Chapter 616 Master of Medicinal Cuisine

  As for the real cause of Yongzheng's death, there has been no conclusion. Li Yi just glanced at it curiously, but didn't investigate it carefully.

  But being possessed by Zhang Xuanqing this time made him suddenly think of this.

  Zhang Xuanqing's uncle was Zhang Taixu who personally experienced the sudden death of Yongzheng, and was also the person in charge of refining Jiji Dan.

   If Yongzheng really died because he took too many pills, then he is the culprit.

  But after he was expelled from the palace by Qianlong, he has been refining alchemy in Longhu Mountain without any disease or disaster, and Qianlong did not touch him, which is a bit unpredictable.

  The most important thing is that he actually sent his nephew into the palace to be Qianlong's imperial cook, which is even more strange.

  Looking at Zhang Xuanqing in the mirror, Li Yi compared his memories.

  He remembered that Zhang Xuanqing should have entered the imperial dining room in the 26th year of Qianlong, which was the year of Qianlong's 50th birthday, five years later than Li Kaile.

   But after entering the imperial dining room, he stayed there for five years and never cooked for Qianlong.

  However, he also "punches to work" and "off work" on time every day.

  On weekdays, he would not chat and joke with his colleagues, but just stay alone.

  In the imperial dining room, each imperial chef is responsible for his own dishes, so except for the assistant chefs he brought in, basically no one else will be allowed to intervene.

  So no one asked him for help, so he just stayed alone, either sitting and drinking tea, or staring blankly in the yard.

   Until the autumn of the thirty-first year of Qianlong, Qianlong occasionally felt cold and could not eat.

  So he suddenly issued an order to ask Zhang Xuanqing in the imperial dining room to cook a soup to sweat.

  When the word of mouth passed to the imperial dining room, everyone forgot that Zhang Xuanqing existed.

   It wasn't until he came out to receive the order that everyone remembered that there was such a person as him.

  Li Kaile was present at that time and witnessed this betrayal with his own eyes.

   After Zhang Xuanqing received the oral order, he went aside and said a few words with the eunuch.

  Although I didn't hear what he said, everyone knew that he should be asking about Qianlong's situation, so as to know what soup to make.

   After all, Qianlong only said to cook a soup, but he didn't say what kind of soup to cook.

   After inquiring about the situation with the eunuch, Zhang Xuanqing went to the kitchen, and within half an hour, he cooked a radish and mutton soup.

  The **** sent it to Qianlong, and after more than half an hour, an **** brought the food box back.

  The soup bowls in the food box have been drunk, and only one empty bowl was sent back.

  After seeing the empty bowl, the imperial dining room was in an uproar.

  Qianlong couldn't eat, so more than a dozen imperial chefs in the imperial dining room tried their best to cook Qianlong's favorite dishes and sent them to Qianlong, but Qianlong couldn't eat a single bite.

   Even before it was brought to the bed, Qianlong who smelled it drove him away.

  But Zhang Xuanqing's soup was not only drunk by Qianlong, but also with the soup and ingredients, so he drank it clean.

  So, the imperial chefs all asked Zhang Xuanqing how to make that soup and why Qianlong liked to drink it.

  Zhang Xuanqing did not hide his secrets, saying that he only used white radish, scallions, and a few lamb chops to cook the soup, and sprinkled some pepper before serving.

  The royal chefs all expressed some doubts about this, because they could cook such a simple soup, but why would Qianlong be willing to drink it when Zhang Xuanqing cooked it?

   At this time, Zhang Dongguan guessed the reason.

  As the so-called homology of medicine and food, Zhang Xuanqing did not cook this soup according to the principle of cooking, but according to the principles of medicine.

  White radish itself can reduce inflammation, reduce phlegm, relieve cough, and regulate qi.

  Scallion white also has the effect of sweating, relieving the exterior, dispelling cold and unblocking yang.

  The combination of these two ingredients is a traditional soup.

  Although mutton is a hair product, it also has the effect of warming and nourishing.

