A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2147: Sequelae

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Generally speaking, Gao Yang held a rifle in that direction, and his comrades would focus on other places, because as long as Gao Yang fired a few shots, everything would be done.

The so-called one shot pressure on the audience refers to Gao Yang, so after seeing Gao Yang pull out the rifle, push the bomb and load it, and then squat in the car and point the muzzle in one direction, Grover immediately transferred the gun. mouth.

He exhaled and lifted up with an ar70 / 90, using the mechanical sight on the gun. The distance is not far anyway. It is about 160 meters in the sky. At this distance, it is really not aimed at. With a careful aim, Gao Yang aimed at an enemy's head with a target hole and snapped a shot, then naturally pointed the muzzle at a person next to it, and then snapped another shot.

After two shots, Gao Yang felt wrong.

"Hey, hey? Why didn't you die?"

Gao Yang was very puzzled. He felt that he shouldn't have a problem with his shot, so he quickly aimed again and fired again. Then, the third shot finally hit his target.

The target fell to the ground, and Gao Yang panicked, so he quickly shouted: "Big dog! Suppress! Suppress!"

Aline also carried a rifle, fired it carefully after aiming, and then hurriedly said: "What's wrong?"

Gao Yang took his gun and said anxiously: "There is a problem with this gun, there is definitely a problem with this gun!"

When Gao Yang came, he did n’t bring his own gun, because to meet Mario, how could he bring his own rifle and shotgun and other weapons, so he just brought his own pistol, and Satan When the crowd of people came to the rescue, there was no problem taking off, but there was no way to bring guns to landing at the Italian airport, so they just brought the communication system, and as for the weapons, they left them all in Lebanon and then let the plane Returned to Somalia, even the body armor was provided by Ivan.

Therefore, Gao Yang used an automatic rifle provided by Ivan, which made him feel that the gun in his hand must be of poor accuracy, or that the sight was wrong, otherwise he would not be able to hit it.

Climbing to the rear of the car with a rolling belt, Gao Yang reached out and took a gun, and then he returned to the front of the car again. After putting the gun on the front of the car, after carefully and carefully aiming, he fired a shot.

"It's the gun!"

After a shot, Gao Yang's confidence returned immediately. Although the shooting was not normal, it was a problem that no one cared about, but for Gao Yang, it was unacceptable that he missed two shots at close range.

Another shot, after hitting the second target, Gao Yang went up one stop because he was squatting inconveniently to shoot the remaining target, then he fired two more shots in a row.

After two shots, Gao Yang immediately shrank and hurriedly ran, because his shooting caused the enemy to counterattack, the most important thing was that he failed to hit the target he had just aimed at.

Gao Yang was a little embarrassed, and he immediately shouted, "I have a problem."

Gao Yang shouted, and others knew that he could not count on Gao Yang's precise firepower now, so Grolev would not open another word to the enemy, so that when the enemy came up to shoot and let Gao Yang fight.

At a position where the enemy couldn't shoot, Gao Yang squatted down, and after exhaling, he raised his gun, and then he felt something was wrong.

Only after a few seconds of holding a posture according to the gun, Gao Yang shouted: "I know where the problem is, and my forehand is not stable according to the gun!"

Shooting this kind of thing, when the child is ejected into the bore, it will be several meters away from the point of landing.

Gao Yang pulled the trigger with his right hand and held the gun with his left hand. Now his left hand is slightly jittery. Although the amplitude is not large, it can definitely affect the shooting. The use of the pistol is not obvious when shooting at close range, but the rifle hits far The consequences of the child ’s goal are obvious.

Putting the gun down quickly, anxious and a little afraid to exaggerate to himself, "Why do your hands shake?"

Gao Yang is really afraid that his hand has been discarded. No, it is impossible to discard it. At most, it is affected, but it cannot be accepted after a little influence.

At this moment, Andy Ho shouted: "Don't think about it, you haven't got enough rest!"

Gao Yang can only temporarily accept Andy Ho's explanation. He carried his gun back to his position. Unsupported shooting was greatly affected, but he could rely on shooting.

Relying on it means that the gun has a place to rely on, so that the effect of hand shake is minimized. Just now Gao Yang shot the gun in the car and hit it. It has already explained the problem. His shooting skills are still there, which is affected by hand shake Precision only.

However, this time Gao Yang couldn't dominate the whole game alone, because he lost the biggest advantage, that is, even if he was standing still, he could kill the opponent before the enemy shot him, and now he has to rely on shooting, there is If you rely on it, fast shooting will be affected.

He could only stay in one place to shoot, and could not control the whole game as before. Gao Yang felt extremely uncomfortable and he was not used to it. However, now he had to be a fixed-point shooter.

Aim carefully, seize the opportunity and fire a shot to kill the enemy. The group of people who are fighting are also wearing body armor. Therefore, if the rifle bullet hits the torso position, it is often impossible for the enemy to lose its resistance. No one would be so stupid with his head open and shooting endlessly, so the high efficiency immediately dropped a lot.

At this moment, Jensen said anxiously on the intercom: "There is a team around us, a lot of cars!"

Raise their position on a street corner ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ If the enemy comes around from the side, the distance is particularly close as soon as they appear, and they must be joined by short soldiers.

"Is there a shotgun? Where is it?"

Elin shouted: "Just in the trunk! Bernelli m4."

Gao Yang threw down the rifle and returned to the rear of the car. After pulling away the several large packages with the grenade rifle and bullets, he pulled out a Bernelli m4 and put the two bullets crosswise. Get on the body, and then drop a box of bullets to the ground, pull the gun and quickly fill the bullets, and quickly say in the intercom: "Toad, Peter, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Little fly, follow me behind, others Block the frontal enemies. If this is not possible, we must first disengage from the enemies and then come back to fight back. We cannot be surrounded. "

After quickly ordering, Gao Yang hurriedly put a bullet in his pocket. At this moment, Jensen said loudly: "The enemy behind him is about to arrive, less than two hundred meters! They are going to drive!"

Gao Yang stood up, drove the gun forward, and stood behind the corner of the street. Two hundred meters drove over and it was a matter of just a few seconds. As soon as he reached the position, he immediately fired with a shotgun. . (To be continued.)

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