does it hurt?"

   Li Yi pressed her abdomen through the quilt and asked, "Is it stomach pain or back pain?"

   "It hurts."

  Liu Yifei pursed her lips: "My stomach hurts more, my waist hurts, and I feel a little sore."

  Hearing this, Li Yi took her left hand, and pressed the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger on her radial styloid process, which is the position of the two horizontal fingers below the palm.

   This is the most commonly used Cun Guan Chi method in traditional Chinese medicine.

  Pulseology believes that the styloid process of the radius is Guan, the wrist before Guan is Cun, and the elbow after Guan is Chi, which are respectively called Cun, Guan and Chi.

  The different veins of the left and right hands also represent different organs.

  For example, the Cunmai of the left hand is the reflection area of ​​the heart, the Guanmai is the reflection area of ​​the liver, and the Chimai is the reflection area of ​​the kidney.

  The Cunmai on the right hand is the reflex area of ​​the lungs, the Guanmai is the spleen and stomach, and the Chimai is the gate of life.

  However, after selecting the corresponding parts, it is also necessary to combine the different massage methods such as floating, middle and sinking, as well as the four diagnostic stages of looking, smelling, asking and cutting, to seek the correct pulse condition from all aspects.

  That's why, after Li Yi came in, he asked her where the pain was.

   After cutting the Cun and Guan pulses on her left hand, and then cutting the Chi pulse, Li Yi had a rough idea.

   "Is the amount this time more than before?"

   He asked.

   "Why are you asking this?"

  Liu Yifei was a little embarrassed, but still nodded: "It's more than last time."

  Hearing this, Li Yi confirmed that the pulse he got was correct.

   "Cun pulse, Guan pulse is in harmony, Chi pulse will never come, it must be unfavorable menstruation."

   As Li Yi said, he took out her right foot from under the quilt.

   "Straighten your legs."

  Li Yi reminded me.

  Liu Yifei followed suit, and a slight depression appeared on the inside of her knee.

   Li Yi wrapped her knees with his palms, and his thumbs just fit into this concave position.

  He pressed down slightly, and the pads of his fingers returned the touch, and there was a raised muscle in the center of the depression, which he pressed down.

  Feeling Li Yi's pressure, Liu Yifei couldn't help taking a soft hiss.

  Li Yi pressed it harder and it hurt a little.

   But she didn't know if it was an illusion, she only felt that after Li Yi pressed the pressure, the pain in her lower abdomen seemed to have really eased.

   "This is the Blood Sea Cave."

  Li Yi explained: "The inwardly curved femoral area of ​​the thigh is located two inches above the medial end of the bottom of the patella.

  Pressing here has the effect of drawing blood back to the meridian, which can relieve some dysmenorrhea.

how are you feeling? "

  Feeling his pressure, Liu Yifei nodded slightly: "It seems to be better."

   "Just started to press, the effect will come out slowly."

   As Li Yi said, he freed up his other hand, took Liu Yifei's left foot, and pushed up along her big toe and index finger phalanx with his thumb.

  The fingertips pushed past the first joint and the second joint, and pushed to the place where the ends joined, and he felt a depression on the fingertips.

   After pressing down with his fingertips, he felt a throbbing pulse coming from inside.

   "This is Taichong point."

  He began to press and knead hard, explaining: "It can also relieve dysmenorrhea, relieve liver and gallbladder, and play an analgesic effect."

  As he kneaded, Liu Yifei gradually felt her lower abdomen relax.

  Although there is still some dull pain, it is much better than the previous throbbing pain.

"Do you feel better?"

   Li Yi looked at her and asked.

   "Well, much better."

  Liu Yifei nodded lightly, with a smile on her face.

   "You had your period last time, didn't it seem to be painful? Why is it so painful this time?"

   Li Yi asked in doubt.

   "It hurt last time too."

  Liu Yifei muttered and explained: "But didn't we not get together last time? I can only endure the pain?"

  Hearing her explanation, Li Yi immediately understood.

  Last time, no one acted like a baby, so she could only endure it.

  With him here this time, she has someone to act like a spoiled child, so naturally she doesn't have to hold on.

  Looking at Liu Yifei who was peeking at him, Li Yi couldn't help but chuckled.

  Liu Yifei immediately covered her face in embarrassment and moaned: "Don't laugh at me~!"

   "I didn't laugh at you, I just suddenly thought of something happy."

  Li Yi smiled and explained.


  Liu Yifei took her hands down, and was about to complain when the phone rang suddenly.

  She reached out to take the phone, glanced at the WeChat voice profile picture, and made a quiet gesture to Li Yi, and then the voice was connected.

   "Hello? Sister Tian, ​​um, I'm still in the room and I'll be going down in a while. I won't eat for now, you guys can eat! You don't need to bring me..."

  In the middle of her speech, she saw Li Yi gesture to her, so she changed her tune and said, "I'd better bring some, half a piece of corn for me, and two eggs, well, that's over."

   After finishing speaking, she hung up the voice.

   "You must eat during your period, otherwise you won't be able to keep up with your nutrition, and it will be bad for your health."

  Li Yi helped her press and knead the acupuncture point, and suddenly thought of something, and signaled to her: "This acupuncture point needs to be pressed all the time to relieve it. Remember these two positions. You can press it after you get on the plane."

   As he spoke, he taught Liu Yifei how to find these two acupuncture points.

   But Liu Yifei studied for a long time, but still couldn't find the acupuncture points.

   Seeing that the time was almost up, she sighed and waved her hand: "Forget it, it's only two or three hours, just bear with it and it's over, it's not like I couldn't bear it."




  (end of this chapter)

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