Chapter 170 Monarch, Minister and Assistant Envoy


  Huang Xiaoming heard Liu Yifei's words, and said with a smile: "I can't make it better than Brother Yi's. What's Fei doing?"

  The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed after hearing the words.

   "I really want to have Brother Yi!"

   "If I knew a friend with top cooking skills like Brother Yi, I would definitely go to Cengfan three times a day!"

   "I am willing to spend money!"

   "Brother Yi, when will you come to Hangzhou to play! I'll treat you to West Lake vinegar fish, and you can make me a tofu feast."

  Li Yi didn't pay attention to the audience's barrage in the live broadcast room. He was observing the color of the spices in the oil pan and judging the heat.

  Liu Yifei looked at the spices he was fiddled with with a colander, and asked curiously, "What's in it?"

   "Star anise, cinnamon, three Nye, fragrant leaves, grass fruit, are some common spices."

  Li Yi explained casually, then turned off the fire, and controlled the oil temperature to prevent it from rising too high.

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Liu Yifei was thoughtful, and said with emotion: "It's really a bit magical when I think about it. People may have used these seasonings thousands of years ago, and everyone is still using them now."

  Huang Xiaoming also nodded and said: "The first person who discovered that these seasonings can be used for cooking probably would not have thought that people all over the world are now cooking with these seasonings."


  Liu Yifei looked at Li Yi's movement of turning the spices, and asked, "Brother Yi, how many kinds of seasonings do we use for Chinese food?"

   "Hundreds of kinds! There are no specific numbers."

  Li Yi smelled the scent of spices gradually evaporating, and said with a smile: "Chinese food is also constantly improving, as long as it tastes good, you can use it, and there is no fixed routine, you can match it as you like."

   "Then how to distinguish?"

  Huang Xiaoming asked curiously: "There must be tens of thousands of permutations and combinations of hundreds of seasonings? How can I remember them all?"

   "The classification of seasonings is the most complicated. There has never been a unified standard. There are classifications by taste type, fragrance types, and plant types and locations of spices. There are many methods."

  Li Yi poured the **** into a bowl beside him, and explained: "I'm used to classifying them according to their usage, and they can be divided into five categories.

  The first category is spices with direct spicy stimulation, such as chili, ginger, pepper, pepper, etc. After eating these spices, there will be obvious heat sensation, and people will sweat. "

  Huang Xiaoming nodded in agreement after hearing the words: "That's right, the category of spicy is too important. I think chili has changed the most in Chinese food."


  Li Yi said with a smile: "It's only been a few hundred years since chili was introduced into China, but now there are almost no major cuisines that do not use chili.

  However, the spicy taste has existed since ancient times, but before chili was introduced into China, Chinese people ate spicy spices such as dogwood and pepper. "

  While speaking, the smell of spices wafting from the pot was already very strong. Seeing this, Li Yi immediately picked up the chopped onion, scallion and **** slices and poured them into the pot together.


  The scallions in the pot instantly became richer. Under the stimulation, Liu Yifei couldn't help but sneezed a few times.

  Seeing this, Li Yi smiled and explained: "Spices of the Allium genus, such as shallots, garlic, and leeks, are the second largest category of seasonings, and they all have a more pungent smell."

   "Ah Choo!"

  Huang Xiaoming covered his mouth and nose with his elbow, and sneezed too, before asking: "Aren't these the most traditional seasonings for our Chinese food?"

"of course."

  Li Yi laughed and said: "In the "Book of Songs", we have already picked fennel and fei, and sacrificed lambs to sacrifice leeks. The ancestors at that time were already eating these seasonings, but they were all wild at that time."

   After Liu Yifei sneezed a few times, her nose finally felt a lot better.

  As the spices are wrapped in rapeseed oil, the Maillard reaction gradually appears, and the original pungent smell gradually turns into an aroma.

   "Smells good!"

  Liu Yifei sniffed the pervasive aroma and praised: "It feels like a lot of seasonings mixed together, but it's very harmonious."

  Hearing this, Li Yi smiled and asked her, "Which flavor do you think stands out the most?"

  Liu Yifei sniffed it carefully, and then said: "It still has more onion scent, but you can also smell star anise, cinnamon, and bay leaves, but this smells very harmonious, and it doesn't overpower the flavor at all."

   "Huh? You've got a point."

Li Yi smiled and said: "When mixing spices, they are generally divided into four levels according to their efficacy, and the dosage should be matched according to the ratio of 4:2:1:0.5. The spices that are formulated in this way will have a balanced taste. .”

   "Huh? Is there still such a particularity?"

  Liu Yifei exclaimed: "No wonder you said that spices are similar to medicinal materials, and even the proportions are like dispensing medicine! There are also monarchs and ministers?"

   "These spices can be used as medicinal materials, of course they must be prepared according to the rules."

   As Li Yi said, he poked the spices in the pot with a colander to let them be heated evenly, so that the esters in them could be evaporated and blended into the rapeseed oil to form sesame oil.

   Huang Xiaoming asked curiously: "You haven't finished yet! What are the other three types of spices?"

  Hearing this, Li Yi explained casually: "The third category is aromatic spices, such as laurel, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla beans, and nutmeg. Their smell is more fragrant and not so pungent.

  The fourth category is vanilla spices, which are aromatic grasses such as thyme, rosemary and so on. It also includes some plants of the Umbelliferae family, such as various celery, coriander, carrots and so on.

  However, these plants are not exactly spices, they are also regarded as vegetables, so I classify them all in the category of herbs. "

  Hearing this, Liu Yifei suddenly "噫": "Celery is really bad."


   Huang Xiaoming was shocked: "How delicious is celery? Does it taste refreshing?"


  Liu Yifei said disgustedly: "It obviously tastes like soap, and I can't eat a little bit at all."


   Huang Xiaoming was even more surprised: "Soap smell? How come?"

  Li Yi laughed and said: "This is a genetic problem. Some people lack a gene called [OR6A2], so they can't eat celery, parsley, carrots and other plants of the Umbelliferae family."

  Hearing Li Yi's explanation, many viewers in the live broadcast room jumped out, excitedly posting barrage.

   "It's true! When I eat celery, it smells like soap! I don't know why my roommates eat it so deliciously."

   "I finally found an organization, and I can't eat celery. My mother scolded me for being a picky eater when I was a child, but celery is really hard to eat!"

   "I can't eat a celery, a parsley, or a carrot,"

   "I can eat celery, but I can't eat Zheergen at all. I can't figure out why some people think Zheergen is delicious, and it smells like fish."

   "??? Zheergen is delicious, right? You don't know how to eat it? You want it cold, put chili vinegar, it tastes so refreshing, I can eat a plate at a time!"

   "I'm **** allergic to starch, do you know what I've been doing all these years?"




  (end of this chapter)

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