Chapter 185 Mutton Naren

   Watching Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming eating deliciously, Zhao Jinmai could only watch helplessly.

   Seeing her pitiful appearance, Liu Yifei couldn't stand it anymore, and stretched out her hand to pull her aside.

   Glancing at Li Yi, she picked up her lamb chops and fed them to Zhao Jinmai's mouth: "Here, why don't you have a bite?"

  Looking at the lamb chops near his mouth, Zhao Jinmai hesitated.

   "This, isn't it good?"

  She glanced at Li Yi secretly, and found that Li Yi wasn't looking at her, so she looked down at the lamb chops and swallowed.

   "Just take a sip, it should be all right?"

  Seeing her hesitation, Liu Yifei withdrew her hand hesitantly: "Then let's forget it."

   "Eh? Don't!"

  Zhao Jinmai grabbed her hand, licked his lips, and looked forward with anticipation: "Let's take a sip then!"

   As she spoke, she took Liu Yifei's hand, lowered her head, and took a bite of the lamb chop.

   With one bite, she just bit on the fascia and failed to bite it off.

  She raised her head, trying to tear off the lamb chops, but unexpectedly, she almost tore off the whole lamb chops.

   "Ah! Let go...haha!"

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei exclaimed, but then she was amused by her greedy appearance of biting the meat.

  Zhao Jinmai took two steps back with the meat in his mouth, and continued with his hands, while laughing: "I didn't bite it off, there is no way, this is God's will..."

   Just as she was talking, she saw Li Yi who was looking at her helplessly.

   Shrinking her neck, she turned and ran, shouting as she ran, "I'll just take this one bite!"

  Watching her run away, Li Yi shook his head, and then greeted Wu Lei: "Come and help after eating, share the meat with everyone."

   This lamb weighed about eleven or two catties after cooking, and the five of them couldn't finish it.

  However, there are so many workers on site, and there is no fear that there will be more than ten catties of mutton, or even not enough.

  So, after calling Wu Lei over to divide the meat, Li Yi went to the storage room, opened a bag of Bayi flour specially brought back, scooped out a basin, added water, and kneaded the noodles.

   There is still a bucket of mutton soup in the bucket, so it must not be wasted.

  Li Yi saved the lamb neck with the most tender meat. When the noodles are reconciled, use the mutton soup to make some noodles and make some mutton naren, which happens to be the staple food.

   As Li Yi expected, after dozens of staff members entered the field, a sheep didn't persist for a few minutes before being wiped out.

  Because there were too many people, everyone only got a small piece, and it was gone as soon as they tasted it.

  It is the most uncomfortable feeling that this kind of appetite stops abruptly as soon as it is lifted.

  It’s like when you come home and see your girlfriend wearing **** underwear, just about to pounce on it, but find out that your girlfriend’s relatives are visiting, you can’t get up and down.

   Therefore, the sheep's neck that Li Yi left aside became the focus of everyone's attention.

   "Brother Yi, is this lamb neck delicious?"

  Wu Lei came to Li Yi and asked.

  Li Yi kneaded the dough, and said without turning his head: "Don't try to steal it! I'm saving the sheep's neck for that benevolence."

  Wu Lei's eyes widened: "How do you insult people's innocence out of thin air? Who stole it? I'm asking for my brothers."

   As he spoke, he winked at the staff behind him.

  Li Yi looked back, then smiled and said: "The red meat of the four-hoofed species is the most tender and delicious. Where is the most close-boned meat? It is the meat around the spine from the head to the tail.

  Whether it is pork or beef, the tenderloin is the most expensive, because that piece of meat is the most tender and has the best taste.

  The neck and tail are the two ends of the spine, and they are also the most active parts of four-hoofed animals. The meat is all live meat.

  So, the meat of the neck and tail is more fragrant than the belly meat and leg meat. "

   "Did you hear that?"

  Wu Lei rushed to the staff behind and said with a smile: "Brother Yi said, the best meat is left to you!"

  The staff heard the words, laughed behind the camera, and gave a thumbs up in Li Yi's direction.

  Wu Lei turned around with a smile, patted his belly and laughed, "Don't worry, brother Yi, I'm already full, and I won't steal it."

   "You better be."

   As Li Yi said, he had already rolled the divided noodles into long strips in his hands, then brushed it with oil, and woke up again.

   "Why are you still awake?"

  Wu Lei could see clearly from the side, Li Yi had already woken up twice.

  The first time was when we just reconciled, and the second time was when we split into noodles.

Li Yi took the sheep's neck, tore off the meat on it, put it on a plate beside him, and explained: "The flour in the Western Regions is very gluten, so you have to knead it three times, otherwise it won't be pulled apart at all. .”

   Soon, he tore off the meat from the sheep's neck, separated the joints, pulled out the bone marrow inside, and put it on top.

  Looking at the white and tender bone marrow, Wu Lei couldn't move his eyes again.

  Seeing this, Li Yi pulled the plate towards him.

  Seeing his movements, Wu Lei put his hands on his hips and yelled, "Brother Yi, who do you look down on? Am I such a greedy person?"

  Li Yi looked at him with a calm expression: "Like."

   Wu Lei looked at him in surprise, his eyes gradually widened, as if he couldn't believe it, his eyes changed, from shock to aggrieved, then to sad, and finally turned into a chicken thief.

   "Hey! It's really accurate!"

  Wu Lei smirked, stretched out his chopsticks and pinched the bone marrow.

   But his movements are fast, and Li Yi's movements are even faster.


  Li Yi also stuck out his chopsticks like lightning, and directly clamped the ends of Wu Lei's chopsticks.


  Wu Lei wanted to pull out the chopsticks, but found that the chopsticks had been clamped tightly by Li Yi, unable to move at all.


  Wu Lei was a little startled, and increased his strength a bit, trying to shake Li Yi's chopsticks.

   But he broke the chopsticks until they were deformed, but he still couldn't break free from Li Yi's restraint.

"I go!"

  He looked at the motionless chopsticks in Li Yi's hands in shock, and exclaimed, "Brother Yi, you are so strong!"

   "Of course, I rely on this for a living!"

  Li Yi laughed before letting go of his chopsticks.


  Wu Lei looked at the two chopsticks falling on the desk, and still couldn't understand.

   Isn’t this incredible?

How did he do that?

  And Li Yi had already taken out the waken noodles, rolled them into thin slices with a rolling pin, and then put them into the mutton soup.

   The thin noodle slices were cooked in no time. After Li Yi put the noodle slices down, he stirred them a few times. After the mutton soup was boiled, he scooped it up with a strainer and put it on the largest plate.

  Afterwards, he put all the removed lamb neck meat on the noodles, scooped a few spoonfuls of mutton soup, adjusted the salt, and poured it on the noodles.

  Finally, sprinkle some shredded leather teeth on top, and the mutton Naren is ready.

   This is a staple food for family hospitality. The recipe is very simple, but with the blessing of top-quality ingredients, the taste is extraordinarily extraordinary.

  Wu Lei was determined not to eat carbohydrates at first, but after seeing the amazing expressions of the staff after eating the noodles, he finally couldn't resist the temptation, and moved up with a bowl.

  Li Yi held a bowl of mutton soup sprinkled with chopped onion and coriander, and sipped it.

  Seeing Wu Lei and the staff scrambling for noodles, he smiled softly, like a pig farm owner who is greedy for piglets.

   Let’s eat, if you are friends with the cook, if you don’t gain a few catties, how can you be considered a friend?

   Lose weight if you get fat!




  (end of this chapter)

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