Chapter 539 Small Theater

   When Li Yi and his party arrived at the restaurant, they found that there were already many diners who had arrived earlier than them, waiting at the door.

   Seeing them, Chen Jianbing was surprised: "You guys came so early?"


  The college student couple at the head of the line smiled and said, "We came in and lined up as soon as the park opened."

"so early?"

  Chen Jianbing was even more surprised: "It's too early to leave the business, right? Don't you go shopping?"

   "Stop shopping."

  The college student couple shook their heads and said, "We just came here for dinner."

"So are we!"

  The diners queuing behind followed suit.

   "I can go shopping if I want to, but if I miss Brother Yi's craftsmanship, I may not have the opportunity to taste it again in the future."

   "That's right! Tickets are already hard to book, so we must pursue the highest cost-effectiveness. To be able to taste Brother Yi's craftsmanship on the spot, this opportunity must not be missed!"

   "We will wait for as long as you want! As long as you can eat!"

  Listening to what they said, Chen Jianbing was amazed: "Hey! You are working too hard for a meal, right?"

   "What is a meal? Is this an ordinary meal?"

  Jiang Xin curled her lips aside: "Have you watched our show?"

   "I really haven't seen it."

  Chen Jianbing smiled and explained: "I just finished filming, and I have been on set all the time, so I don't have time to watch.

  But I heard from the old section that this show is very popular, and Li Yi's skills are also very good. "

   "No wonder."

  Jiang Xin smiled and said: "That's just right, today I can let you have a good experience, how good our brother Yi's craftsmanship is."


  Chen Jianbing nodded happily, but found that everyone present was looking at him with a smile, which made his heart shudder.

  After everyone entered the restaurant, they all changed into costumes.

  Before they started work, they also had to shoot a small theater scene for the feature film.

  Chen Jianbing changed into the dragon robe worn in the play and played Yongzheng.

   Wu Lei changed into **** clothes and played Su Peisheng.

  Sun Li and the others played themselves, and Huang Xiaoming played the role of King Guo.

  While preparing for this program, Wang Tian had already decided to invite this group of guests.

  She also wrote two scripts specifically for the small theater of this episode, and designed a play for them.

  But after all, Wang Tian is not a professional screenwriter, nor is he a professional director. The scene he wrote is more like a farce of catching horses.

  In this scene, Zhen Huan and King Guojun had a tryst in the palace, but when Concubine Hua learned about it, she deliberately invited the emperor to come and play, and bumped into each other.

  Yongzheng was furious and decided to execute Zhen Huan and King Guojun.

   Then the queen suddenly appeared on the stage, trying to save King Guo.

   Judging from the design of this scene, Wang Tian obviously wanted to write a scene with a big climax, with strong conflicts in the drama.

  But her strength has not reached this level, and she can't continue writing halfway through.

  So, she set Li Yi and Liu Yifei as a couple from modern times, and Zhao Jinmai was their tour guide.

  The three of them made a mistake, traveled through time and space, and came to the scene of the conflict.

   As a result, a palace fight drama instantly turned into a sci-fi movie about time travel.

   Afterwards, the plot began to collapse from here.

  All kinds of advertisements entered randomly, Yongzheng and Guojun Wang also called from the front hall to the back kitchen, and displayed all kinds of kitchen appliances.

  Although the plot was ridiculous, everyone had a lot of fun filming.

  Chen Jianbing used a frying spoon as a knife, and Huang Xiaoming used a pot lid and a rolling pin as a weapon. When fighting in the back kitchen, other people cheered them on from the back, having a great time.

   When the filming of the plot is over, everyone still has something to say.

  Jiang Xin was still joking: "It would be great if I could continue filming, I just want to see how this plot can develop."

   This remark won the approval of the audience in the live broadcast room, and the bullet screens expressed their support.

   "Must shoot! This is more interesting than the feature film! Haha!"

   "Too ruined the image, the way Fat Ju knocked on the lid of the pot with a frying spoon made me laugh so hard, hahaha!"

   "This brain hole is too big! Haha! Even time travel has come out."

   "Yongzheng can come to modern times and let him know the final outcome of the Qing Dynasty. I want to see what his expression is."

   "This advertisement is so exciting that it rivals the Kingdom of China!"

   "If those commercials can be shot so interestingly, I can watch them every day!"

   "Make another episode! Please!"

   "Please be sure to cut this part into the feature film!"

   Facing the enthusiastic response from the audience, Jiang Xin and the others were very happy.

Cai Shaofen smiled at the camera and said, "You guys like to watch it? I also think it's quite fun. Do you want to change the plot again? I suddenly become Mrs. Liu, kill Huang Sang with one knife, and then become the empress. How do you feel?"

  Her question was for Jiang Xin and the others, but Jiang Xin and the others had no time to answer because they were all laughing.

   "No more acting."

  Chen Jianbing sat slumped on the chair, panting heavily: "I'm exhausted, this is much more tiring than filming The Legend of Zhen Huan, and there are still scenes, oops! My old waist!"

   "Oh, Huang Sang! Is your waist failing?"

  Jiang Xin was joking, laughing happily.

   "Hey! Li's body needs exercise."

  Cai Shaofen also joked: "Let my husband teach me, half a year of practice can make you do somersaults... turn... somersaults, just like singing in an opera, swoosh!"

   While she was talking, she was still gesticulating with her fingers, and Sun Li was immediately amused by her and fell down.

   After making a few jokes, everyone changed back to their chef uniforms.

   Can't continue playing, there are diners waiting outside.

  After everyone returned to the back kitchen, they began to pack up and prepare.

  Although many ingredients have been pre-processed yesterday, there are still many dishes that need to be cooked.

  The first thing Jiang Xin did when she came to the back kitchen was to run to the storage room and take out the kimchi jar.

   "Can I eat a chicken foot?"

  Jiang Xin swallowed her saliva and asked.

   This is Li Yi's [Pickled Pepper Boneless Chicken Feet] made the day before yesterday, and she only tasted two yesterday.

  If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't eat anymore, she estimated that she could finish the whole jar.

   "Okay, don't eat too much."

  Li Yi reminded me.

   "I'll just eat one, no, two."

  Jiang Xin said, and opened the seal of the jar, took the chopsticks, and picked out a few boneless chicken feet from it.

  The length of fat chicken feet is almost as long as her palm, and the meat is so thick and fat, it looks very attractive.

   And smelling the sour, hot and salty smell of pickled peppers wafting from the chicken feet, Jiang Xin's mouth watered even more.

  Put the chicken feet on the plate, she couldn't wait to pick one up, and took a bite.

   These chicken feet were all boned by Li Yi, leaving only meat, tendons and brittle bones.

  Jiang Xin took a bite, and the soft and smooth chicken feet bounced on her teeth.

  As her teeth fell, the hot and sour pickled pepper juice was squeezed out from between the chicken feet.

  The just right level of spiciness and the incomparable sourness made Jiang Xin instantly fall in love with it.

   "Woohoo! It's so delicious!"

   She frowned and said to Liu Yifei, "I've been thinking about it all night, and it smells like it in my dreams."


After a correction, I discovered that the fifth and third chapter should be 5, but I ended up writing it as 4. The last chapter should be 1, and this chapter should be 2. Really, if you don’t believe me, go read it [The author is extremely sincere Face】



  (end of this chapter)

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