A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 540: 【Western Region Pepper Chicken】

  Chapter 540 [Western Region Pepper Chicken]

   "Do you like to eat this?"

  Liu Yifei smiled and looked at the chicken feet with pickled peppers: "Then if you want to eat it, just tell me and I'll send it to you."

   "How have you learned how?"

  Jiang Xin chewed the delicious pickled chicken feet and nodded again and again: "That's great, this chicken feet is very suitable for eating while reading the script, I can eat a catty by myself!"

   "Then you can't gain two catties?"

  Liu Yifei laughed and joked.

   "Chicken feet are all skin, will they also gain weight?"

  Jiang Xin stuffed the remaining half into her mouth, chewing sweetly.

   "It will definitely happen if you eat too much!"

  Liu Yifei smiled and said: "Brother Yi said that chicken feet of the same weight have twice the calories of rice. If you eat one catty of chicken feet, it is equivalent to eating two catties of rice."

  Jiang Xin stopped chewing, and the chicken feet were in her mouth, neither spit nor swallow.

   After hesitating for a while, she chewed again.

   "It's okay, anyway, I don't eat it every day."

  She swallowed the chicken feet and said with a smile: "I'll just come here for a couple of days to eat, and I won't have anything to eat when I go back.

   It's you guys who eat and drink spicy food with Brother Yi every day, you really need to control it! "

  Hearing this, Liu Yifei couldn't help sighing: "I've gained four catties."

   "Can't you see it?"

  Jiang Xin looked at her, smiled and lowered her voice to joke: "It seems to grow where it should grow."

   Liu Yifei blushed immediately, and patted her: "Don't talk nonsense!"


  Jiang Xin turned around with a smile, picked up another chicken foot, and tasted it in small bites.

   The first one is half a mouthful, and it is really enjoyable to eat.

   But eating like that is too extravagant, she has to savor the second one carefully.

  Liu Yifei picked up a rag and wiped off the water on the desk, looking down.

   Is it really growing where it should be?

   It seems a bit...

   "Brother Yi, how thin do you want to chop?"

  Wu Lei stood in front of the desk, oiling the kitchen knife while asking Li Yi.

   "Normal thickness is fine."

   Li Yi answered casually, but found that his voice seemed muffled.

  Following the sound, Li Yi was immediately surprised by Wu Lei's appearance.

  Wu Lei wears black swimming goggles and an activated charcoal gas mask on his nose and mouth, also known as a pig nose.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

  Li Yi was amused by his appearance.

"What do you think?"

   Wu Lei reached out and lifted a pot full of onions in front of him.

  Hundreds of onions are piled in pots, forming a hill.

   Wu Lei couldn't even lift it with one hand.

  Seeing this, Li Yi gave him a thumbs up: "Come on!"

  Wu Lei also gave him a thumbs up, then grabbed an onion, threw it down, and said harshly: "I don't believe you can still make me hot this time!"

   As he spoke, he put the onion on the counter, chopped it with a knife, and chopped it in half.

  Afterwards, the sound of him chopping onions echoed in the back kitchen.

   Seeing Wu Lei cutting, Li Yi also put a soup bucket on the stove and heated it up.

  In the soup bucket is a bucket of quite clear chicken soup, with a dense layer of pepper, chili and other seasonings floating above it.

   Turn on the fire to make the soup bucket burn, Li Yi turned his head to look.

  Huang Xiaoming was adding water to the cauldron, while several women were peeling the shell of [Spiced Quail Eggs].

  Only Chen Jianbing stood by the counter with his hands behind his back, as if he was strolling or studying.

"Teacher Chen."

  Li Yi called him: "Can I help you?"


   Chen Jianbing responded and walked over quickly.

  Li Yi took him to the storage room, took out the two pots of chicken from the refrigerator, and brought them to the stove.

  Chen Jianbing put down the big pot, couldn't help lowering his head and smelling the chicken in the pot, curious: "Eh? Is this chicken boiled? The smell of pepper is so strong!"

   "Well, go back to the pot again."

  Li Yi explained, put the chicken into the soup bucket, and soaked it.

  After the chicken is put into the soup, the splashed oil exudes a strong aroma of pepper.

   Chen Jianbing looked at it with his hands behind his back, couldn't help sniffing a few more times, and then muttered in confusion: "This smell is so familiar! What kind of dish is this?"

  Li Yi explained while ordering the chicken: "Pepper chicken."

   "Hey! Yes! It's pepper chicken!"

  Chen Jianbing clapped his hands, hehe smiled: "I said this smell is very familiar."

   As he spoke, he leaned over to the soup bucket and took a deep breath.

   But he smoked too much, and suddenly felt his nose itchy.

   Hastily turned around, covered his mouth, and sneezed. He took out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped his nose.

   "Oops, this tastes so good."

  He smiled and praised: "I smell it now, I seem to have returned to the Western Regions."

   "This is one of the six cold dishes prepared today."

  Li Yi glanced at him and joked: "I'll ask you to taste it later to see if the taste is authentic or not."

   "It must be authentic when you smell it."

  Chen Jianbing smelled the smell wafting from the soup bucket, and felt like sneezing again.

   "No wonder the old Duan said that your cooking is delicious, now I really believe it."

  Chen Jianbing smiled and said: "The last time I ate pepper chicken, I went back to the Western Regions and ate it once with my friends at that fat old man.

  The pepper chicken is not as fragrant as yours! You have such a bad smell! "

   "I put a lot of ingredients, and the weight of the ingredients will have a taste."

   As Li Yi said, he put all the chickens he took out into the soup bucket.

  The chicken of the pepper chicken is similar to the white-cut chicken. It cannot be cooked on a high fire, but can only be soaked in a slow fire.

  Yesterday Li Yi had already soaked the chicken, now he just returned it to the pot and soaked it to make it more delicious.

  Not all of these chickens are used to make [Xiyu Pepper Chicken], half of them are used to make [Saliva Chicken].

  [Xiyu Pepper Chicken] and [Saliva Chicken] come from the same source, and both belong to the taste type of Sichuan cuisine.

  Sichuan Cuisine Zhong itself has the dish [Pepper Chicken], but after it was passed to the Western Regions, it was improved by the locals into the Western-style Pepper Chicken.

  Western Region-style [Pepper and sesame chicken] does not have the red oil of Sichuan-style pepper and sesame chicken, but uses stewed soup and pepper and sesame oil to increase the flavor.

  It looks lighter, but the taste is not weaker than the Sichuan style, and even thicker.

   After putting all the chickens in, Li Yi asked Chen Jianbing to stand guard in front of the pot.

  Chen Jianbing was very honest. After agreeing to Li Yi, he stood motionless in front of the pot, staring at the soup in the pot.

   Soon, he saw that the soup in the soup bucket was starting to bubble, so he immediately followed Li Yi's instructions and called Li Yi over.

  Seeing that the soup was slightly boiling, Li Yi turned off the fire.

   These chickens are all cooked, and the soup is boiled just to sterilize.

  After opening, you only need to soak it with the remaining temperature, and slowly soak the taste into the chicken.

   "Aren't you alright?"

  Chen Jianbing looked at the whole chicken floating in the pot, and asked a question.

  Seeing his longing expression, Li Yi smiled and asked, "Want to try it?"

   This question touched Chen Jianbing's heart.

  With a silly smile, he nodded and admitted: "Well, I want to try it."




  (end of this chapter)

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