Chapter 184 Hand-caught lamb

   The grilled meat only accounts for one-fifth of the whole lamb, and most of it is stewed in the barrel.

   Stewing and grilling are the best ways to taste the ultimate deliciousness of mutton.

  Ning Province Yanchi Tan sheep, also one of the three famous sheep in China, is presented in the way of stewed finger meat, and the taste is also excellent.

  The Rob sheep that Li Yi bought this time are all lamb meat, they are called unmarried sheep in the Western Regions.

  Lamb meat is more tender, so it has been rotten after an hour of cooking.

  In order to maintain the temperature in the soup bucket, Li Yi did not open the lid during the whole process of stewing.

   Wait until all the kebabs are roasted and distributed, and it's time for the mutton in the bucket.

  Li Yi put on a pair of insulated gloves and came to the soup bucket.

  Liu Yifei and the others didn't enjoy eating skewers, so when they saw that Li Yi was going to stew the mutton, they trotted over to follow.

   "Be careful, don't burn it."

  Li Yi reminded, and lifted the lid.

  When the lid is lifted, a puff of steam rises, carrying the fresh aroma of mutton, and turns into a white mushroom cloud, spreading out.

   "Wow! It smells so good!"

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai praised in unison, and Zhao Jinmai gulped a few mouthfuls of saliva even more.

  She only ate one skewer of the barbecue just now, and Li Yi refused to let her eat it.

  Li Yi said that mutton is fat, and she is drinking herbal tea, so it is not recommended for her to eat too much mutton.

  But she has just tasted such delicious mutton, how could she bear it?

  Smelling the aroma of mutton in the soup bucket, she asked Li Yi, "Brother Yi, can I have some of this stewed mutton?"

  Li Yi hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's better not to eat it, wait until your throat is healed before eating it!"

   "Brother Yi, please, I'll just eat a small piece and drink some soup."

  Zhao Jinmai clasped his hands together and pleaded with Li Yi.

Li Yi sighed: "Mutton is fat, didn't I already let you eat a bunch of mutton skewers? I'll make some fried rice with soy sauce for you later, and when your throat recovers, I'll make you a special meal of mutton. Fine?"


  Zhao Jinmai pursed his lips aggrievedly, turned his head and put his arms around Liu Yifei's neck, moaning and pretending to cry and complained: "Sister Yifei, brother Yi won't give me meat."

  Liu Yifei patted her cheek and said with a smile, "It's okay, you can watch us eat later."


  Zhao Jinmai looked at her speechlessly, then looked up to the sky and sighed: "The world is so cold!"

  Listening to their jokes, Li Yi had already fished out a whole lamb chop from the bucket.

  First use a knife to cut apart the ribs one by one along the gap between the ribs.

  Afterwards, Li Yi took out the bone-chopping knife that had just divided the bones, and cut along the gap opened one by one.

  The sharp bone cutter easily chopped the lamb chops into individual ribs, revealing a beautiful cross section.

  The cut lamb chops are ruddy in color, covered with a thin layer of tender oil, and white brittle bones can be seen on the top.

  Li Yi put the lamb chops on the tray, then took out a bag of coarse salt, added a spoonful of broth to melt it, and poured it on the lamb chops.

   When cooking the meat, Li Yi didn't put too much salt.

  Too much salt will cause the osmotic pressure to change, causing too much water in the meat to be analyzed, causing the meat to become too old.

  Therefore, when local old herdsmen in the Western Regions cook mutton, they usually only put a little salt to make a bottom opening, and then pour salt water after it is out of the pot to make up for the salty taste.

  In this way, the freshness and flavor of the meat can be kept to the greatest extent.

   Randomly chopped a white onion, shredded it, and sprinkled it on the lamb chops. Li Yi greeted, "It's ready to eat."

  Wu Lei held the chopsticks and the bowl, and leaned over, stretched his neck and stared at the lamb chops on the tray: "Hahaha! Big lamb chops!"

