A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2134: Plan C

Li Jinfang rushed in immediately, and then he just leaned down and immediately retreated, being beaten.

There are not many people inside, but only a few guns can securely block the door that is not wide, so the assault team was accidentally blocked outside.

If you can't get in, you can only wait for the fire from three sides to attack.


At this time, there was only a grenade to open the way. Fry and Albert, who had already prepared the grenade, had a total of four people brushing them and threw the grenade into it.

Sirte is a visiting army and is here to help, but at this time he was still doing his best to rush again before Li Jinfang, because he was assaulted with a shotgun, Gao Yang was not there, and his shotgun was definitely an angel plus Satan. Among the best.

Surt rushed in, and then retreated again at a faster speed, whispering angrily: "Grenade!"

Still unable to get in, the firepower was too fierce and accurate, and when Sirte retreated, the body armor was already embedded with two warheads.

What to do if you can't get in, then you have to be tough, staying outside is more dangerous, and the longer you drag it, the more dangerous it will be.

Li Jinfang was ruthless and whispered: "I'm going! Pay attention to follow up, good grenade!"

Fry and Jesse Lee squeezed two grenades, one lethal bullet and one shock bomb, and Li Jinfang and Sirte stood behind them and waited for the two to throw out the grenade and rushed in.

Close to the door again, Fry threw the grenade continuously, but Jesse Lee threw the grenade in his hand, then rushed in, and instead of temptation, he threw himself in, trying to retreat Can't return.

Unsurprisingly, Jesse Lee couldn't stand it at all, and bursts of blood on his body quickly.

Strictly speaking, this was an accident, because Jesse Lee did not strictly follow the established tactics, he should throw a grenade back, and then let Li Jinfang and Sirte with a stronger assault ability break through, and then let Peter and Taylor, who replaced James, kept up with the opening.

However, Jessie Lee's unexpected jump, which attracted most of the bullets, created conditions for Li Jinfang and Sirte.

Li Jinfang and Sirte have a very good connection. When Jessie Lee fell to the ground, they divided the left and right sides. Although they failed to destroy the enemies inside, they successfully killed three people and finally stood still. The enemies hiding in the room lived, and the subsequent attackers rushed in.

"The gun was shot!"

Albert dragged Jessie Lee's feet and dragged him out, while Li Jinfang, Peter, and Taylor went forward to the right under the cover of each other, and the rest were left in the spacious hall to suppress the enemy Don't let them show up.

The wizard brought people into the annex of the castle. They did not want to support the assault team, but they were unable to bear the pressure outside.

Li Jinfang rushed to the right side that Yake said, and the 13th always followed them.

I do n’t know if Raphael was locked in that room. He could only search one by one. Li Jinfang kicked a door open. After a quick search with a gun and found that it was an empty room, he immediately exited without careful search, and then Covering Taylor kicked a door open.

As soon as the door opened, someone fired again and again with pistols. Taylor didn't hide or give in. After he shot back and quickly shot the enemy, he immediately waved his hand.

The two cover, one breaks the door, Peter ’s legs and feet are inconvenient, and Li Jinfang kicks the door open, and sees Raphael tied naked on a chair, his mouth sealed with tape, a little bit The voices were all released, and the eyes turned hard to the left.

Li Jinfang nodded his head, and the gun went in. Then, on the thirteenth, he drilled inwards from under him, and lying on the ground raised his hand and slanted and snapped two shots.

Waiting for the thirteenth to get in and shoot, Li Jinfang suddenly flicked up and raised his gun in the opposite direction. After quickly searching for one side, he quickly said: "The skunk has been found!"

There was a man in the room who was hiding in the corner with a submachine gun. He had been shot dead by two shots on the 13th, but no one else.

On the thirteenth, he quickly walked to the front of Raphael who was tied up. There was a big bruise in the corner of Raphael's eyes. The swollen right eye was almost unable to open, and the body was left after being beaten. With bruises and scars, Raphael lifted a gun on the 13th to break the handcuffs that bound Raphael's hands, and then raised the gun to break the shackles, Raphael stepped up and immediately fell down again.

Li Jinfang hurriedly said: "Take him away, can you go back?"

On the thirteenth, he nodded silently and picked up Raphael. Li Jinfang immediately said: "We will evacuate with the skunk, pay attention to cover!"

Grolyov, who had been struggling to support with a machine gun, received a notice from Li Jinfang outside and immediately said: "Evacuate, evacuate! Smoke bombs! All smoke bombs were thrown!"

The smoke bomb is used to evacuate, to shield the enemy ’s line of sight, but to save Raphael, Grolev, they ca n’t throw out all the smoke bombs, lest they block their line of sight and ca n’t shoot to suppress the enemy, just Throw a few smoke bombs at places that cannot be taken care of to reduce the enemy's fire power as much as possible. Now it can be withdrawn. Naturally, all the smoke bombs are thrown out.

The assault team ran out with Rafael quickly, everyone was playing and retreating, and the smoke was thicker. As the smoke completely covered the entire open space, soon the sight of both the enemy and the enemy was covered. Living.

With Raphael running outside, the formation can't be chaotic, but finally escaped the scene of being hit by three sides ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The situation has improved a lot.

Out of the castle, Grolev said angrily, "Mr. Master! What's the matter, your support!"

When Satan came, there could be more than one team. Although it was the main part of the rescue operation of the Satan headquarter, there was also a team of big men Ludwig who were going to meet and cover the evacuation outside, but after the fight, They never came over, which made Grolev very dissatisfied.

After Grolev ’s dissatisfaction, Ludwig cried out: “Hurry up and save someone! Run a large number of military police! We block the enemy, and you withdraw quickly, and you withdraw before we can go! The original route cannot Go, take route b. "

As Grolev ran forward with a machine gun, he looked puzzled: "Military police? How can there be military police? How can it be so fast!"

"How the **** do I know! There are armored vehicles! Hurry up, we can't stop it for too long!"

Grolyov turned around and hit a shuttle in the direction of the old castle, and looked at Li Jinfang loudly said: "Mario has used the power of the Italian palace! This **** is raised, plan c evacuation, plan c evacuation, quick! "(To be continued.)

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