Chapter 208 Seeing but not Taishan

  There are eight major forgivenesses in life. They all come, and it’s not easy. They are all friends, or children, and they are older than the Chinese New Year. To save face, everyone died for your own good.

  Therefore, after hesitating, Li Yi still decided to go into the eight-faced stele to have a look.

  The reason he used to convince himself is that everyone is coming.

   After finally coming here, if I just go out like this, wouldn’t it be a waste of an opportunity?

  So, Li Yi directly pricked his index finger, and pressed on the surface of the bamboo tablet closest to him.

  The blood-oozing index finger pressed the surface of the bamboo tablet, and the dried bamboo slices immediately absorbed the blood beads like a sponge.

   Before he finished sucking the blood beads in, Li Yi just wanted to take his index finger away, but found that his index finger seemed to be sucked by the surface of the monument. He tried hard but couldn't remove it.

  The next moment, he felt a suction force coming from the surface of the stele, and the blood in his index finger seeped into the surface of the bamboo tablet as if being sucked out by a water pump.


  Li Yi only had time to exclaim before losing consciousness instantly.

  The next moment, he woke up in a mud house.

   Tsuchiya again?

  Looking at the adobe brick wall beside him, Li Yi couldn't help being taken aback.

   Did he come to the Western Regions again?

   Surprised, he quickly turned over and got up, only to find that this earthen house was completely different from the earthen house he lived in in the Western Regions.

  This earthen house is full of bamboos, big and small. Even the bed under him is made of bamboo.

   There are several small bamboo guns, small bamboo baskets and small birdcages made of bamboo beside his bed, which look like children's toys.


   Li Yi suddenly noticed the difference in perspective. He raised his hands and looked at them, only to find that his hands were much smaller. They looked like the hands of a young man.


  A voice came from outside the house, followed by a middle-aged man in rough clothes and walked in.

   Seeing Li Yi sitting on the bed, he laughed and joked: "You just sleep until the sun is three poles every day, even if you go to the country of Lu and worship that Gongshu class as your teacher, you will have to be driven back within two days."

  He spoke in an ancient dialect, but Li Yi could understand it.

  But after hearing the two words "Lu Guo" and "Gongshuban" he mentioned, Li Yi was instantly stunned.

   Lu State? Gongshuban?

  Why did he suddenly come to the Spring and Autumn Period?

   Also, what does this middle-aged man call him?


  Looking at the bamboo toys by the bedside, Li Yi finally understood.

  It turned out that the person he possessed this time was the bamboo craftsman Taishan who made Lu Ban lament that he could not see Taishan with his eyes!

   According to legend, in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a bamboo craftsman who was proficient in bamboo weaving in the land of Wuyue, named Taishan.

  Because he admired the Gongshu Ban of the State of Lu, he traveled a long distance to the State of Lu and worshiped the Gongshu Ban as his teacher.

  But because he had never learned carpentry, his learning progress was not fast. Later, when the Gongshu class was recruiting new disciples, he was eliminated.

  Many years later, Gongshu Pan came to the land of Wu and Yue, and happened to find someone selling bamboo utensils in the market.

  Those woven bamboo utensils are extremely exquisite, and the woven bamboo baskets can even fetch water without leaking, which attracts people in the market to rush to buy them.

  Gongshuban went up to pick up the bamboo weaving utensils to check, and found that the craftsmanship was excellent, so he asked people in the market who made these bamboo utensils.

  Someone told him that the bamboo craftsman was called Taishan, and he had studied under the Gongshu class of the state of Lu, which is why his skills are so excellent.

  Gongshuban learned that this famous master was actually a disciple who was eliminated by him. He was in a complicated mood and filled with emotions. He left a famous saying: "I really don't know Taishan with my eyes."

  Recalling this story, Li Yi also felt a little complicated.

   It turns out that he is the Taishan who shocked Gongshuban, but now he doesn't even know how to weave bamboo!

   "Get up and eat quickly. After eating, follow me to weave baskets."

  The middle-aged man saw him in a daze, and urged him: "Don't underestimate your father and I's basket-weaving skills. If you don't have these baskets to sell, where can you go to Lu to learn from them?"

  Hearing his words, Li Yi collected his thoughts.

  It’s just bamboo weaving, it’s a big deal to learn from scratch!

   Anyway, what he lacks most is time.

  So, he jumped out of bed: "I'm coming!"


  In the space of the eight-faced stele, as Li Yi's figure emerged, a metal plate exactly the same as in the space of the wooden stele protruded out.

  Back to the eight-faced stele space, Li Yi was holding a delicate bamboo basket in his hand, and stood in a daze for a long time before he came back to his senses.

  Before, he felt that he had been possessed by Shuanglin for too long, but this time, he possessed Taishan for thirty years!

  In the dream space, he made enough money by helping his father weave baskets, went to the country of Lu, and met the legendary Lu Ban.

  However, he did not learn much bamboo weaving skills from Lu Ban, and it was a month after he arrived in Lu State that he even met Lu Ban himself.

  Different from what is recorded in the textbook, although Gongshuban in the dream world is also a craftsman, he has noble blood, and his status is not comparable to that of a flat-headed craftsman like him.

  After he worshiped Lu Ban as his teacher, he began to make ladders with Lu Ban's disciples and make ordnance for the army.

  In this process, he also learned some basic carpentry skills, but he was still far from being able to worship Luban as a teacher.

  After inquiring, he learned that if he wanted to guarantee that Luban would be his teacher, it would be best to get a recommendation.

  As for the recommended person, it is best to be an official disciple of Lu Ban, a fellow villager or an aristocrat.

   And Taishan didn't know any of these people, and he didn't have extra money to open up connections.

  So, in the formal assessment a year later, he was eliminated as expected.

   This is in line with Taishan's historical trajectory, but for Li Yi, he lost the shortcut to quickly return to reality.

  He originally thought that if he could successfully worship Lu Ban as his teacher, under Lu Ban's guidance, he would improve his skills and quickly return to reality.

   But the fact is obviously not the case.

   In desperation, he had no choice but to return to his hometown.

   If the shortcut cannot be realized, then he has only one way left, and that is to follow the historical track and make Taishan's skills superb enough to shock Lu Ban, which should allow him to return to reality.

  His guess was correct. After nearly 30 years of research, he visited experts all over the place, and explored the skills of bamboo weaving by himself, and finally mastered the exquisite bamboo weaving skills.

  Just before he returned to the eight-faced stele space, he saw the Gongshu Pan who came here admiringly again.

  Gong Shuban saw his bamboo weaving utensils, so he came here to express his congratulations.

  At this time, he is weaving a Guanyin fish basket, which is a bottle-shaped fish basket made of bamboo threads of different colors.

  Bamboo threads of different shades form a pattern of Avalokitesvara in a basket on the fish basket, and this fish basket can be filled with water to raise fish, and it can be drip-tight.

   Gongshu Pan who came to visit saw his work, praised him again and again, and said: "If you leave the work handed down from generation to generation, it will become everyone!"

  After Gongshuban finished speaking, Li Yi felt his vision gradually blurred.

  The next moment, he returned to the eight-sided monument space.




  (end of this chapter)

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