  Qianlong's physique has a high degree of acceptance of mutton, and there will be no problem in eating it in moderation.

  Plus the pepper sprinkled at the end of the pot, it also has the effect of eliminating phlegm and detoxification, relieving diarrhea, and increasing appetite.

  Placing this soup in front of Qianlong will naturally arouse his appetite.

  After hearing Zhang Dongguan's explanation, the royal chefs realized that Zhang Xuanqing was a master of medicinal cuisine.

  Therefore, all the royal chefs present congratulated him, thinking that Qianlong would be rewarded heavily for drinking his soup to his satisfaction.

   But the strange thing is that since then, Qianlong seems to have forgotten him, and has never ordered him to order food for more than a year.

   And he didn't care, and returned to the previous state of fishing.

   It was not until more than a year later that Qianlong fell ill again, and he was asked to cook another bowl of porridge.

   After Zhang Xuanqing cooked a bowl of glutinous rice and brown sugar porridge for Qianlong, Qianlong hung him up again after drinking it.

  Since then, every time Qianlong fell ill, he would ask Zhang Xuanqing to make a medicinal diet.

   It was not until fifty years later that Qianlong summoned him to cook more times.

  From the fifty years of Qianlong to the death of Qianlong, Zhang Xuanqing would be asked to cook a medicated diet every now and then.

  Especially in the few years before his death, Qianlong had to drink a bowl of soup made by Henry Zhang every night.

   And there are rumors among the people that the reason why Qianlong lived so long was because he ate the medicated diet made by Zhang Xuanqing.

  Looking at the still young Zhang Xuanqing in the mirror, Li Yi was thoughtful.

   Just looking at the appearance, this should be the few years when Zhang Xuanqing first came to Beijing.

   And his possession this time must be to master Zhang Xuanqing's medicinal food skills.

  Although he can also make a few medicated soups, he is still incomparable with a professional medicated chef like Zhang Xuanqing.

   Putting down the bronze mirror, he tidied up the room and his belongings.

  Zhang Xuanqing's family was quite rich, and there were thousands of taels of silver bills in the box, as well as dozens of taels of scattered silver.

   But after searching through boxes and cabinets, Li Yi couldn't find Du Di.

  Looking down at the Taoist robe on his body, Li Yi couldn't help being a little puzzled.

   Not having a ultimatum means not being a formal Taoist priest and not being converted.

  Why is Zhang Xuanqing wearing Taoist robes?

   And he remembered that on weekdays, Zhang Xuanqing also entered the palace in casual clothes, and never wore Taoist robes.

   After thinking for a while, he changed out of his Taoist robe, put on a casual dress, and walked out of the room.

   He has plenty of time to unravel these doubts.

   Once it comes, it will be safe. He is already familiar with this kind of experience.

   After stepping out of the yard, he walked onto Qianmen Street.

  Walking around the familiar streets, he hummed: "Tongrentang, originally opened as an old drugstore, sir, is like this king of hands-free..."

  Better to take the initiative than to sit in the house and survive.

  He plans to go to the pharmacy to get familiar with the properties of the medicine.


  Twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

  In the space of the wooden monument, Li Yi's figure emerged.

  Looking at the inscription that appeared on the wooden tablet in front of him, Li Yi quietly waited for the memory to fade away.

  Zhang Xuanqing (from the eighth day of August in the ninth year of Yongzheng to the sixteenth day of May in the eleventh year of Jiaqing)

  Male, from Raozhou Prefecture, Jiangxi Province. He practiced Taoism since he was a child. After Kangxi ascended the throne in the 18th year of Shunzhi, the issuance of degree certificates was stopped nationwide, so he entered Longhu Mountain as a lay disciple to practice Taoism and study pharmacology.

  In the twenty-sixth year of Qianlong, recommended by his uncle Zhang Taixu, he entered the palace as the royal cook of medicinal food.

  In the 10th year of Jiaqing, he returned to Longhu Mountain to take refuge, and the next year he sat down.




  (end of this chapter)

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