A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2133: Rescue operation

Gao Yang immediately fainted, to be precise, fell asleep.

Li Jinfang rescued Gao Yang and Yake as if they were soldiers, but this is only the beginning. There is still a lot to be done if the rescue operation is to end.

Li Jinfang swung the gun and said in a deep voice: "Let's rush out! Tyrannosaurus rex, you take your boss, panda you take care of the fox, the little fly, take this guy!"

Irene hung the gun in front of her chest, grabbed Yang Yang's arm and pushed Gao Yang back up, but when she was about to leave, she looked at Yake who was still bleeding in her eyes: " Fox, your ... eyes? "

Yake looked at Irene faintly with the remaining eye, and said weakly: "Under your feet."


After screaming, Irene lifted her right foot and looked at it, then lifted her left foot and looked at it. After seeing a piece of **** flesh under her feet, she said in a hurry: "I'm sorry ..."

Yak exhaled and said, "It's okay, I know where the skunk is, we'll save him."

Li Jinfang nodded and said on the walkie-talkie: "We came out, the three people were unable to move and caused slow movements, pay attention to cover!"

After being notified outside, Li Jinfang waved his hand and shouted: "Chong!"

Li Jinfang walked in the front, and after passing through a stone corridor that was not long, he reached a door that was not wide. Then he swung the gun and raised his gun shortly to the left while shooting, loudly: "Quick, quick, fast!"

Outside the door is a garden, and on the left is a huge stone ancient building, which is very tall, and the interior of the building has been firing towards Li Jinfang's only way.

Grolev fired a machine gun and fired madly towards the building, while the wizard took six of his angels and fired to the right. The bullets hit the ground near them. Obviously, they were surrounded. Written.

Seeing them coming high, Grolev yelled with exhaustion: "Evacuation! Evacuation!"

Li Jinfang waved his hand and stood in front of Gao Yang, shouting: "Can't withdraw, the skunk is still here!"

Grolev said in surprise: "Aren't three people?"

"One of the enemies was the enemies who asked to be taken away alive!"

Grolyov did not hesitate and immediately shouted: "Where is the skunk? Go and save him!"

Andy He helped Yake, and he pointed to a small building on the right behind him, shouting: "In there, enter the right side of the corridor, but I don't know which room, I was brought out with my head covered. "

Grolev said loudly: "Escort the rams away, free up people to save the skunk, Yuri!"

Yuri looked at Grolev, and Grolev hurriedly said, "Go and help bring people away!"

It was too late to say that after Grolev turned his muzzle and hit a few shuttles towards a window, he shouted: "Throw the bullet and take someone away."

Yuri held a bullet chain in one hand and a gun barrel in the other. After hearing Grolev's words, he threw the things in his hand and ran to Yak in front of him. The left hand took Yak over his shoulder. After the first antibody, he grabbed Fatino with his right hand and threw it to the bottom of his arm. After two steps, he caught up with Irene, who was running high.

Li Jinfang waved his hand and shouted: "The black devil escorted them away. The assault team followed me to rescue the skunk and covered it again."

Talta and Vasily quickly reached Eileen and Yuri and escorted them out. At this time, all the firepower that provided cover was fully opened, and they tried to suppress the firepower from both sides so that they could rush out safely.

The place where the battle took place was still a small hill, but the building was not ordinary. It turned out to be an old castle. The old castle was surrounded by green spaces and bumps on three sides. The north is a four-story main building with two floors on both sides. Outbuilding.

The castle is not only made of stone, but it can be used as a military fortress from the beginning. The windows are small and narrow, and there are many people in it. Grolev is uncovered on the flat ground in the middle. , Providing cover is extremely difficult to support.



"Cloud Burst!"


"Fak, suspend the use of smoke bombs and cover with fire!"

Grolyov focused on shooting, Li Jinfang began to order continuously, and soon, all the people who could free their hands threw out the smoke bombs they carried, and then the white walls of the old castle surrounded by three sides were quickly white smoke Shrouded.

"Rabbit, undead bird! Cover!"

Li Jinfang shouted again, they were very difficult to support, and they had to rescue Raphael again. At the beginning, they used all the available firepower to suppress the enemy, and they won a relatively favorable opportunity to promote it. They rescued, but when they continued to save Raphael, the ammunition was not enough.

Originally it was just a small team, how many things can be brought, and all the usable things were used in a short time to suppress the enemy. After the things were used up, then naturally it was useless.

Aileen rushed out of the castle with Gao Yang on his back, until he put Gao Yang on a minibus and immediately shouted on the intercom: "The boss is safe!"

The assault team rushed in as a striker to rescue, there was a large army outside to cover and suppress the enemy, and the black devil was waiting outside to **** Gao Yang, which finally gave Gao Yang and Yake and that Fatino to the unsurpassed and dangerous. It came out, but it was difficult to save Raphael next.

Li Jinfang felt relieved and shouted, "The assault team followed me, and the can opener was filled!"

Albert, Frye, James ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Jesse Lee, Taylor, Peter immediately rushed towards the side building where Raphael was detained, and Sirte immediately left the position of the angel, Joining the assault group replaced Irene's position.

The eight were divided into two triangular assault formations, rushing past while covering each other, but the number 13 was silent and followed the assault team.

He was about to enter the building. He was on the left. James, who was behind Li Jinfang, suddenly collapsed, and Li Jinfang only felt a shock in his back, and then shouted: "The cockroach was shot, suppressed, suppressed."

Being beaten from three sides, how can it be suppressed.

The wizard shouted: "Come with me, move the cover!"

Grolyov, they were on the east side, shooting towards the main building on the north side and the annexes on the west side, and when Li Jinfang rushed to the annexes on the west side, the fire from the second floor on the east side caused extreme damage to their backs. A big threat, so the wizard led the same person to the west, then turned back and shot east to cover Li Jinfang's back.

Andy Ho quickly rushed to the fallen James, but Li Jinfang, they did not pay attention to and care for the fallen James, rushed straight in. (To be continued.)

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