Chapter 541 Old and New

  Looking at Chen Jianbing's foolish smile, Li Yi finally understood why the audience used the orange cat to describe him.

   Off-screen, he is indeed like a lazy old cat, without any aggressiveness or vitality.

   "Then mix it up and try it."

  Li Yi smiled, and put the lid on the soup bucket: "But you have to simmer for ten minutes first, otherwise it won't be hot enough."


  Chen Jianbing was not in a hurry, he nodded happily, and then asked, "Then how can I help?"

  He spread his hands and said with a smile, "I can't just wait for nothing?"

   "Is there anyone who wants to work?"

Li Yi made a joke with a smile, then took a pot of boiled duck feet soaked in ice water, and signaled to him: "I'll leave this pot of duck feet to you, and I'll teach you how to make it. "

   As he spoke, he took the scissors and showed Chen Jianbing how to remove the duck palm bone.

  Chen Jianbing followed Li Yi seriously, and after processing slowly for a long time, he finally took off a complete piece of duck paw.

   "Such a big duck paw, only this little meat?"

  He couldn't help feeling: "We are so good at eating, we can shave off the flesh on this bone."

   "Flesh and flesh are the most fragrant."

  Li Yi put down the scissors with a smile: "Then you shave it first, and I'll do other dishes."

   "Okay, you go to work."

  Chen Jianbing shaved slowly, taking his time.

  Li Yi returned to the desk and began to prepare the sauce for [Drool Chicken].

  After he prepared the sauce, the chicken in the soup bucket was braised thoroughly.

  Before returning to the soup bucket, Li Yi first took a box of ice cubes from the refrigerator, put them into the basin, filled it with water, and made a basin of ice water.

  After that, he fished out a chicken from the soup bucket, put it in ice water, and chilled it.

   In order to make the chicken skin crispy and tender, the chicken needs to be soaked in ice water for three or four minutes when it comes out of the pan, which can effectively tighten the chicken skin and increase the flexibility of the chicken skin.

  But don't soak it for too long, otherwise the chicken will be burnt.

   Soon, after three minutes, Li Yi fished out the chicken and put it in a porcelain basin.

  Pepper chicken is quick to make, just tear the chicken apart and pour the soul soup on it.

  Tear the chicken apart by hand, tear it into strips of meat, and place it on the bottom of the basin.

  Afterwards, Li Yi grabbed a handful of shredded onions from Wu Lei and put them in the basin.

   He took another green onion, cut it into oblique sections, sprinkled it on top, and then Li Yi scooped out a spoonful of stewed soup from the soup bucket and poured it into the basin.

  Following that, he scooped up another spoonful of sesame oil, poured it in, stirred it evenly with a frying spoon, and greeted Chen Jianbing: "Teacher Chen, come and taste it!"

   "Oh, here we come!"

  Chen Jianbing just finished cutting a duck paw, and after answering, he wiped his hands and walked over with a smile.

  Looking down at the pepper chicken in the eye basin, his smile became brighter.

   "This color looks exciting!"

  Chen Jianbing took a pair of chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken skin: "Let me taste it!"

   Putting the chicken skin into his mouth, he tasted it carefully, and suddenly looked up at Li Yi in surprise: "Yes!"

   "Is it okay to eat?"

   Li Yi asked with a smile.

   "That's great!"

   Chen Jianbing admired, picked up another piece of chicken thigh, pressed it into the soup, rinsed it, and put it into his mouth after being covered with the soup.

  Tasting carefully, his expression was both puzzled and surprised.

   Swallowing the chicken, he raised his thumb and praised Li Yi: "It's really good! This taste!"

   "As long as you like to eat."

  Li Yi smiled.

Picked up another piece of skin-on chicken, Chen Jianbing tasted it carefully, and couldn't help asking: "Have you ever learned it in the Western Regions? This taste came from the Western Regions, no, it should come from Hutubi, and I haven't tasted it yet." Pass."


  Li Yi explained with a smile: "However, if you study any technology deeply, you will find that the principles are interlinked."

   "No, you must have learned it."

  Chen Jianbing shook his head and sighed: "I am so impressed with this taste.

   This dish originated from Hutubi, and it was only made in the 1990s.

  Before I came to Beijing to go to school, I went to Hutubi to visit my friend. He invited me to eat this kind of pepper chicken, which tastes exactly like this one!

   That is the best pepper chicken I have ever eaten, I always remember the taste, this is it. "

He was so numb that he started to drool, but his hands didn't stop, and he continued to say: "Since then, whether it's in Dihua City, or in other counties, or even back to Hutu Bi, I have never eaten such a delicious pepper chicken.

   I didn’t expect to eat this kind of taste again from you, it’s amazing! "

  He was filled with emotion, and then turned back to Li Yi and asked, "How do you make this taste? The taste is better than what I ate in the Western Regions?"

   Before Li Yi could answer, Jiang Xin, who was working, found Chen Jianbing, who was eating deliciously.

   "The emperor steals delicious food!"

  She shouted, then turned and ran over.

   "Huang Sang! There are delicious food in the house without concubines!"

  Cai Shaofen also followed.

   Afterwards, the swarming crowd pushed Chen Jianbing away from the porcelain basin.

   "Pepper Chicken?"

  Jiang Xin was born in the Western Regions, so she is no stranger to pepper chicken, and knows the trick of scratching the skin first when eating chicken.

   Picking up a piece of chicken skin, she put it in her mouth.

  Q-bomb chicken skin entrance, slippery touch when chewing, even made her worry that it would slip.

   But this Q-bomb does not have the texture of rubber and is difficult to chew.

  It was just right, with a glutinous and glutinous feeling, which made her chew it endlessly.

  However, what surprised her the most was the taste of the soup.

  Although the sauce on the bottom of the basin is covered with light yellow sesame oil, it still maintains a translucent clarity where the sesame oil is not completely covered.

   Dip the chicken into the soup base for a while, and the sesame oil can be rinsed off, leaving only the white and tender chicken skin, which even looks a little clear and watery.

  But after the entrance, its heavy taste formed a strong contrast with the appearance.

  When the first bite was chewed, the soup with medicinal aroma oozed out from the chicken skin, full of flavor.

   After chewing for a dozen times, the sesame oil left on the chicken skin released its magic power little by little, and soon her tongue and lips trembled like an electric shock.

   "Hmm! So numb! So enjoyable!"

  Jiang Xin took a breath and went into battle with her chopsticks in hand.

  Chen Jianbing, who was squeezed out, swallowed his chopsticks in a still unsatisfied mood.

   Tasting the soup on the chopsticks, he suddenly looked at Li Yi and asked sincerely, "Can you teach me how to make this dish?

  I have always told my wife that I have eaten particularly delicious pepper chicken, but she has never known what it tastes like.

  I learned this dish, and I will cook it for her when I go back, and I can spend money to learn it. "

  His tone was very serious. Seeing this, Li Yi smiled and said, "They're all my own people, why don't they have money? I was going to teach the audience, pass on the art to benefit people!"

   "Thank you so much!"

  Chen Jianbing reached out and held Li Yi's hand, smiling happily.

"You're welcome."

  Li Yi glanced at the flying bullet screen on the bullet screen, and then explained to him: "The kind of pepper chicken you eat that you can't forget should be similar to the one I make, and it's all old-fashioned.

  The only difference between the old-fashioned method and the new-style method is that the old-fashioned way is to cook stewed soup, while the new-style method directly adds MSG and chicken powder.

  Now there are very few pepper chicken restaurants in the Western Regions who are willing to make stewed soup. "




  (end of this chapter)

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