   "Do you still want to eat?" Li Yi asked with a smile, "Have you exceeded the calorie limit today?"

   "It's okay to only eat meat, the worst is to run for an extra hour."

  Wu Lei smiled and held out the bowl.

  Li Yi smiled and shook his head, this kid has completely given up on the bottom line.

   But he is not the only one, Huang Xiaoming is also holding a bowl and lining up behind.

  Give one to Wu Lei, Li Yi asked Huang Xiaoming behind him, "Do you want one or two?"

   "I want two!"

   Huang Xiaoming stared at the fat and tender lamb chops, and said with a smile: "It's not like you can eat such good lamb every day, of course you have to enjoy it."

  Hearing what he said, Wu Lei, who was about to walk away, suddenly stretched out the bowl again: "I want two too!"

  Seeing this, Li Yi gave him another one.

  Holding the bowl containing two lamb chops, Wu Lei came to the side happily.

  Master Cai came up close and took a close-up of the lamb chops.

   "Look! How's it going? Do you have an appetite?"

  Wu Lei showed off his lamb chops to the camera.

  But the audience in the live broadcast room looked at the light color of the lamb chops, but they had doubts.

   "Is it really boiled mutton in clear water? No sauce?"

   "The color looks so dull! Is this delicious?"

   "You won't just eat it for nothing, right? Let's serve it with garlic juice!"

   "No, looking at it like this, I really don't have much appetite."

  Seeing the questioning barrage from the audience, Wu Lei's eyes widened: "You guys think it's not delicious? Do you know how delicious this mutton smells? Oh...Sorry, I forgot that you can't smell it."

  Hearing his words, the bullet screen was full of ellipses.


   "My heart is pierced by the old iron."

   "It's meaningless for you to say that! We also want to smell it!"

   "It is recommended to make a garlic juice, cut some minced garlic, add some soy sauce, vinegar, and some sesame oil, it will definitely taste better than this clear soup with little water."

   Seeing the audience's suggestion, Wu Lei was also shaken, and turned to Li Yi and asked, "Brother Yi, do you want to eat it with some dipping sauce?"

"Need not."

  Li Yi didn't even raise his head: "You'll know once you taste it. The meaty mutton doesn't need any seasoning to enhance its color at all. It's delicious enough just by its own meat quality."

  Hearing what he said, Wu Lei felt relieved, and said to the camera, "I'll try it first", then lowered his head and pinched the lamb ribs, and tore off a rib from the top.

   The fat and tender mutton burst out with a rich milky aroma. After chewing twice, Wu Lei narrowed his eyes and sighed as if he had been hit in the heart.

"What's wrong?"

  Huang Xiaoming also received the lamb chops and came to him.

   "I kind of want to cry."

  Wu Lei raised his head and sighed: "This mutton lady is so delicious!"

   Seeing his exaggerated expression, the audience in the live broadcast room were a little suspicious.

   "Really? Are you playing us?"

   "It looks like boiled meat, how can it be so delicious?"

Wu Lei looked at their barrage, and said seriously: "I really didn't lie to you, this meat is really delicious! It's also the first time I have eaten such good mutton. It's really like what Brother Yi said, this meat is delicious. It’s so good, it doesn’t need any condiments to match, just relying on its own taste, it’s already fragrant enough!”

   Huang Xiaoming watched him interact with the audience, did not speak, and lowered his head to take a bite of the mutton.

  Following, his pupils dilated slightly, and he couldn't help blurting out: "Damn!"

  Hearing his voice, Wu Lei turned to look at him, and asked with a smile, "Is that right? Brother Xiaoming?"

   Huang Xiaoming looked at the mutton in his hand, both shocked and puzzled: "How can the meat cooked in plain water be so delicious?"

Hearing their exclamation, Li Yi glanced back at them and said with a smile: "In any place that is rich in mutton, only the best and freshest mutton can be used to make hand-caught mutton. This is the simplest and most delicious mutton. Top notch eating."




  (end of this chapter)

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