Chapter 186 I just want to eat almond tofu

   "Mai Mai, the mutton kernels you ate this afternoon were too much for Chenchen, crying and crying to find you to eat lamb kernels."

   "Haha! Let him come! Mutton Naren is very delicious. When he comes, I will ask Brother Yi to make it for him."

   On the car back to the hotel, Zhao Jinmai was making a video call with his family.

  The younger brother Chen Chen she was talking about also came to the phone and asked her, "Sister, where is Brother Yi?"

"Ha ha!"

  Zhao Jinmai was amused by him: "Why are you also called Brother Yi? You should be called Brother Li Yi."

   Huang Xiaoming on the side smiled and said: "What's the matter, I'm older than Li Yi, don't I follow you and call him Brother Yi now?"

  Hearing this, Li Yi smiled and said, "Don't, brother Xiao Ming, you should call me Li Yi! The seniority is messed up."

   "Haha! It's okay."

  Huang Xiaoming joked: "Let's have our own opinions. You call me Brother Xiaoming, and I call you Brother Yi."

   "Then call me Brother Lei!"

  Wu Lei stretched out his head, and was immediately knocked by Huang Xiaoming: "It's not big or small."

   "Brother Yi."

  Zhao Jinmai took the phone over with a smile, and introduced to Li Yi: "This is my brother, he also filmed movies with me."

  The mobile phone is a living room, a little boy about five or six years old is looking at the camera curiously.

   "Chen Chen?"

  Li Yi smiled and waved at the camera.

   "Ah! Brother Yi! Brother Yi!"

   Chenchen on the phone suddenly jumped up excitedly, laughing happily, as if meeting an idol's fan.

  The camera turned, and a middle-aged woman smiled and said, "Oh! Brother Yi, I finally saw you. Our Jia Chenchen is obsessed with you now, and I have to see you every day to be willing to eat."

  Zhao Jinmai heard the words, and quickly turned the phone over: "Mom, why did you also call Brother Yi?"

   "Oh right, right, I forgot."

  The middle-aged woman laughed: "I watch the live broadcast every day, and I'm used to listening to your brother Yi and Chang Yi's short stories."

   "Auntie, you can call me Xiao Li."

   Li Yi greeted with a smile.

   "Hey, hello."

  The middle-aged woman said with a smile: "Our family Chenchen is taking piano lessons. When I have time next month, I will take him to visit the class and bring you some specialties from our Northeast."

   "Okay! Thank you, Auntie!"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "Whatever you and Chen Chen want to eat, just tell Mai Mai in advance, and when you come, I will make it for you."

   "That would be great! Haha!"

  The middle-aged woman smiled happily, then seemed to think of something, and asked, "Eh? By the way, Xiao Li, do you have a girlfriend?"

  Li Yi was taken aback for a moment, but still shook his head: "No."


  The middle-aged woman suddenly became interested, and asked him: "Then what do you think of our Mai Mai?"

   Before she finished speaking, Zhao Jinmai took the phone back in a hurry, blushing and complaining: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

   "Is it okay if I ask?"

  The middle-aged woman didn't take it seriously: "Xiao Li is a nice person. He can cook and make herbal tea for you. How nice is it to you? When it comes to talking about a boyfriend, you have to find someone who has good character and knows how to love others..."

   Hearing that she was getting more and more unreliable, Zhao Jinmai hurriedly interrupted her: "Oh! Stop talking nonsense, I don't plan to find a boyfriend, I'm going to the hotel right away, hang up first!"

   After finishing speaking, she quickly hung up the phone.

  She secretly glanced at Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei's expression was calm, and there was nothing unusual about it.

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said to Li Yi: "Brother Yi, don't listen to my mother's nonsense, she usually likes to joke, don't mind!"

   "It's okay."

  Li Yi smiled, but didn't take it seriously.

  Seeing that the car was about to arrive at the hotel, Li Yi thought of something, and reminded: "Tomorrow we have a lot of work, everyone take a good rest tonight, recharge your batteries, and try to get off work early tomorrow."


   Everyone responded in unison.

  Following, Wu Lei looked at Li Yi and asked excitedly, "Brother Yi, are you going to slaughter a sheep tomorrow?"

  They waited until 11:30 in the evening, received the truck driver, put all the goods in the storage room, and returned to the hotel to rest.

