Chapter 542 Sichuan-style white brine

   "It really is."

  Chen Jianbing agreed: "Anyway, what I feel is that the amount of monosodium glutamate and chicken essence used in our pepper chicken is increasing.

  I don't reject MSG and chicken essence, but too much will be too obvious.

  Especially in recent years, I have eaten a lot of chili chicken, but they are basically spiced chicken with MSG. It tastes delicious when you eat it, but it feels dry after eating. "

   "It is true that monosodium glutamate and chicken essence are more convenient to use and cost-effective, but the taste is definitely comparable to that of stewed soup, and the most basic umami taste cannot be compared."

   As Li Yi said, he took out two gauze bags from the soup bucket.

  The gauze bag contained heavy things, gathered together, and it was impossible to see what it was.

  Li Yi motioned to Chen Jianbing: "Take a look."

  Hearing the words, Chen Jianbing lowered his head and sniffed, and suddenly asked in surprise, "This is... a fish?"


  Li Yi said with a smile: "Every local lo-mei has its own characteristics and tricks.

  Yuelu likes to use seafood such as scallops and sea rice.

  The characteristic of Sichuan brine is crucian carp. "

   While Li Yi was explaining, Chen Jianbing was still sniffing the crucian carp gauze bag.

  At the same time, he dipped his hand in the soup oozing from the gauze bag and tasted it.

  Comparing with the memories, he gradually remembered the memories of that year.

   "That's right! That's the taste!"

  Chen Jianbing smashed his palm and sighed: "I said, why can't I find this kind of taste, so it was put in crucian carp!"

   As he said that, he turned to Li Yi and asked, "That is to say, putting two crucian carp in the soup and cooking it with the chicken can make this kind of taste, right?"

   "Not necessarily."

  Li Yi explained: "The stewed soup of pepper chicken is derived from Sichuan-style white stew. The taste of Sichuan-style white stew is based on the original taste, the umami taste, the salty taste, and the spicy taste.

  So, whether the pepper chicken is delicious or not, the first point is to choose a good chicken, preferably native chicken.

  The second is to enhance the freshness, hang two fresh crucian carp together, the taste of the soup will be more fresh.

  The proportion of salty taste should be well controlled. The proportion of salt and soup should not exceed 1%, nor less than 0.8%.

   Finally, there is the taste of spices. "

   As Li Yi said, he fished out a bag full of spices from the soup bucket, and explained: "The source of the spice flavor of pepper chicken is cooking oil, and the other is this bag.

  It mainly contains Sichuan-flavored five-spice and nine kinds of spices, which are also matched according to the amount of the monarch, minister and envoy.

  But I won’t tell you the principle, and you won’t be able to use it. I’ll just give you a recipe and use it back. "

"This is acceptable."

  Chen Jianbing nodded and smiled repeatedly: "I don't understand what you said."

   As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the voice input method, and brought the mobile phone to Li Yi's mouth.

Throwing the spice packet back into the soup, Li Yi tapped the soup bucket with a spoon and explained: "This bucket of soup weighs about 60 catties, so the ingredients I used are 60 grams of star anise, 20 grams of cinnamon, and 40 grams of grass fruit. 20 grams of fennel, 60 grams of kaempferia, this is the Sichuan-style five-spice material.

  If you want to make Sichuan-style five-spice brine, these five ingredients are the most basic skeleton.

   Then there are 30 grams of fragrant leaves, 30 grams of Angelica dahurica, 20 grams of licorice, 20 grams of white cardamom, 20 grams of tangerine peel, and 20 grams of angelica.

  Finally, there are 60 grams of sand ginger, 60 grams of white pepper, and 30 grams of peppercorns.

  The spiciness in Sichuan-style white brine is due to **** and white pepper.

   There is no need to add more peppercorns, because the pepper and sesame oil is fried separately, this is just to adjust the base flavor. "

  Chen Jianbing held up his mobile phone and listened carefully.

  Jiang Xin who was on the side saw the recipe that Li Yi casually said, and couldn't help being surprised and asked: "You just said this recipe casually?"

