A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2136: Personal matters

The blood was violently flowing from outside, but Gao Yang was still sleeping.

Grolyov, they arrived more than an hour later than the expected time and arrived at the prepared foothold. When they finally rushed back, Gao Yang was still asleep, while Talta and Vasily were armed. Watching outside, only Irene was taking care of Gao Yang who had fallen asleep.

After hurrying to the house, after looking at the sleeping high, and losing one eye, but still holding on to Yak, who refused to anesthetize himself, Grolev faced Irene with a worried expression: "How's it going?"

Irene shook her head and whispered: "It's too sleepy, and there is no response after falling asleep."

"He won't be okay, but the interrogation is too powerful, and the whole person has collapsed from psychological to physical, and he will wake up after a good sleep."

Talta whispered after answering, "How is the situation outside?"

Grolev shook his head and said: "It is not optimistic that Italy's main government has shot. There are more than a hundred military and police forces who have caught fire with us. It will not be hidden for a long time before it will be discovered by someone. It may even have been discovered. Our trail. "

Yack raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "The Italian government's reaction was not that fast. You are still fighting, and the army arrived. This only shows that Mario used the army in advance, and then we just caught up. Only. "

After losing one eye, Yake just stuffed gauze into the orbit without eyeballs, and then wrapped the gauze a few times outside, covering half of his head. After the blood water soaked the gauze, it looked particularly infiltrating. Andy Ho, who has temporarily treated James' wound, walked to Yake and whispered: "Don't move, I will treat the wound for you first."

No matter how powerful a mercenary regiment is, it is impossible to fight against a country. Now that the burden is on Grolev, he must make a decision as soon as possible.

Grolev held out his forehead and sighed: "Our situation is very unfavorable. The rescue operation was too violent. Even if Mario did not turn to the Italian government, we could not fight Mario in Italy. Now the army It ’s all out, and the situation will only get worse. "

After talking about the predicament in front of him, Grolev made up his mind and said loudly: "The goal of us together is too big, too eye-catching, and it is easy to be found by others. I plan to act separately. The wounded are staying here, and the people of the black devil and angels are staying to protect them, and the rest of us, go out and engage in some big movements to attract attention, so that Mario and Italy have to concentrate on us. "

Elin nodded: "I have no choice but to act."

Yack suddenly said: "Where are we, must we have an evacuation plan?"

Li Jinfang grinned bitterly and said, "We are on Sicily. After finding a possible place to detain you, we rushed over. There was no time to prepare a solid evacuation plan. If we can leave safely, we can only leave. I can pin my hopes on Ivan. "

Grolev nodded: "Yes, we can only wait for Ivan to find a reliable way to pick us up. He took someone to stay in Italy to attract Mario's attention, and we sneaked into Sicily."

Li Jinfang said in a deep voice: "I'll contact Ivan again and tell him our plan, and I have to let him pick them up as soon as possible."

After speaking, Li Jinfang took out the phone again and dialed Ivan. After Ivan was connected, he whispered: "Ivan, we have joined the ram, now we are hiding in the card On a farm just outside the city of Tania, less than ten kilometers away from Mario ’s castle, it will be discovered soon. "

Ivan hurriedly said: "You can't stay there, you must leave immediately. My people are already flying. You can get reinforcements for up to three hours. Then you can leave from the sea. The ship has been found. You Find a way to the beach. "

Li Jinfang whispered: "No way, the Italian military and police forces have set up a lot of roadblocks, and we will be able to find us soon, and we still have two seriously wounded people. The problem is that the Italian army is finished as soon as it is discovered, so we plan to split up. You want to find a way to pick up our wounded. We are attracting attention outside. "

After thinking about it for a moment, Ivan said anxiously, "It can only be done. In no case can the Rams fall into the hands of Mario. You should lead the chase and try not to have a big fight. I have informed Big Ivan Well, there should be a solution soon, stick to it. "

Hanging up the phone, Ivan pondered for a moment, then called the big Ivan. After waiting for the big Iwan to connect, he quickly said: "The ram was rescued, no problem, but Italy dispatched the army, Satan is in a bad situation. "

Da Yiwan said in a deep voice: "Can't you evacuate?"

"Yes, there is no way to evacuate. The military police set up a lot of roadblocks and blocked their escape routes. Satan has a few seriously wounded and cannot escape from the wild with the wounded, so they must move separately to attract the attention of the military. It ’s hard. As for the people on Mario ’s side, it ’s not too threatening to fall down. I think Mario must have been scared and not dare to distract his hands. ”

Ivan exhaled and said, "Mario must have this energy in Italy. He can use enough troops to protect himself and fight us. Are you in Rome?"

"Yes, I am in Rome."

"Are you brave enough? Ivan."

Ivan laughed ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said: "My uncle, I am brave enough."

Ivan the Great said very seriously: "You take someone to a few famous places in the city of Rome to put a few bombs. You need to be big enough. Go now. I will negotiate with the Italians. Hurry! Then wait for my news. "

Hanging up the phone, Da Yiwan thought for a moment, then touched his chin, and then quickly picked up the phone and dialed it out, waited for a while, and when the phone was connected, he said very seriously: "Hello , Silvio. "

"Hello, Iwan, I know what you are doing, but I don't want to get involved. If you want to ask me for help, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Da Yiwan smiled and said: "I really want to ask you for help, my friend, but not as you think, yes, I have a war with the Cicero family, but now your main government is involved. , I want to ask you to be a middleman, tell someone you think can interfere with this, and tell him that this is a personal grudge between me and Mario, please do n’t interfere, I just stare at Mario, never It has caused too much trouble for Italy, but if they must be involved, then I ’m sorry, I had to burn the war bigger, you know me, Silvio, I wo n’t let you lose, It won't cause you any trouble, I just want to ask you to tell me these words. "(To be continued.)

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