Chapter 183 Liver in Oil

   Without Wu Lei's begging, Li Yi will continue to cook.

  The charcoal fire in the oven has been booming, and the speed of grilling meat is also much faster.

  Li Yi spread out the charcoal fire, and then put half of the skewered meat and half of the liver in oil on the oven to roast.

   Soon, the milky aroma of oil quickly spread, making everyone's heart itchy.

  As the photographer of close-up shots, Master Cai suffered the most.

  He took a close-up shot of Li Yi's barbecue, smelling the wafting aroma, and felt his mouth watering, but he didn't dare to swallow too loudly, so as not to affect the shooting.

  But Li Yi in front of the camera noticed his throbbing Adam's apple.

   Faced with such delicacies, you can only look at it, but not eat it, which is undoubtedly a kind of torture.

  So, after Li Yi baked the oil-wrapped liver, he handed the first skewer to Master Cai behind the camera, and said with a smile, "Try it, how does it taste?"

  Master Cai didn’t expect that he would hand the skewers directly to himself, so he quickly waved his hand and gestured: “It’s live broadcast!”

  But Li Yi smiled and said: "It's okay, just treat it as a taste for the audience."

   As he spoke, he put the skewers in front of the camera, giving the audience a close-up picture.

  Three diamond-shaped liver slices were worn on the iron stick, about three millimeters thick, the size of a mahjong block, and the two ends were worn on the iron stick, forming three neatly arranged arcs.

  Below the sliced ​​liver, there is a slice of oil of the same size, which has been roasted to a slightly yellowish brown by charcoal fire, as if putting a layer of crispy shell on the sliced ​​liver.

   "This is liver in oil, the lower layer is sheep tail oil, and the top is liver slices."

Li Yi introduced to the audience: "This layer of oil looks very oily, but it is not greasy to eat, because the excess oil has been baked out by charcoal fire, and what is left is only the tender oily skin, which is very satisfying to eat. .”

  Looking at the close-up in front of the camera, the live room was drooling.

   "Brother Yi is too bad, he is so greedy for us even though he knows we can't eat it!"

   "The only solution to worry is barbecue!"

   "Isn't this killing me?"

   "Want to eat!"

   "Teach everyone a trick, put the mobile phone in front of the eyes, there is a 3D effect, it feels like you can see the skewers at close range."

   "Give me these few skewers after get off work at night, and a bottle of cold beer, it's perfect!"

  Li Yi also saw these bullet screens, he smiled and brought the skewers closer to the camera: "Come on, open your mouth."



  Under the watchful eyes of the audience expecting to be fed, Li Yi handed the skewers to Master Cai behind him.

   After taking the skewers, Master Cai smiled and gave Li Yi a thank you gesture.

  Seeing this, Li Yi simply took the camera from his hand, put it on his shoulder, and filmed him, and asked with a smile, "Master Cai, come and taste it for the audience. How does it taste, you can't lie!"

  Master Cai suddenly appeared on the scene and was stunned.

  Although he is a full-time photographer, he rarely appears in the show.

  Used to capture the artist's performance behind the camera, but suddenly appeared in front of the camera at this time, he was at a loss for a while.

   "It's okay, just talk about your normal feelings."

  Li Yi smiled and encouraged.

  Master Cai heard the words, then picked up the skewer with a stiff expression, and bit off a piece.

   After the piece of meat entered the mouth, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

"How about it?"

   Li Yi asked with a smile.

  Master Cai nodded vigorously, his eyes were a little bright: "Fragrant!"

   "Don't just say the word fragrant! Tell me why it is fragrant?"

  Li Yi smiled and asked, "How does it taste?"

Master Cai chewed a few times, swallowed the liver and oil slices together, and then searched for words, and said: "The oil on the outside tastes very fragrant, not greasy at all, and the liver inside is very tender. Just right, with a touch of sweetness, it’s amazing.”

  Listening to his description, the audience in the live broadcast room became even more itchy, and the number of barrages soared crazily.

   "Why is there no oil-wrapped liver in the Western Region barbecue here? I really want to taste what it tastes like!"

  “When I traveled to Mongolia, I ate lamb liver grilled by local people in a yurt at a scenic spot. It was very fresh, very tender, not firewood at all, and it really tasted fresh and sweet!”

   "It looks delicious, but it must be high in calories. I'd better live an eye addiction."

   "Ah!! Do you know how tortured this is for a visceral lover?"

   "God! Go to the barbecue! Let me die!"

  Under the eager eyes of the audience, Master Cai finished a bunch of oil-wrapped liver in two or three strokes.

   "Uncle Cai, how does this liver taste?"

  Wu Lei came over curiously.

  He originally wanted to wait for the mutton skewers, but seeing Master Cai eating so deliciously, he couldn't help it.


  Master Cai nodded solemnly and said: "It's so satisfying, I think it tastes better than meat."

   Hearing what he said, Wu Lei couldn't help it immediately: "Brother Yi, give me a bunch too!"

"you sure?"

  Li Yi smiled and asked: "The calories of this oil-wrapped liver are much higher than that of mutton skewers."

  Wu Lei hesitated when he heard the words.

   But looking at the oil-infused liver sizzling on the oven, he gritted his teeth: "It's okay! At worst, I'll run for an extra hour when I go back at night!"

   "Are you trying too hard?"

  Li Yi smiled and shook his head, then took a bunch from the oven and handed it to him.

  Wu Lei took it, couldn't wait to blow it twice, and immediately bit off a piece.


  He gasped and couldn't help shaking his head.

   After chewing for a few times, he swallowed the liver slices before admiring: "No wonder Uncle Cai said to satisfy his cravings, this oil-wrapped liver is more satisfying than mutton skewers!"

   "Tired?" Li Yi asked him.

   "Not greasy, enjoyable!"

  Wu Lei took another bite and narrowed his eyes happily: "The happiness of fat is incomparable, it's so cool!"

   "Don't just focus on eating for ourselves, let everyone have a taste."

   As Li Yi said, he returned the camera to Master Cai, and then slipped him two strings of oil-wrapped liver.

  Following that, he put the mutton kebabs and oil-wrapped liver grilled on the oven on the tray, and handed them to Wu Lei, who distributed them to the staff on site.

  Looking at it for a long time, the staff were almost crazy.

  Seeing the grilled skewers coming, everyone forgot about their work for a while, and rushed forward one after another, and a tray of grilled skewers was instantly wiped out.

  Looking at this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were all envious.

   "This job is really cool! Eat delicious food with Brother Yi every day!"

   "I wish you all finished recording the show, everyone's pants are two sizes bigger!"

   "Isn't it just liver in oil! It's delicious. I eat it every day after get off work, and it's only over two thousand kilometers when I go out on the highway."

   "I can't take it anymore! I haven't rested for more than three years, and I will ask for leave from the company tomorrow to take my wife and children to the capital, brothers! See you on the show!"


   Seeing Li Yi divide the roasted meat, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai looked at the empty tray, and then looked at Li Yi eagerly, without saying anything.

  Seeing this, Li Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, you won't be hungry, there's still half a sheep in the bucket!"




  (end of this chapter)

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