A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2149: Enemies

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Remind his teammates, Gao Yang gently waved his hand, then whispered: "Countdown, 3, 2, 1."

After the countdown, Gao Yang flashed with a gun, the enemy responded, but the pressure was not great, so Gao Yang flashed again and rushed out, then just shot at all moving objects.

Several people were shot with a shotgun, waiting for Li Jinfang to follow them from behind, and after five people searched in a fan shape and replenished the remnants, they watched Gao Yang raise his left arm and signaled that when others stopped, he immediately shot the shotgun Hanging around his neck, he pulled out the pistol with his right hand.

There are two other people, Gao Yang has watched, he thinks there will be no more threats, and this is also the time to catch a live question.

The two people hid behind a car and shot indiscriminately, unable to hit anyone at all. They held up two shots and shot at the right arm of the two respectively. They immediately rushed past.

Li Jinfang and Fry were faster. After the two men held a captive by one person, Gao Yang immediately said: "Stop the fire! Search for the enemy, and the skunk will come and interrogate."

Raphael ran over and ran over. Before and after the two captives, he hurriedly said, "Who are you!"

Grumbled a few words to the captive, Raphael turned his head and said to Gao Yang: "The gang, belonging to the Mafia, they don't know what happened, they just came with an order from above."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Ask him what the specific order is, and what has to do with the Cicero family."

After asking a few words, Raphael shook his head: "They don't know what their boss has to do with the Cicero family. Their boss gathered most of the gang and gave them guns in Palermo. , And then let them cross the sea to find a group of foreigners. If they find suspicious people, they will report to their boss. If they fight, they will wipe out everyone. Well, the main goal is you. "

Gao Yang touched his chin and said, "This command is too vague, and I can't figure out anything at all, but I can be sure that they must have been sent by Mario. Ask him how they knew we were here. "

After Raphael asked a few times, he whispered: "He didn't know, they just came in accordance with the above order, and they didn't understand the deeper relationship."

Gao Yang quite said: "It is impossible to ask too useful things. It seems that our whereabouts have always been mastered by Mario. It is really not easy to fight with a newspaper dealer at home. You ca n’t stay here for a long time. The movement is too great. Withdraw quickly. "

Reaching out to greet the crowd, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "Go to the car and make a shot of all the injured but not dead people."

After giving orders, Gao Yang took two shots to kill the two captives, then shook his head and said, "I always feel something is missing."

Raphael whispered: "We haven't warned Mario yet, like Ivan did."

Gao Yang slapped his hand and said, "Write braille with blood, just write Mario, I will kill you."

"that's it?"

"that's it."

After speaking, Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "Withdraw, withdraw, and leave here quickly."

Raphael left writing, and Gao Yang got into the car. After Raphael wrote a message to Mario, several cars started quickly. At this time, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "We said on the intercom. Well, how do you think the enemy found us? "

Grolev said: "It's not easy to say, but we can rule out the possibility of traitors."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "Do you think it is possible? What signal did Mario leave in my body? After all, I was in a coma for a short period of time, even if I did anything on my body . "

"It's impossible. Mario didn't want to let you go. Since he didn't want to let you go, and he didn't expect you to be rescued, why did he install a signal transmitter for you."

Gao Yang said distressedly: "The skunk, skunk, is it possible for you?"

Raphael said very uncertainly. "I don't know. I've been in a coma for a short time. Or, let's check?"

Although he felt that this was unlikely, some things had to be guarded against, so he said: "It's good to check it, but it won't work right now. Just leave here and find a place where no one will talk."

| If you do n’t know how Mario found them, Gao Yang could n’t rest assured that she was standing in the light and the enemy was standing in the dark. This kind of thing is unacceptable.

The convoy drove out of the town quickly, and the small town was already bleeding into the river. The baskets that they poked out were not small, but as long as they can perform very strong, they can give others the feeling that Mario will definitely be finished. , Then they do n’t have to worry too much. Someone must have come out to clean up the mess and put things down first.

Looking for a place, the team stopped, Raphael pulled himself down, and Albert and Andy Ho examined him carefully. After Andy Ho saw it, he shook his head and said, "There is no trauma. , So it ’s definitely not a signal transmitter in the wound. "

Albert said to Raphael: "Will someone swallow the signal transmitter, or, hey, you know, check it for you?"

Raphael covered his buttocks subconsciously and said loudly: "No! No, it's impossible!"

Albert Haha smiled and said, "Take you to play, to see what you are scared of."

Gao Yang was angry and funny: "Idiot ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Is it time to make a joke? Go away, continue to go, go to Rome to scan the skunk, or, use a scanning instrument to test whether there is a signal transmitter . "

Mario ’s den is in Rome, where there are the most goals to choose from, so although I do n’t know what Rome can do for the time being, I must catch up as soon as possible.

There were people driving on the road, no one blocked the road, and there was no one to kill. The calm along the way was not ridiculous. It was completely unlike a country where a large-scale fire had just occurred and many people died.

On the road, there is basically no rest. In the middle of the night, in the early morning, they are arrogant that they have rushed to the Rome area and are about to enter the city of Rome, but there are so many kilometers.

Gao Yang looked at his watch and said, "It's a bit tired. I can't enter the city of Rome now. Once I enter Rome, many things are inconvenient. I contact Ivan to see where we can settle."

At this moment, Yack said on the intercom: "I think it's wrong, maybe we have been followed." (To be continued.)

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