Chapter 168 Oil

   While Huang Xiaoming was pounding the chili noodles, Li Yi started to make sauce and spices.

  The sauces of Xiyu fried rice noodles can be roughly divided into three types, one is traditional sauces, the other is sauce-flavored sauces, and the other is new-style fried rice noodles.

  The taste of traditional sauces is mainly spicy and spicy. It is sweaty in one bite, spicy and appetizing, and it is enjoyable to eat.

  The flavor type of the sauce-flavored sauce is more intense, the sauce is full, and the taste is more complex and thick.

  As for the new-style fried rice noodles, the taste is not so uniform. Some will be fried with seafood sauce, and squid, shrimp, and flower armor are added in it.

   Some people will fry it with the sauce of the big plate chicken, and the taste will also be the taste of the big plate chicken.

  Li Yi doesn't plan to make new rice noodle sauces this time, he only plans to make traditional sauces and sauces.

  The spices and peppers that Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming dealt with are used to make hot sauce. As for the sauce, he has to prepare it himself.

  Many Xiyu Fried Rice Noodle restaurants have different sauces, but they remain the same. Pixian Doubanjiang is its foundation, and no store can do without it.

So, Li Yi directly found a stainless steel basin, poured the large bucket of Pixian bean paste he bought into the large basin, followed by adding Lameizi chili sauce, Xiaochu tomato sauce, Limin sweet noodle sauce, Tianche spicy sauce, Sijibao peanut butter, soybean paste, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt, white pepper and other sauces and seasonings.

  After that, he took another bottle of unopened Tianshan snow lotus pepper shreds, poured it out, chopped the chili shreds with a knife, and poured them into the basin together.

  Finally, he added some water to the basin, stirred it evenly, and then poured it into the wall breaker.

  Hearing the sound of Li Yi using the wall breaker to crush the sauce, Huang Xiaoming put down the mortar in his hand, and asked in surprise, "Eh? Why can you use the wall breaker?"

Li Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: "The sauce I made is made with a wall breaking machine, because the finished product is mushy, and the taste is also exploded in the pot during the frying process. It’s delicious, so it’s okay to use a broken machine.”


   Huang Xiaoming still doesn't understand.

  Seeing this, Li Yi patiently explained: "The red oil is poured with high-temperature oil, and this step also uses the Maillard reaction to stimulate the aroma of pepper and spices.

  Although the Maillard reaction can also occur under medium and low temperature conditions, the efficiency is the fastest when it is above 140°C.

  But at a high temperature of 140°C to 200°C, if the ingredients are too small, they will easily gelatinize when encountering high oil temperatures.

   The two kinds of peppers I asked you to handle, the bullet peppers are used to color the red oil, the oil is poured first, and the high-temperature state lasts the longest, so it must be pounded into rough noodles to avoid frying.

   Bell peppers add flavor, and it is also the key to the aroma of red oil, so it should be pounded into fine noodles to make it more fragrant.

   But the particles are too fine, it is easy to gelatinize, so put it later when pouring oil.

  The seven-star pepper is to increase the spiciness, but it can't make it too spicy, so I didn't ask you to pound it, just cut it into small pieces later.

  These types of peppers require different states. If you put them in a cooking machine and grind them into powder, the taste will be messed up, and it won’t be fragrant when fried. "

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Huang Xiaoming nodded his head half-understanding, exclaiming: "No wonder the red oil in the restaurant outside is so fragrant, there are so many details!"

   "Otherwise, how can someone learn to cook for a lifetime?"

  Li Yi said something with a smile, and poured out the finely frothed sauce, and the sauce was ready.

   "Brother Yi, the garlic is all peeled."

  Liu Yifei brought a basket of peeled garlic cloves to Li Yi to ask for credit.


  Li Yi took the heavy garlic basket, looked at the plump garlic cloves, but looked down at Liu Yifei's hand.

   "Does your nails hurt?"

  Li Yi looked at her slightly white nails, and asked a question.

"A little."

