Chapter 182 The milky flavor of mutton

  Liu Yifei narrowed her eyes after biting off a piece of mutton.

  The aroma of the mutton had a strong impact, occupying her senses, making her unable to pay attention to other things for a while, and just wanted to savor the taste of the mutton in her mouth.

  The soft and tender taste of mutton in her mouth made her feel a little familiar, a bit like the marinated beef in the fried rice noodles eaten at noon, but it was different.

  The beef at noon is marinated with baking soda, which Yi Ge said will make the meat softer and tenderer.

   This is indeed the case. When Liu Yifei ate at noon, the beef was indeed softer than ordinary beef, but the toughness of the beef could still be tasted after chewing deeply.

  But the tenderness of the piece of mutton she ate at this moment is completely another level.

  Her teeth bit down, and with almost no effort, the mutton was already bitten open.

  But while biting open, the textures of the mutton are still connected together, maintaining a certain degree of elasticity.

  This taste made her think of another completely different food—cotton candy.

  This mutton really has the feeling of melting in the mouth like cotton candy!

  The most important thing is that after the mutton was bitten open, the tender juice inside immediately gushed out, filling her mouth with the unique delicious taste of mutton.

   This is a delicious taste that she has never tasted before, and it is different from all the mutton she has eaten.

  Opening her eyes, she bit down another piece of mutton, chewed it carefully, and experienced the satisfaction of the gravy again.

  This time she even discovered that the mutton juice had a milky aroma!

  Reluctantly swallowed the mutton in her mouth, she sighed: "This mutton tastes really good! This should be the best mutton I've ever eaten!"


  Zhao Jinmai also nodded fiercely, exclaiming: "I didn't know that mutton can be so delicious after eating this mutton!"

  Liu Yifei looked at Li Yi and asked, "Brother Yi, is the mutton from the Western Regions so delicious?"

   "That's not necessarily the case, it depends on what it looks like."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "If the sheep are raised in the mountains, eat wild grass, and drink snow water from the Tianshan Mountains, the meat quality is generally not bad.

  If it is the feed sheep raised by ordinary herdsmen, the taste will be worse.

  The mutton I use is from the Luobu sheep in WL County, Western Regions Province. It is one of the three famous sheep in China. "

   "Rob the sheep?"

  Zhao Jinmai thought for a while and asked, "Does it have anything to do with Lop Nur?"


  Li Yi ate a mouthful of mutton and explained: "WL County is under the jurisdiction of Bazhou in the Western Regions Province, and Lop Nur is within the territory of Bazhou.

The original Uighur name of WL County is Lop Nur. It is located in the Tarim River Basin. Since ancient times, there have been abundant water and grass. There are a large number of wild Chinese herbs such as apocynum, licorice, ephedra, and cistanche. When the local sheep are grazing, they often eat Eat these Chinese herbal medicines.

  Because the local water quality has a relatively high alkali content, the local weeds contain a lot of alkali.

  When the local sheep eat these alkaline grasses, the meat will be particularly fresh and tender without any smell, and the oil will have a high fragrance and a milky fragrance. "

  Hearing Li Yi's words, Liu Yifei nodded again and again: "That's right, it really smells like milk!"

  The viewers in the live broadcast room saw that they were eating deliciously, and there were barrages all over the place.

   "It looks like it just cut some mutton and roasted it. Is it that exaggerated?"

   "I only took a bite or two, isn't it enough?"

   "The quality of good meat is really different! I have eaten m9 Wagyu in Australia, and the texture and taste are really amazing!"

   “Come to Chaoshan to try beef hot pot. A cow is divided into more than a dozen parts, and each part has a different taste.”

   "The smell of milk is too exaggerated, right? Meat is meat, how can there be a smell of milk?"

   "Come to Chaoshan and try your chest and you will know."

   "People from Mongolia pass by, and the mutton grown up on grass really tastes milky, especially the mutton tail oil!"

  Li Yi also saw the audience's barrage, saw the one from the Mongolian netizen, and said with a smile: "This Mongolian netizen knows how to eat it, and the milk flavor of sheep tail oil is the strongest."

   As he spoke, he pointed to the fat on the meat skewer in Liu Yifei's hand, and signaled: "Try this piece of fat, it's sheep tail oil, try it, it's very fragrant."

   "Is this too fat?"

  Liu Yifei looked at the burnt-yellow exterior and translucent interior of mutton fat, and was afraid to speak.

   After taking this bite, doesn’t it mean eating a pack of oil?

   "Will you try it?"

  Li Yi smiled and persuaded her: "If you don't like it, just spit it out."

  Hearing what he said, Liu Yifei couldn't say anything more.

  Looking at the diced mutton butter, she hesitated for a moment, then took a bite.


  Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment.

  If the previous lean meat was a bit like cotton candy, then the taste of this piece of mutton butter is real cotton candy!

   When the crispy crust of mutton butter diced touches the teeth, it melts instantly like hot snow!

   Biting the oil into her mouth, her teeth fell, and there were more melting areas, and the whole oil melted!

  She guessed right, she did eat a pack of oil.

   But this pack of oil is not greasy at all, only full of fragrance!

  She felt as if she had taken a mouthful of sweet cream, her mouth was full of milk flavor, and she was surrounded by happiness.


  She let out a short breath, then sipped the juice in her mouth, savoring it carefully.

   The diced oil that has been roasted until it melts does not need to be bitten at all, just sip it with your tongue, and it will melt and disperse.

"How about it?"

   Li Yi asked with a smile.

   "Smells good!"

  Liu Yifei looked for the right vocabulary: "This taste is like, like oil residue flavored ice cream, or ice cream flavor oil residue, the texture and taste are a bit similar."

  Hearing Liu Yifei's description, the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

   "What? Did I hear you right? Sheeptail oil tastes like ice cream?"

   "I have a picture in my mind, but it doesn't match up! Grease-flavored ice cream? What kind of imagination is this?"

   "Don't say it, don't say it, I'm going to drown in my saliva! My God! I really want to eat lamb skewers!"

   "In my lifetime, I must go to the Western Regions once and eat lamb skewers!"

   "During my lifetime! I must marry Brother Yi home!"


   "There is something wrong upstairs."

   "Upstairs is really scary! Give me your dad's phone number! Really!"

  Liu Yifei didn't even finish one skewer, but Wu Lei, who was beside her, had already stuffed three skewers into her stomach.

   "Brother Ming."

  He turned around and hugged Huang Xiaoming, whining: "This mutton skewer is so delicious, what if I can't eat it anymore?"

  Huang Xiaoming didn't speak, but stuck out his tongue first, and licked the lamb skewers from top to bottom.

  Seeing this, Wu Lei immediately jumped away, pointing at him with disbelief on his face: "Wow! Brother Xiao Ming! I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

   Huang Xiaoming was eating mutton skewers, and looked at him with a smile: "Do you think I don't know what you want?"

Having been punctured, Wu Lei had no choice but to turn around and run to Li Yi, pulling Li Yi and begging: "Brother Yi, please cook a few more skewers! Please, I won't be able to eat you for a while." The grilled kebabs look like there are ants crawling on them, please!"




  (end of this chapter)

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