Chapter 169 Oil temperature

  Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming put down the mortar, wiped his hands and walked over, muttering, "Let me see what's going on?"

  In front of the stove, the temperature of the oil in the pot is slowly rising, and the aroma of rapeseed oil gradually begins to diffuse.

   "What kind of oil is this? It smells so good!"

   Huang Xiaoming looked curiously at the dark yellow rapeseed oil in the pot, and asked curiously.

   "Canola oil."

   Li Yi said something casually.

Liu Yifei smelled the aroma of rapeseed oil in the pot, and was a little surprised: "Many places in my hometown grow rapeseed, and I usually use rapeseed oil for cooking, but this rapeseed oil seems to be better than the one I eat in my hometown." The seeds are more fragrant."

  Li Yi nodded: "That's right, this is rapeseed oil from the Western Regions."

   "Western Regions also produce rapeseed oil?" Liu Yifei was surprised.

   "The production is not in large quantities."

  Li Yi explained: "If domestic rapeseed is divided according to the sowing season, it can be divided into autumn and winter sowing rapeseed and spring sowing rapeseed.

  The area and output of spring-sown rapeseed account for more than 90% of the total rapeseed in the country, and the planting areas are mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Basin and Southwest China, that is, the part of your hometown in Hubei Province, and the part of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing.

  The planting area and output of rapeseed sown in autumn and winter are small, accounting for less than 8% of the total national rapeseed output.

  It is only planted in northwestern provinces such as Mongolia, Western Regions, Qinghai, and Gansu. In addition, it is also grown in some places in the northeast, but not on a large scale.

  The climate in the northwest provinces is relatively dry, so the water content of rapeseed is relatively low, the oil yield is high, and there are more flavor substances, and the taste will be more fragrant.

   But it is also because the output is relatively small, so it is not easy to buy. Remember when I took you to the grain and oil section of the vegetable market last time, I told the boss that I want to buy oil from the Western Regions Province? That's what it says. "

  Hearing what Li Yi said, Liu Yifei also remembered: "That's right! That time you found several stores before you bought the oil from the Western Regions Province. I thought it was what kind of oil you were talking about! It turned out to be this kind."

   While speaking, the aroma of rapeseed oil in the pot has become more intense.

  Li Yi stretched out his hand to feel the oil temperature, and then signaled to Liu Yifei: "Put your hand up and feel it. This kind of temperature is the so-called 50% heat, and the oil temperature is about 140°C."

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei dared not stretch out her hand: "Just touch it with your hands? What if it collapses to me?"

   "No, it will collapse only if there is water in it, and it will collapse sooner."

   Li Yi said with a smile.

  Seeing what he said, Liu Yifei plucked up her courage, and carefully put her hand on the oil pan to feel it, but quickly retracted it.

  Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were also worried for Liu Yifei.

   "Oh my god! I'm most afraid of frying pans!"

   "I had an oil collapse once when I was a child, and a big blister immediately formed. It took a month to heal, and now there are still scars!"

   "The reason why I don't know how to cook is because I'm afraid of oil collapse, it's too scary!"

  "Oil collapse is like a time bomb, you don't know when it will collapse, this feeling is the scariest!"

  “I’d rather pay more to eat out than cook it myself.”

  Seeing Liu Yifei's nervous look, Li Yi didn't force it, he just turned off the fire and explained with a smile: "There is only one reason why the oil pan collapses, and that is the water in the oil.

  Oil temperature can easily rise above 100°C, but water will turn into water vapor when it reaches 100°C.

  The water in the oil pan turns into water vapor, and of course bubbles will form, float up and burst, and the oil will collapse everywhere along the way.

  So as long as you make sure to dry the pot and don't drip water into the hot oil, you don't have to worry about the oil breaking. "

After finishing speaking, he picked up the prepared spices, poured them into the oil pan, and while stirring, he explained: "The oil temperature is 50% to 60% hot, which is more suitable for soft frying. The oil temperature is enough to stimulate the flavor of the ingredients." Fragrant, but not too hot to burn the ingredients."

  Liu Yifei looked at him with no fear of hot oil, and was very envious, and then asked: "How do you judge how hot you said? How do I know how hot it is?"

