Chapter 181 subverts the cognition of mutton

   "Brother Yi, it's done."

   "Brother Yi, we're done peeling."

  The reports of the skinning group and the meat cutting group sounded almost at the same time.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai have already peeled off the red willow branches, and put the smooth red willow branches together neatly.

  Wu Lei also finished cutting the leg of lamb, and cut it into mahjong-sized pieces.

  Seeing this, Li Yi waved his hand in greeting: "Put on meat!"

  Boom! Boom!

   A plate of lamb leg and a plate of lamb tail fat were put together.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai also brought the iron sign and the red willow sign.

   "The meat should be worn vertically so that it will not droop down. First wear a piece of lean meat, then a piece of fat meat, and then wear two pieces of lean meat."

  Li Yi taught them how to thread the meat, and soon, a string of mutton skewers with three thin and one fat was neatly placed on the tray.

   Taking an iron skewer, Li Yi stacked the cut liver slices and sheep tail oil slices, with the sheep tail oil facing the outside, and put them on the stick together.

  After wearing more than a dozen strings, Li Yi stood up and signaled: "You guys put on first, I'll go and bake these."


  Everyone was waiting for his words, and nodded.

  Holding the plate of skewered meat, Li Yi came to the stove.

  Put the prepared grill on the stove and put some charcoal inside.

  Li Yi picked up a piece of charcoal with tongs, turned on the stove, it burned red quickly, and then put it into the oven.

   Soon, the charcoal was ignited, and the temperature of the oven also increased.

  Scattering the ignited charcoal, Li Yi put the skewered meat skewers on the grill, neatly arranged them, and turned to look at the soup bucket.

  The temperature of the soup bucket has gradually risen, and the middle has begun to roll slightly, with a thin layer of foam floating on the edge.

  The better the quality of the mutton, the less foam there will be. It can be seen that the meat quality of this mutton is definitely not bad.

   Whipped out the little scum with a spoon, Li Yi added some salt to the soup bucket, and threw a few prickly ash and pepper.

  Good mutton does not need to be seasoned with too much seasoning.

  Scallions, ginger, cooking wine and other seasonings to remove fishy smell are not needed.

  Good mutton and a handful of salt, as long as the mutton is good enough, you only need a handful of salt to season it, and you can't stop eating it.

   After beating the foam, Li Yi put the lid on the soup bucket and turned down the heat a little.

  Following, he smelled a strong smell of mutton.


   That is the aroma of fat dripping on the charcoal fire.

   This smell is like a drop of ink falling into clear water, and it dissipates instantly.

   Soon, everyone in the back kitchen could smell it.

   "Wow! It smells so good!"

  Wu Lei exclaimed, raised his head, and looked at the stove.

   Several other people also stretched their necks, watching eagerly.

   "Don't worry, it's not ready yet!"

  Li Yi returned to the stove, picked up the stick, and looked at the part facing down. It had just appeared a little yellowish, and oil had just begun to ooze out, while the meat facing up still maintained the tenderness of raw meat.

Holding a handful of mutton skewers in one hand, Li Yi dipped the downward facing parts left and right, letting the roasted fat spread on the upward facing parts, avoiding waste, and also applied a layer of oil to the meat skewers , making it easier for the meat to lock in moisture.

  Flipping the meat skewers, dipping them in oil left and right, Li Yi freely controlled the heat of the barbecue.

   Barbecue is the most primitive dish and the first dish learned by human beings.

   It is barbecue that distinguishes primitive humans from beasts and embarks on the road to the top of the food chain.

   Barbecue is the simplest dish, you only need to roast the ingredients to eat.

  But grilling is also the most complicated, because it represents the most essential heat.

  The difference in the thickness of ingredients by one centimeter more and one centimeter less.

  The temperature change caused by one more charcoal fire and one less charcoal fire.

   Roasting for one second more or less for one second will cause subtle but clear changes in the ingredients, which will affect the texture and taste of the ingredients.

   As far as the doorway is concerned, although Li Yi has learned so many dishes, he dare not say that he has fully mastered the skills of barbecue.

  However, compared with ordinary chefs, his control over the heat is already at the level of a master.

  As he turned the meat skewers, drops of fat fell down, and then turned into fragrant smoke and dispersed, making the back kitchen full of swallowing saliva.

  Finally, Wu Lei and the others couldn't sit still anymore, and they all gathered in front of the stove, staring at the barbecue in Li Yi's hands, drooling.

   "Are you ready? Brother Yi?"

  Wu Leihou asked anxiously, unwilling to move his eyes away.

   "Don't worry, it's still close."

  Li Yi pinched some cumin and lightly sprinkled it on the barbecue.

  When the cumin powder is heated, the rich aroma bursts out instantly.

   "Smells good!"

  Liu Yifei couldn't help but let out a low cry, and then closed her mouth.

  Her saliva was almost brought out.

   "This cumin smell is absolutely amazing, it's so emotional."

   Huang Xiaoming supported his waist, only to feel that the rice noodles he ate at noon had turned into water, and there was not a single drop left. His empty stomach was begging him for food, and he wanted to fill the emptiness with delicious mutton skewers.

   "It's almost there?"

  Wu Lei smelled the tempting fragrance, and was already anxious to jump up.


   Li Yi held the meat skewers with both hands, dipped them in each other, so that the cumin powder was evenly wrapped on the meat skewers, and asked, "Do you want chili?"


  Everyone said something in unison.

   "That's slightly spicy."

  Li Yi squeezed a handful of peppers and sprinkled them on the meat skewers.

  The thin chili noodles fell on the sizzling meat skewers, melted into them instantly, hung on the meat skewers, adding a touch of fiery color to the meat skewers.

   "Are you ready? Are you ready?"

  Wu Lei put his hands behind his head, clamped his head, and moaned.

"OK OK."

As Li Yi said, he picked up a pinch of salt, sprinkled it on the meat skewers, then dipped it casually a couple of times, took it off, put it on the tray, and complained: "Look at you guys being so anxious, let the meat skewer When the audience saw it, they thought I had starved you for three days and didn't give you anything to eat!"

  No one paid attention to him, everyone stretched out their hands to the tray, each took a few skewers, and finished dividing the meat skewers.

   "Leave me a bunch anyway?"

  Li Yi was helpless.

   "Here, this string is for you."

  Liu Yifei handed him the extra string.

   Li Yi looked at Wu Lei, who was stuffing two skewers in his left hand and one in his right hand, and was stuffing his mouth. He shook his head, took the meat skewers from Liu Yifei, and said with a smile, "I'll roast it for you again."

   "Sha! Huh!"

  Wu Lei had already grinned and pulled a piece of mutton off the skewer, gasped, and ate it into his mouth.

   One bite, he was immediately conquered by the soft meat and the gushing sweet juice.

   "Wow! So tender! So fragrant!"

  He seemed to have been injected with an injection, his brows were frowned, and he looked painful, but in fact he enjoyed it to the extreme.

  Huang Xiaoming also ate a piece of meat, and then his eyes widened in surprise: "This lamb...why is it so tender? My God!"

  The taste of this mutton completely subverted his perception of mutton!




  (end of this chapter)

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