  The four sheep were also locked in the warehouse, waiting to be turned into ingredients.

   "No slaughter tomorrow."

  Li Yi explained: "Those live sheep are used for roast whole sheep, barbecue and finger meat, so they must be fresh, and they will be slaughtered in the morning of the business day after tomorrow to ensure that customers can eat the freshest lamb."

"All right."

  Wu Lei nodded and said with a smile, "I'll help you when the time comes."

  He had never seen a sheep slaughtered in his life, let alone helped.

   "Although it's not necessary, you can do it if you want."

  Li Yi smiled and asked: "Are you dizzy?"

   "No... dizzy?"

  Wu Lei was quite sure at first, but when he saw Li Yi's smile, he felt guilty again, so he added it at the end of the sentence.

"That's good."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Just don't look at it when it's slaughtered, and you can help when it's opened."

  Wu Lei swallowed his saliva when he heard the word "open his body" in an understatement, and suddenly regretted why he asked for help.

  At this time, Zhao Jinmai asked: "Brother Yi, I feel that my voice is almost healed. Do you have kebabs for tomorrow?"

  She was the one who suffered the most today. She only ate one skewer of mutton skewers, and only one bite of lamb chops, but she ate a full stomach of Naren noodles.

  But maybe the herbal tea and radish and pear syrup took effect. She feels that her throat is much better. When she wakes up from sleep, it should be almost fine.

   "If you want to eat, you can eat it!"

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Tomorrow, we can eat a lot. Let's have noodles at noon, and naan and baked buns in the afternoon. It will definitely satisfy you."

"Very good!"

  Zhao Jinmai raised his hands and cheered, very happy.

  Suddenly, Liu Yifei said, "I want to eat almond tofu."

  Li Yi laughed and said, "I've eaten almond tofu, let me make milk tea for you! I bought milk skin and fried rice, boiled it and put it in, it's very delicious."

   But Liu Yifei added: "I just want to eat almond tofu."

  Li Yi was slightly taken aback, but still nodded: "Yes, by the way, I just bought almonds, and this time I made it with milk, which tastes better."

   After he finished speaking, the car also stopped in front of the hotel.

   "Get out of the car!"

  Huang Xiaoming glanced at Liu Yifei, and greeted everyone with a smile: "Everyone, good night, go to bed early."

   As he spoke, he got out of the car first.

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai also followed and got out of the car together.

  Li Yi was sitting in the back row. As soon as he got up, he saw Liu Yifei also stand up.

  Seeing this, Li Yi sat back and motioned to her, "You get off first."

  Liu Yifei didn't speak, but got out of the car first.

  Li Yi followed down, but saw Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai had already followed Huang Xiaoming into the elevator.

   It was too late to ask them to wait, so Li Yi didn't call them, and walked towards the elevator.

  Liu Yifei carried her bag and followed behind him in silence.

   Entering the elevator, Li Yi smoothly pressed the floor for her.

  The elevator door closed, reflecting the shadows of the two people.

  Looking at the benefits in the elevator door, Liu Yifei suddenly said: "Brother Yi, I'm sorry, the way I spoke just now was not very good, I just suddenly crave almond tofu."

He glanced at her with some doubts, Li Yi didn't think much, nodded and said: "It's okay, just make it if you want to eat it! It's not troublesome, I also like to eat almond tofu, it tastes better when it's refrigerated, I'll buy it this time The quality of the almonds is very good, the milk is also good, and the almond tofu made must be better than last time.”

  Listening to him talking about how to make almond tofu, the corners of Liu Yifei's mouth slowly raised, and a smile gradually became apparent.


  Li Yi's floor arrived, he stepped out of the elevator, and said casually: "Go to bed early, good night."

   After finishing speaking, he walked towards his room.

  His room is not far from the elevator entrance, just a few steps away.

  Finding out the room card in his pocket, he just opened the door when he heard Liu Yifei's voice from the elevator entrance.

   "Brother Yi!"

  He looked back, only to find that Liu Yifei stuck his head out of the elevator, looking at him with a smile.

   Seeing him looking over, Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Thank you!"

  After speaking, she shrank her head back.

  The elevator doors closed and the lights dimmed. Li Yi looked in the direction of the elevator entrance and couldn't help shivering.

  In the middle of the night, the head of a beautiful woman with fluttering long hair protruded from the elevator entrance, quite permeable...




  (end of this chapter)

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