  Li Yi explained while flicking the spices floating above the oil pan: "10% of the oil temperature is about 25 degrees, but in the kitchen, we generally divide it into warm oil, hot oil, hot oil and strong oil.

  Warm oil is 30% to 40% hot oil, about 90-130°C. The oil pan at this temperature is very calm and does not emit smoke, but when you put your hand on the oil pan, it will feel slightly hot.

  Warm oil is suitable for stir-frying, making some tender dishes, such as stir-frying shredded pork, stir-fried shrimp, etc. This oil temperature is not easy to stick to the pan. "

   Speaking of which, Li Yi turned off the fire, pointed to the oil in the pot and explained: "Hot oil is this kind of oil, and the temperature is generally 140-180°C.

   Its oil surface will fluctuate slightly, turning around, and a small amount of oily smoke will come out. If you insert chopsticks into it, there will be small air bubbles around it. "

  Hearing Li Yi's words, Liu Yifei took a chopstick out of curiosity, and inserted the tip of the chopstick into the oil pan. Sure enough, she found that the tip of the chopstick began to burst into thin bubbles.


  Liu Yifei smiled and took back the chopsticks, and she was a little less afraid of the frying pan.

  Li Yi smiled and said: "So, fear comes from the unknown. As long as we understand it enough, we won't be afraid of it."


  Liu Yifei nodded: "Next time I will know how to use oil."

  At this time, Huang Xiaoming asked, "What about Wang You and Strong Oil?"

  Li Yi saw that the oil temperature had gradually cooled down, so he turned on the fire again, turned down the flame and explained: "Warm oil is 70% to 80% hot oil, and the oil temperature is between 190-240°C."

As he spoke, he pointed to the tumbling rapeseed oil in the pot and said, "Look, the hot oil is tumbling, right? But if it's hot oil, it won't simmer and will calm down again. But there will be obvious oily smoke, and there will be a buzzing sound when stirred with chopsticks."


  Liu Yifei was a little curious when she heard the words, clutching her chopsticks, she seemed to really want to see if it was true.

  Seeing this, Li Yi seriously reminded: "The high oil temperature of Wangyou is terrifying. If it is splashed, it may damage the dermis and leave permanent scars, so you must pay attention."

  Hearing what he said and seeing his serious look, Liu Yifei put away her curiosity and nodded seriously: "Got it!"

   Seeing that she was obedient, Li Yi nodded and continued: "The temperature of the strong oil can reach 250-300°C, which is 90% to 100% hot.

  When this temperature is reached, it is easy to catch fire in the pot. Usually, when cooking at home, the pot is burned, and the oil temperature has reached this temperature.

  This oil temperature is only suitable for stir-frying. It is difficult for non-professional chefs to control it. It is best not to try it at home. "

   Speaking of this, Li Yi suddenly looked at the camera, and seriously reminded: "Remember, if you cook at home and the pot catches fire, don't water it.

   Remember what I said earlier? Water vapor is also flammable. If the oil temperature is too high, the water will quickly evaporate into water vapor when it enters the pot, and then be ignited, and the fire will be even bigger.

  So, in case there is a fire in the cooking pot at home, just cover the pot or cover the pot with other things to block its source of oxygen, and the fire will naturally stop. "

  Hearing his reminder, the screen of the live broadcast room was swiped.

   "Learned, I only know today what is an almost hot oil pan."

   "Brother Yi is so kind, he really taught me hand in hand!"

   "Everyone, don't take it seriously. There was a fire in a house in my community because a pot was on fire and water was poured into the pot. As a result, the roof was set on fire, and the whole house was burned down."

   "The last time I was cooking on fire, I poured water on it. As a result, my eyebrows and eyelashes were burned off, and my hair was burnt. I didn't dare to go out for half a month."

  Liu Yifei looked at the tragic case of the audience in the live broadcast room, and was speechless.

   "Forget it, I'd better not try to cook by myself in the future."

  She turned her head to look at Li Yi, and said with a smile, "Brother Yi, if I want to eat anything in the future, I'll come to you."




  (end of this chapter)

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