Chapter 209 New Occupation

  Looking at everything familiar in front of him, the memory of Mount Tai in his mind was gradually isolated, and Li Yi still felt as if he had passed away.

   In the last few years in the dream space, he once thought that he would stay there forever.

   Fortunately, his will was firm enough, and he finally came back.

  The dream space of the eight-faced stele is much more difficult than the dream space of the wooden stele.

  In the space of the wooden tablet, at least he knew something about the possessed people, and knew where they learned their skills.

  But the possessed person in the eight-faced stele is a stranger he has no contact with at all, and even sent him to the age when he was unfamiliar with the place.

   And in the eight-faced stele space, after he was eliminated by Lu Ban, he could only think of various ways to learn skills bit by bit from the folk crafts and spend more time on his own research.

   But this also has an advantage, that is, his mastery of bamboo weaving skills is more in-depth and comprehensive.

  Because this is his own thing, he has integrated his own understanding and the aesthetics of modern people, which makes his skills close to the extreme.

  Looking at the eight-faced stele in front of him, he suddenly discovered that the originally decayed and rotten bamboo sliced ​​stele surface, which was full of insect eyes, had taken on a new look with a greasy luster.

  But in the center of the bamboo stele, there is still a fist-sized area, which still maintains the previous decay.

   Why wasn't it fully fixed?

  Li Yi was a little confused.

  Suddenly, he noticed something, looked back, and suddenly found the metal plate that was exactly the same as in the space of the wooden monument.

  In the personal occupation column above, a new occupation suddenly appeared.

  Li Yi

  Personal Occupation: [Chef], [Famous Bamboo Artist]

  A master of bamboo art?

  Seeing this professional name, Li Yi was a little surprised.

   Has his current bamboo weaving skills reached the level of a famous master?

  In the dream space, he learned about the division standards of some craftsmen's occupational levels.

  During the Spring and Autumn Period, the status of craftsmen was mainly divided into three major classes, namely craftsman, teacher, and family.

  Carpenter refers to making a living by making a living.

  The master refers to spread the branches and spread the leaves, and pass on the arts to benefit others.

  Family refers to founding a sect and forming a whole of its own.

  Each large class is further divided into three small classes, which are professional, famous, and large.

  Specially refers to specialization in one skill, deep study.

   Name refers to the reputation, praise.

  The big finger is integrated, everything is unclear.

  So, Li Yi's [Famous Bamboo Arts] has reached the eighth level, only one step away from the highest level.

   At this time, he also recalled what Lu Ban said to him before returning to reality.

   "If the public leaves a work handed down from generation to generation, it will become everyone!"

   That is to say, the task he received in the eight-faced monument is to leave a handed down work and become a 【Master of Bamboo Art】?

  After realizing the requirements of this task, Li Yi did not fear the difficulty, but became a little excited.

  Stayed in the dream space for thirty years, he devoted himself to studying bamboo weaving skills.

  Although the main purpose is to return to reality after finishing his studies, this skill, which he has devoted thirty years of hard work to, has also integrated into his body and become a part of him.

  After 30 years of hard work on this skill, why doesn't he want to use a handed down work to test the limits of his skills?

  However, it is not so easy to make a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

  Since it is called a handed down work, it means that the work represents the top craftsmanship level and aesthetic level within a period of time, and it must reach the peak in all aspects.

  This kind of work, even at the professional level of Li Yi [Famous Bamboo Artist], cannot be done casually.

  Looking at the fish basket in his hand, Li Yi shook his head.

  Although the skill of this fish basket has already been called the pinnacle, it is still far from being handed down from generation to generation, so it can only be regarded as an object.

  Looking down at the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl, Jinshan Imperial Kitchen Knife and other objects beside him, he couldn't help being in a daze.

  Although in this space, he may have only entered it for a moment.

   But in the dream space, he stayed for thirty years.

  Taishan's memory was isolated, but this sense of dislocation that spanned thousands of years still made him a little dazed.

   Gathering his thoughts, he bent over to pick up these items, turned around and walked towards the fog wall.

  He entered the dream space twice this time, and it took more than fifty years before and after. In reality, I don’t know how long it has passed.

   If you really slept for more than fifty hours, something big would happen.

  Back to the wooden tablet space, Li Yi looked at the familiar wooden tablet, and finally found the psychological connection with the real world, and he felt relieved.

  With a thought, all the objects in front of him disappeared, and he returned to the locker in the dining room. In the storage room, only the sheep knife and fish basket were left.

   Then, he closed his eyes, opened his hands, relaxed himself, and fell backwards.

   Finally going back to reality.

  He sank, and the springy mattress under him reminded him that he was still on the hotel bed.

  How much time has passed?

  He wanted to find the location of the phone, but the turbulent exhaustion rushed over like a tide, drowning him instantly.

  So tired!

  He was a little dizzy, and sleepiness was still pulling his eyelids.

  Why are you so tired this time?

   He braced himself, found his phone, and checked the time.

   It's only been more than five hours?

how so?

  Li Yi was very puzzled.

   When I went in last time, the flow rate of time did not follow the ratio of one year: one hour.

   This time it is the same.

   This ratio is reduced by a factor of ten, why is this happening?

   Could it be the amount of blood?

  He vaguely remembered that when he went in last time, he smeared more blood on the wooden tablet. As a result, it took more than 20 years to go in last time, but in reality it only took more than two hours.

   And this time he was also sucked a lot of blood in the eight-sided monument space.

  Perhaps this is the reason why he stayed for more than 50 years, but in reality it only passed more than five hours?

   There was no time to think about it, exhaustion and sleepiness had already made him unable to hold on.

   Before putting the phone back, his consciousness had already dimmed until he was awakened by a harsh doorbell.

   Opening his eyes in a daze, he glanced at the light that penetrated through the gap in the curtains. It was obviously getting late.


  He got up to find the slippers, went to the door and opened the door, but Zhao Jinmai was outside the door.

   "Brother Yi, you haven't woken up yet? It's almost two o'clock."

  Zhao Jinmai held up his mobile phone and said: "We sent you a lot of messages, but you didn't reply to me. Did you forget to charge your mobile phone?"


  Li Yi rubbed his eyes and asked: "Isn't there no live broadcast today? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

   "It's two o'clock, do you want to sleep all day?"

  Zhao Jinmai smiled and said, "Sister Yifei and I plan to go shopping, are you going?"

  Li Yi was still a little sleepy, so he shook his head: "Go, I want to sleep for a while."

   "Don't sleep, if you sleep again, your head will grow old, let's go together!"

  Zhao Jinmai put his palms together and begged.

   "You two girls go shopping together, what do you want me to do?"

  Li Yi yawned.

   "It's just two girls, so they need a man's protection!"

  Zhao Jinmai smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that we will meet bad people? What if we are bullied?"

  Li Yi smiled: "You two stars, if you shout on the street, dozens of fans will jump out, do you need my protection?"

   "Let's go! If you don't go, who will show us the bags?"

  Zhao Jinmai finally revealed the real purpose, and immediately said: "You go shopping with us, and we treat you to drink milk tea, is it okay? Alright, alright! Go and change clothes, we will wait for you below!"

   After speaking, she turned and ran away without waiting for Li Yi's response.

  Li Yi shook his head lightly, yawned, and closed the door.




  (end of this chapter)

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