A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2148: Anti-surround

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The enemy ’s intention is to drive directly into Satan ’s heap and shoot at close range. It is necessary to disrupt the formation of Satan. As long as the formation is in disorder, the suppressed enemy will rush here, then all Finished.

They are all desperate, and no one knows who is afraid of death. When they encounter a hard stubble, they dare to use deadly play.

However, Gao Yang did n’t know what was going on with the fierce fight against them, but they certainly did not come down from the battlefield. They seemed to be gangsters who were good at fighting chaos, and mercenaries were also possible. Anyway, they did n’t realize that A drone is still floating.

There are drones in the sky, and you can see the surrounding situation from a high perspective. If the enemy drove straight to the heart, if this tactic is not detected by Satan in time, it will really receive strange effects, but since it was discovered and done by Satan in advance Ready to prepare, that is, the moth put out the fire and jumped into the fire pit.

Holding a rifle and not allowing him to go far away, Gao Yang, with a big sprayer, hits the car which is the farthest but not more than a dozen meters. It is like playing. It is definitely not harder than playing a flying saucer. His hand shaking has no effect.

Gao Yang was hitting the driver who drove, and the three blasting shots were shot out, and the glass of three cars was splashed with blood ideas. At such a close distance, the head was blasted by the shotgun, and it was strange that the blood ideas did not fly around. Too.

Gao Yang hit the driver and swept a few guns next to him. Although the enemy opened the car door and planned to shoot at the first rush, there was no chance. Of course, the gun could be fired, but it could not hit the target It has no effect.

"How many cars?"

Five shots were fired in a row, and the rapid replenishment of bullets roared anxiously, and Jensen immediately said: "Six! Six! Turn over the wall and you can see, be careful ..."

Jason wanted to be careful, the enemy had got off the bus, but by this time Gao Yang had rushed out.

As soon as he turned the corner, Gao Yang slammed the gun with his gun. He definitely shot the semi-automatic shotgun at a fully automatic rate of fire, and it was still accurate, because he chose to reduce the charge before fast shooting. bullet.

The bullet recoil of the reduced charge is small. Although the power is also much smaller, Gao Yang can make up for it with precision. He specializes in his head. Even if the power is small, it can definitely ensure that the enemy loses its ability to move instantly.

After firing six shots in a row, Gao Yang did not continue to supplement the bullet shooting, but immediately retracted it back, then took the shotgun in his left hand, pulled out the pistol in his right hand, and looked forward again, extending his arm, showing half With a head in his head, he continued to fire at the remaining enemies.

All the people who got off the bus were killed by Gao Yang. He did not have time to get off but could be seen by Gao Yang. He was also killed by him. Three cars and nine people let Gao Yang kill eight people each, and one got off. Rolled back to the side, and then shot indiscriminately under the car. Gao Yang could not see the enemy, and his gun also had poor penetrating power, so he could not penetrate the body to kill the enemy.

However, what Gao Yang couldn't hit, others could hit it. After the Peter, who had rushed out, fired a shot at the remaining enemies, the anti-raid was over.

Peter looked at Yang with a surprised look. Yang raised his pistol and flicked across the corner, shouting, "Do you want to say that I am great? It doesn't matter, you quickly adapt to my fighting style."

Peter extended his thumbs and said, "Serve!"

Gao Yang checked and confirmed that there was no living person, and immediately said in the intercom: "Da Bird, is it convenient to drive around behind the enemy in front?"

"Convenient, you need to pass two intersections, there is a curved road to bypass, but you can reach behind the enemy, the road is clear!"

Gao Yang immediately said: "Big bird, you will show the way. We will learn the enemy and drive behind them."

After speaking, he beckoned and said to the four humans who approached him: "It's enough for us a few, get in the car, go around and poke the enemy's butt!"

The enemies' cars didn't turn off yet, so Yang Yang waved his hands quickly, beckoning Li Jinfang to drive a car with him. After three of them, Irene, the five of them suddenly fell backwards and crashed off the street corner. After looking at the car, he turned around and rushed towards the enemy.

Jensen said on the intercom: "Forward, turn left at the second intersection ahead, then turn left again and you're there!"

Jensen could look at the direction of the car and guide him. Gao Yang sat on the co-pilot, pedaling the door with his right foot to prevent the door from closing. After quickly filling the shotgun bullets, he pinched two bullets in his hand and immediately said: I forgot to ask, how many enemies are there?

"There are about forty remaining enemies and they are scattered everywhere. They are suppressed, but you will be more dangerous from behind. There are about twenty people in the position where we ca n’t shoot at all, and the rest ca n’t get up on the ground. Come."

"Understood, the call is over."

Gao Yang easily turned his head to Li Jinfang who drove: "Although it is hard enough, it is the level of street melee, no difficulty, twenty or so, trivial."

Li Jinfang said fiercely: "As long as you can say such words, be careful not to throw them out, prepare to get off and shoot!"

After Li Jinfang said something, he suddenly turned the steering wheel. After the car turned left, he immediately braked with one foot, and then they jumped out of the car with Gao Yang and immediately began shooting.

The car turned around and was 40 to 50 meters away from the enemy. They urged them to take advantage of their marksmanship, so they refused to drive the car directly into the crowd like the enemy, but got out of the car early and let the gun shoot directly afterwards. past.

Forty to fifty meters ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ For the shotgun, the distance is a little far away, but it is also within the range, but Gao Yang did not shoot, he just rushed forward with the gun, there were four people beside him To cover him, when there is really no way to cover, he can catch up with another shot.

The artiste is bold, and Gao Yang, who dare not do it, is very easy to work with, but he noticed that something was wrong during this run, that is, it was virtual. Although he slept a few times, it took 40 hours to add up, but he ran After getting up, I still felt soft and my feet were soft.

Gao Yang slowed down. When the enemy realized that he was behind him and turned their guns one after another, he also reached his absolute realm, and he would never miss the realm of shooting.

Whether it was a rifle with a gun running, or a shot left in place, or just ran out from behind the street corner, it was a word, die.

The rate of fire was not very fast. Gao Yang added bullets to the magazine while playing, waiting for him to finish all the enemies, the magazine was also filled with bullets.

The five men rushed in such a way that they broke the enemy's back. Instead, they surrounded the enemy, raised their guns in alert, and whispered angrily: "We are coming out, pay attention!" (To be continued.)

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