A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2137: What have you done

? Big Ivan's tough intervention fundamentally changed the situation.

Mario is an Italian. The Cicero family has taken root in Italy for a long time. He is almost impossible to fail in Italy. If Big Ivan is a Jianglong, then Mario is an earth dragon, not an earth dragon.

But there is a problem, that is, the Cicero family is strong, and it is not a force that can stand on the bright side. When the Mafia raged in Italy for many years and was finally attacked, it disappeared in the country. Openly standing in the situation of a family power, especially because the Zhengfu helps an underground world family and exposes the civilians to indiscriminate disasters. This consequence can't afford anyone in Italy.

Has the Mafia disappeared? No, the famous mafia just moved from public activities to the underground. Except for some of them who were beaten and rushed to the United States, the mafia who stayed in Italy learned well and knew the principle of being low-key, so the Mafia It can survive in Italy.

The Cicero family logically belongs to the Italian Mafia. No matter how deep the family is rooted in Italy, they cannot use the army. As long as Italy has not been completely controlled by the Cicero family, then the army It is impossible to fight for the Cicero family.

Will the big Ivan, Jiang Long fight in Italy and Mario, will incur the enemies of other Italian underground forces?

It is still impossible. Unless there is enough interest, no one will help Mario. Da Yiwan will definitely leave this past Jianglong, because this is only a war caused by personal grudges rather than invasion, Da Yiwan has no It means to take root in Italy, so if the Cicero family is finished, it will only make more room for survival.

And Italy still doesn't know how many people are waiting for the Cicero family to be out of luck. As many friends as there are in a family, there must be more enemies.

In general, the chain reaction caused by Great Ivan ’s outrageous declaration of war against Mario is absolutely unpredictable and uncontrollable. The situation changes again and again, friends become enemies, enemies become friends, just overnight During this time, Italy became undercurrent, and when the war ended, it was not known how many people were out of luck, and how many people took the opportunity to take the position.

But no matter how complicated the situation is, it is also a game between Ivan the Great and Mario. For Satan, all they can do is hurry up to a safe place.

Gao Yang finally boarded a boat in a port of Catania under the **** of Satan, but he had not decided where to go.

The boat is not big. A dozen Satan people, plus six angels to help, and the black devil Tarta and Valisi, these people crowded a yacht, giving three seriously injured people. Gao Yang plus a Raphael who was also tossed out and made a place to lie down, and the rest could only stand.

Groryov is the deputy commander, and Gao Yang can't command him, but now, Grolyov is unsure of where to go.

The ship had just left the coastline, and finally let out a breath of Grolev, saying: "We will be sent to Reggio Calabria, where there is an airport, do we leave Italy immediately after arriving at the airport, or how about it?"

The wizard whispered: "The ram has been rescued and we need to rush back to Ukraine."

Grolev nodded: "Thank you for your help, the plane is arranged, you can fly directly back to Kiev, and someone will **** you to Donetsk."

The wizard smiled and whispered: "You don't have to say anything about thanks, do you guys? Do you want to stay in Italy?"

Elin whispered: "Our boss said, wait for him to relax, so we will never leave like that!"

At this moment, Lucica said: "Don't talk about it, this guy woke up."

Lucica kicked Fatino by the foot.

Fatino had his hands tied behind his back, lying face down on the deck. He had just woke up from a coma and was spotted by Lucica as soon as he opened his eyes.

Grolev looked at Fatineau on the deck and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you let him hear anything. Can he survive?"

Li Jinfang pointed to Fartino on the ground and said, "Who knows what this guy is doing?"

Irene shook her head: "I don't know. Anyway, the boss and Yack were tortured miserably. He did it. Now both the boss and Yake are asleep. They can only know when they wake up."

Li Jinfang separated everyone and squatted beside Fatino, shouting: "The boss hates this guy very much, absolutely hateful, I think, since the boss specifically said that he must bring him and keep him alive, then Wait until you wake up and decide what to do with him. "

Grolev said disapprovingly: "Of course, otherwise, how about we kill him directly? Just look at him, don't let him die."

Andy Ho looked close to Gao Yang. Now Gao Yang is infusion. He is a little dehydrated. Andy He gave him saline, but he didn't use other drugs.

Opening his high eyelids and looking at it, Irene whispered: "Anything?"

Andy Ho whispered: "No problem, just asleep."

Elin waved her hand: "Then don't move him, don't wake him up, he must have suffered a lot."

At this moment, Andy He whispered: "Oh, this is not good."

Gao Yang was not wearing clothes yet, but he was covered with a blanket, and the blanket he was wearing was suddenly wet. Www.novelmtl.com ~ Everyone was tense immediately, and Grolev said sharply: "How What's going on? What's going on? "

Andy Ho rubbed his forehead and whispered: "Well, in plain English, it's his bedwetting."

Ai Lin said startled, "wetting bed?"

Andy Ho rubbed his chin and said nervously: "It's the bedwetting, but this problem may be serious, because it means that he may have lost control of his body. I checked it. There are many small wounds on his body, um I was worried about his nerves. When he was rescued, he had many electrodes on him, and many parts of his body were scorched by electricity. "

Irene was so scared that her face was white and trembling: "When we first saw him, what he said seemed so conscious, wouldn't it be okay?"

Andy Ho whispered: "Maybe it's just an autonomic disorder, it will be fine after two days, or it may be very troublesome. It needs a detailed inspection to know, now ..."

After a few words, Andy Ho turned to squat down and grabbed Fatino, said sharply: "Say! What have you done to him! Say it!" (Unfinished.)

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