   "Why can't you say it?"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "In the face of modern food technology, there are no old recipes handed down from generation to generation.

  No matter how good the old formula is, as long as the door is open for business and the things are sold, it may be cracked.

  But modern food technology cannot replace the imagination, energy and thought of professional chefs.

  It’s like I taught you how to make a gourd duck, but can you really do it?

   I'm afraid you feel troublesome before you even start it?

  Most people still prefer to be enjoyers, and few people are willing to really spend so much time and effort on making this kind of big dish.

  But if someone is willing to do it, that’s a good thing, and I’ve helped some people, so why not do it? "

  Sun Li joked with a smile: "If you go on like this, all the audience of our show will become chefs."

   "Isn't that nice?"

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Even if you can't be a chef, it's nice to be able to cook something delicious for yourself after working hard, and reward yourself, isn't it?"

  Hearing his words, the amount of barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly soared.

   "Brother Yi, it's true, I'm crying to death!"

   "So I came back from work all day and had to cook for myself... MD! I don't want to live anymore!"

   "I was looking forward to the weekend when I was at work, because I can learn how to cook delicious food with Brother Yi, and the harvest is full, the mouth is also enjoyable, and it saves money!"

   "To be honest, I really learned a lot of dishes from Brother Yi. I went home last week and fried twice-cooked pork.

  Although the level of Brother Ganyi is far behind, he also gave the whole family a big surprise, which is quite a sense of accomplishment, haha! "

  "Last weekend, I watched Brother Yi's video and learned how to make some peach cakes. It was very successful, crispy and fragrant.

  I even brought some to the company. After my male **** finished eating, he took the initiative to send me a message. "

   "I made lotus flower cakes. Although the shape is horrible, that circle of friends is the one I liked the most in my life."

  Looking at the barrage that filled the screen, Jiang Xin's originally joking expression also restrained a bit.

  She suddenly realized that there was a reason why so many people liked Li Yi. He had really influenced the lives of so many people unconsciously.

   "What about the cooking oil?"

  Chen Jianbing's attention was still on the pepper chicken.

   "I'll show you a demonstration."

   As Li Yi said, he took out a large pot from the storage room, which was a whole pot of chicken fat that had been boiled before.

   "The main oil used for pepper chicken must be chicken oil, but you can't just use chicken oil. Some rapeseed oil should be added to increase the compound aroma. The ratio is 2:1."

   While explaining, Li Yi took a bucket of rapeseed oil and poured it into the pot.

   "The rapeseed oil should be refined, otherwise it won't taste good."

   Turned on the fire, Li Yi handed the temperature measuring gun to Chen Jianbing: "I won't tell you how much oil temperature is, you can use the temperature measuring gun to measure the oil temperature to 210℃.

  This is the smoke point of vegetable oil, it is best not to exceed the smoke point, otherwise it is not good for the body. "


  Chen Jianbing picked up the temperature measuring gun, pointed at the oil pan, and measured it with great interest.

   "It's not necessary to test it now, it's almost the same when it starts to smoke."

  Li Yi reminded with a smile.


  Chen Jianbing still agreed, but the temperature measuring gun in his hand was still pointing at the oil pan.

  He is not measuring the temperature, he is just watching the number change on the temperature gun, having fun.

   After a while, the rapeseed oil in the pot has burned to 210 degrees Celsius.

  Seeing this, Li Yi put on heat-insulated gloves and took the oil basin aside.

  Put the chicken oil pan that had solidified into yellow on the stove, Li Yi turned on the fire, turned around and went to the back, fetching some green onions, **** and onions.

   "Onion, **** and garlic are the three major ingredients of traditional cooking oil, and they are also the most suitable for Chinese people."

  Li Yi explained while cutting ginger: "Cooking oil can be made with more spices, such as coriander, celery, etc.

  But if you are opening a shop and doing business, you have to consider that not everyone can get used to these spices, so we only use three big pieces and onions for frying. "

   Behind, a person who doesn't eat coriander pursed his lips, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.




  (end of this chapter)

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