   Liu Yifei didn't feel much pain at first, but when he asked, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in the seams of her nails, which was very uncomfortable.

   "It's so spicy!"

  She raised her hand, looked at the remaining garlic residue between her fingers, and took a light breath.

   "It's okay."

  Li Yi glanced at her fingers, and said: "You only use one nail to peel the garlic, and the carapace is a bit separated. There is allicin in the garlic, which will irritate the wound, so it must be a little painful."

As he said that, Li Yi took a bowl, poured some vinegar into it, put half a teaspoon of salt in it, handed it to her, and signaled: "Go and wash all the garlic under your nails with detergent. , and then fill this bowl with water, put your fingers in it and soak for a while."


  Liu Yifei honestly took the bowl and went to wash her hands.

   After grabbing a handful of garlic grains from the garlic basket, Li Yi looked at the remaining garlic cloves and roughly estimated them.

   Almost enough.

  Huang Xiaoming's chili noodles have been pounded by half, and Wu Lei's onion and **** are almost finished.

   Seeing this, Li Yi took out a frying pan and began to prepare cooking oil for frying.

  If the red oil wants to be more fragrant, the cooking oil is also very important.

  Li Yi took out a bucket of rapeseed oil and poured it into the pot.

   "Brother Yi, I've finished cutting."

  Wu Lei brought two baskets full of scallions and **** slices to Li Yi.

   "Thank you, let's put it here!" Li Yi pointed to the desk.

  Wu Lei put down the two baskets of materials, and he felt a sense of accomplishment when he saw that the two baskets were full.

   "Haha! I cut this all!"

   Wu Lei looked at the camera and winked at the audience: "How is it? Am I awesome? Praise me!"

   Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room praised perfunctorily with barrage.

   "Niu Niu Niu! It's so awesome!"

   "Not bad, not bad, worthy of praise."

   "I just watched you cut it for a long time, and didn't even go to the toilet, am I not awesome?"

   "It's amazing, our Leizi can chop vegetables, it's awesome!"

  Wu Lei bared his big teeth and laughed happily when he saw the audience's mocking praise.

   "Brother Yi, what do you need me for?"

  He asked Li Yi while patting his chest: "I'm working hard now!"

  Seeing that he took the initiative to find a job, Li Yi was not polite, and ordered: "Go and help me wash the coriander and bring it here. Remember not to remove the roots! Wash the roots, shake it with water after washing, and bring it here."


  Wu Lei turned to wash the coriander, while Liu Yifei was holding a bowl, soaking her thumb in the bowl, and walked over.

  Seeing her, Li Yi smiled and said, "You should rest for a while! I don't need you for now."


  Liu Yifei responded, but did not leave. Instead, she stood aside and looked at the oil in the pot, and asked, "What do you want to fry?"

   "Make cooking oil."

  Li Yi explained casually.

   "What is fuel oil?"

  Liu Yifei was very curious: "What is the difference with cooking wine?"

   "Cooking oil is oil fried with spices, which is more fragrant than ordinary oil."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Ordinary cooking at home can't taste like restaurants outside, because many dishes in restaurants use cooking oil."

   "Is there anything else?"

  Liu Yifei was very surprised: "No wonder the lettuce fried by myself is not as good as fried in restaurants!"

   "There are many uses for cooking oil."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "The so-called bright oil in the restaurant, the bright oil refers to this cooking oil. When cooking, pour a little before cooking, the dishes are shiny and delicious.

  It can also be used when mixing cold dishes. It can have the taste of spices, but it will not be full of seasoning residues, which looks unattractive.

   You can also use this kind of cooking oil when making dumpling stuffing and steamed stuffed bun stuffing, and the stuffing is full of flavor. "


  Huang Xiaoming heard the familiar words, and while pounding the peppers in the stone mortar, he smiled and said: "I really love dumplings, we Qingdao people can eat dumplings for three meals a day!"

   "Then come and see."

  Li Yi smiled and said, "I'll teach you how to fry."




  (end of this chapter)

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