Chapter 207 Eight-faced Monument

  After confirming the mission, Li Yi felt worried.

   It's okay to do [Beauty Banquet] to please Yifei.

  But what the **** is that sentence that makes him fall in love?

  Shuanglin himself didn't complete this task!

  According to Shuanglin's memory fragments, after he prepared the [Beauty Banquet] and sent it in, the woman similar to Liu Yifei didn't eat at all, and ran out directly, trying to escape, but was stopped by the guards.

  She knew Qianlong's identity, but she resolutely refused to give in, and even scolded Qianlong, scolding him so much that he was bloody.

  Because she used some rebellious words, Qianlong was furious, and directly ordered her to be killed.

  As for Li Yi who was waiting outside the door, also known as Shuanglin, because he witnessed all this with his own eyes, Qianlong was also angered and ordered to have his head beheaded.

  This result also made Li Yi face a difficult situation.

  The previous tasks were all completed by the person possessed by him.

  Wang Kui's tofu banquet was very satisfying for Empress Xiaoxianchun.

  Chen De's imitation banquet also successfully conquered Heshen and became the head of the kitchen in Heshen's mansion.

   And Han Song's Victorian meals did ease Concubine Rong's homesickness.

  But this time, Shuanglin himself failed to complete the task, and even had his head chopped off.

  If Li Yi was himself, how would he do it?

  This task is much more difficult than before!

   Li Yi sighed and stood up.

  Looking at the wooden monument in front of him and the foggy wall behind him, he adjusted his mood.

  Although the task is a bit difficult, he has gained a lot this time.

  This time was the longest time he stayed in the dream space. Not only did he fully master the skills of Shuanglin's [Beauty Feast], but he also successfully penetrated into the interior of the enamel work.

  Relying on the information accumulated before, he successfully got acquainted with Wang Shixiong, a master of the Yangzhou school in enamel work, and learned a lot of craft skills for making cloisonné.

  After practicing in the dream space, his skills are already comparable to second-class enamel craftsmen.

  Besides, with the support of Shuanglin’s meticulous skills in producing [Beauty Banquet] all the year round, his skills in the steps of drawing, tire making, silk filigree, and blue spotting are even comparable to a first-class enamel craftsman.

  If it weren't for the fact that he hasn't mastered the craft of burning blue for the time being, he would have been able to become a teacher by now.

  In addition to [Beauty Feast] and half a set of cloisonne craftsmanship, Li Yi also brought out a special item.

  It was a set of fishhooks of different sizes and materials.

  Shuanglin's [Beauty Feast], the main ingredients are all kinds of freshwater fish, such as various fish, shrimp and crabs.

  He has a rule, that is, the fish used to make the beauties must be fresh and without trauma.

  So, when he was developing dishes related to the [Beauty Banquet], he traveled to various provinces and provinces, and traveled all over the rivers, lakes and seas in the south of the Yangtze River, searching for suitable seafood.

  For this reason, he has also practiced an exquisite fishing technique, claiming that he can hit every rod.

  He never said that his culinary skills are unrivaled in the world, but he has repeatedly boasted that his fishing skills are the best in the world.

  However, there is a reason for his self-confidence. He does have a lot of research in fishing techniques.

   Among other things, he spent more than ten years working **** this set, and the various fishhooks collected from all over the world are enough to prove his thoughts.

  Raising his right hand, Li Yi took out a black box.

   This box is only the size of a palm, but it is not light, and the texture is very hard, and it even makes a stone-like sound when knocked.

   This is a box made of ebony, also known as gloomy wood.

  General fresh wood will have some taste more or less.

  People may not be able to smell it, but fish can.

  Only this kind of gloomy wood under the river bed can dissipate the smell of the wood itself, so that the smell will not be stained on the fishhooks in the box.

   Lifting the lid of the box, Li Yi looked at the fishhooks of different sizes inside, which were attached to the wet cotton **** inside.

  These hooks are made of different materials, including gold and silver, wood and bamboo, bone and beak, stone and jade.

   Among them, there are old hooks that have been used for hundreds of years, and there are also new hooks specially made by craftsmen.

   But even Xingou has been raised by Shuanglin for at least ten years.

  The so-called hook maintenance is to soak the hook with something with aroma and fishy smell, so that the hook can absorb the smell, and it is easier to attract fish to take the bait.

  Shuanglin likes to raise hooks with spirits, and occasionally uses eel blood.

  He believes that the longer the hook is kept, the better it will be, and the more accurate and faster the fishing will be.

  The actual situation is indeed the same. Fishing with these hooks that he has cultivated thoroughly, he is like a tiger with wings added, almost never empty.

  Closing the lid, Li Yi put away the hook and looked at the foggy wall behind the wooden monument.

  With this set of hooks, he should be able to penetrate this fog wall this time, right?

  Just do it when you think of it, Li Yi took the bowl, knife, stone mill and other things that were put aside, and walked towards the fog wall again.

  Same as last time, he didn't feel any resistance, and went directly into the fog wall.

   Step by step, he walked deep into the fog wall, and the eight monuments behind him became clearer and clearer. Soon, he came to the place where he stopped last time.

  The resistance remains the same, but much smaller.

   Without stopping, he took a step forward, bowed his head and rushed forward.


   It seemed as if an invisible voice sounded.

  Li Yi rushed into a space that was the same as the wooden monument space.

  Almost exactly the same space size, exactly the same fog wall.

  The only difference is the eight-faced stele in the center.

  Placing the things on the ground, Li Yi observed around the eight-faced stele, secretly amazed.

  As he observed before, the eight sides of this eight-sided monument are all made of different materials.

  He observed around. The materials of these eight surfaces are stone, blue brick, iron sheet, wood plank, bamboo slice, leather, cloth, and paper.

   These eight completely different materials are fused together strangely, without gaps between each other, as if they were natural creations.

  Looking at its seamless material, Li Yi felt like he was looking at various glazed vases, but the impression was even more magical.

   Does this eight-faced stele have the same effect as the wooden stele?

  Li Yi looked around the eight-faced stele again, and even touched it with his hands.

   This time he made some new discoveries.

  The materials of these eight surfaces are different, but they all have a common feature—damage.

  The side of the stone material is full of cracks, and when touched by hand, debris will fall.

  The side of the iron sheet is rusty, and the rust is very deep, forming several layers of rust.

  In addition, other materials on the surface of the stele are also full of traces of insect bites, rat bites, and fire blisters.

  Why is this still a battle-damaged monument?

  Looking at the eight monuments made of different materials, Li Yi fell into deep thought.

  Stones, bricks, wooden boards, bamboo strips, these eight-faced monuments should represent the skills of the traditional eight master craftsmen, right?

  The eight master craftsmen are the eight ways of making a living among the people in the past. They are the best eight ways of making a living for the children of poor families besides studying to become an official, studying medicine and becoming a doctor.

  These eight industries also represent the most traditional and essential craftsman skills among the people.

  Even in the Ministry of Industry and the Manufacturing Office of the imperial court, the craftsmen of these eight crafts are the largest in number, and they are the mainstay of craftsmen.

   These eight kinds of craftsmen are the most common, not as rare as the Bajue craftsmen, but the fineness of these eight craftsmen is not inferior to the Bajue craftsmen.

  Even the eight unique craftsmen choose their disciples, they also choose those loyal people with solid basic skills from these eight kinds of craftsmen.

  Li Yi guessed that this eight-faced stele should be like a wooden stele, activated with blood to learn skills.

   But he just came out of the dream space, is he going in again now?

  Li Yi hesitated.




  (end of this chapter)

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