A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2135: Too brave

Mario is ignorant, stupid, stubborn, stubborn, and unkind. He is also the head of the Cicero family. He has this endless resource and power, and Italy is his home.

Therefore, the rescue operation against Gao Yang can't be too smooth, it can't be too easy.

In order to be able to covertly approach the old castle where Mario was located, Grolyov and they could n’t even drive. It was only during the daytime that they lurked from the vineyards and farms near the old castle, and they suddenly launched. Attack, but conceal the enemy, you can naturally ride the car when you evacuate.

The second team led by Mr. Da should have rushed to support the first team after receiving the first team, and responded to the first team leaving. As a result, they actually caught fire with an Italian military and police force, and it was quite good. Fierce, so the plan to take the car to respond and then evacuate had to become the second team to drag the military and police, so that Grolev had time to evacuate after they rescued people.

The road leading from the hills down to the old castle was blocked by Ludwig with people, so Grolyov could only evacuate from the fields on foot, and could not leave along the road.

Li Jinfang said angrily: "Tyrannosaurus, have you evacuated?"

"We have evacuated smoothly, how is your side?"

"The retreat was blocked by the military police. Mr. They are dragging the military police. We are evacuating and meeting at the predetermined location. It is finished!"

After a brief conversation between Li Jinfang and Irene, he approached Grolev and said, "The boss has been taken away, and we have not pursued soldiers behind us. Mario's guards must have left to protect him from daring to pursue. . "

Grolev nodded and said loudly: "Retreat at full speed, notify Mr. Da, and let them persevere for another three minutes before they can evacuate."

After finishing talking, Grolev received the gun and looked at the man with the wounded, saying, "How is the wounded?"

Andy Ho shouted: "The cockroach's condition is not good, very bad, and I need immediate first aid."

Albert also shouted: "The situation of the musket is extremely dangerous! First aid on the spot is needed."

Grolev stopped breathing a few breaths and shouted, "Here is the first aid, the enemy will not be chased soon, and spread out, you must fight for the time for first aid."

Half of James's face was flesh and blood, and one arm was slumped to the side. It flickered with the movement of the person carrying him. This situation was not clear at first glance because his arm bones were completely broken , A hole appeared near the shoulder.

As for Jessie Lee, his situation is even worse. He rushed out and used it as a bait. He flew out of the road with a flesh and blood, and blood was everywhere on his legs and arms, and the body armor on the torso was even covered. Bullet marks.

Li Jinfang hurried to Jessie Lee's side and looked at Albert, who was covered in blood and was rushing to stop Jessie Lee to stop bleeding. He had wanted to ask about the situation, but after looking at it, he didn't. Open again.

Jesse Liping lay on the ground, gritted his teeth, and made a painful hum intermittently, and he was still awake. After seeing Li Jinfang, his eyes turned and looked at Li Jinfang, saying: "Man, Do I look terrible? "

Li Jinfang was very reluctant. He grinned reluctantly and laughed, then whispered: "It's okay guys, you can't die, the brave guy won't die easily, the timid guy will die easily."

Jessie Lee sighed, with a painful expression on his face, grinning: "Fak, I am too brave this time."

Li Jinfang sincerely said: "You opened the channel for us. Without you, it is not so easy to enter. You were injured for me."

The blood-stained Jessie Lee cried and said intermittently: "I just joined Satan, and his mother was injured. She has been wounded for so long, and has delayed so many actions. Finally, there is another big action. , I have to show it, but I messed up, man, I ’m too brave, I ’m dying, Fuck! "

Li Jinfang's mouth moved, and he didn't speak. Jessie Lee cried with a sad face: "I'm a tramp. The ram called me, raised me, and paid me a high salary. I didn't do anything. After more than one million dollars, I want to show that my brain rushed in as soon as it was hot, and it turned out to be fucking, oh man, are you sawing my arm? "

Albert took a small saw and whispered: "It's smashed, I can't help it, saw it."

Jessie Lee ’s voice cried out, and he said in a very weak voice: "Is it okay to keep it? Even if it ’s useless, it ’s better to keep it, if it can grow up, man, Don't saw it, will you? "

Albert whispered: "Saw it, hemostasis, man, you should be dizzy, why can you talk?"

Jessie Lee took a long breath and rolled her eyes, saying, "I think I'm going to die. It's time to hurry up and say a few more words. Well, I'm dizzy."

Jessie Lee rolled her eyes and fainted completely. Albert shook his head and creaked with a folding saw to remove Jesse Lee's left arm and tossed it aside. Who brought him back? "

Li Jinfang picked up one of Jesse's arms silently, put a tuck in the back of his backpack, tightened the rope, and then carried the bag back. He said to Albert, "Can you live?"

Albert shook his head: "It's hard to say, half and half, too much blood loss, but there is still some hope."

Li Jinfang yelled, and walked to Grollov, who was armed with a machine gun.

Grolev whispered: "How is it?"

Li Jinfang sighed ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "Jessie Lee, his arms and legs were all shot, his right arm was sawed, and I can't keep my left leg watching. It's unknown whether I can survive, James , James, the left arm is definitely dead, I think it ’s okay to rub a bit on his face, live is alive, and waste is certain. "

"How about everyone else?"

"The others are fine. The suppression is good, and the results are already very good."

Grolev said in a dismal manner: "You inform Ivan, the plan is going well, the people have been rescued, inform him that the Italian capital is still involved, we have been attacked by military police."

Li Jinfang nodded and took out a satellite phone. At this time, he also took out a phone on the 13th. After dialing it, he quickly said: "Hey, the information is accurate, and the rescue operation is very successful."

When he finished speaking on the 13th, he hung up the phone. Li Jinfang whispered: "Are you notifying the cleaner?"

Whispered on the 13th: "Yes, I just informed Murphy that the next thing has nothing to do with them." (Unfinished.)

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