A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2127: Secret flight

?? "Okay, understand! Understand! Know, let's start."

The heavily armed Grolev hung up the phone and said to Yalebin at his side: "The route has been resolved, and Ulyanko has coordinated the countries along the way for us."

Yalebin said with a majestic expression: "What route?"

Grolev pointed to the big map on the wall and said: "We took off from Berbera, avoiding the Gulf of Aden and Djibouti airspace, where there are too many warships and radars, so we turned to the Ethiopian airspace, Ultra-low-altitude flight, after climbing deep into the airspace of Ethiopia and Ethiopia, using the civil flight route to fly north, passing Eritrean airspace, flying over the Red Sea, and finally crossing the Sinai Peninsula, reaching the Mediterranean Sea, turning and finally landing in Lebanon Beirut, the people of the Syrian Press Bureau will wait for us at Beirut Airport, and then we will transfer to civil aviation flights in Beirut and go directly to Italy. "

Yalebin thought slightly for a moment and said, "Safe arrival is more important than time. We are raising our last hope. Invading Egyptian airspace is very dangerous, especially flying over the Sinai Peninsula. The years of war between Egypt and Israel made the Sinai Peninsula cloth. Full of anti-aircraft missiles and radars, the Egyptian Air Force aircraft can also be launched and intercepted in a few minutes. Unlike Ethiopia, flying over the Sinai Peninsula is likely to be shot down. "

Grolyov shook his head: "No, Ulyanko is the head of Africa of the Big Ivan Group. He has a good relationship with the Egyptian military. Our flight has been approved by the Egyptian military. This is a secret flight. , But will never incur a blow from Egypt. === "Combat of the Broken Sky http://www.chuixue.me/cx16/" ===. "

Yalebin nodded and said, "Very good, can the safety be guaranteed after the landing in Lebanon?"

Grolev said in a deep voice: "Yes, our head is the honorary general of Syria. The most important thing is that we have a very good relationship with the Syrian military and intelligence services."

Yalebin smiled slightly and said, "Beyond my expectations, how about the pilot's standard?"

"One part is a test pilot recruited from the Antonov Design Bureau of Ukraine, and a part is a retired pilot from Russia. They all have long flight experience and are familiar with our models. The aircraft maintenance status is very good, although it is an Indian aircraft. , But just overhauled by Antonov. "

Yalebin smiled and said, "It's not just the plane of India. Give the pilot the pilot. Let's start."

Grolev immediately turned out and said to the crowd outside the door: "Board the plane immediately and divide it into two teams, and the elder will lead the team to board the plane. Satan will board the plane with me, fast, fast, fast!"

Yalebin walked out on crutches. They were at the airstrip in Berbera. Two An-32 transport planes had been pulled out of the hangar. The pilot was still carrying out the final inspection work. The tanker was adding fuel to the transport plane. Fuel injection, but these do not prevent Grolev from boarding.

Boarding the plane quickly, Grolev reached the cockpit and handed a tablet computer to the captain, shouting: "Look at the flight path, is it okay?"

The captain took a look at the tablet for a while and then nodded, "No problem."

"Then be ready to take off."

With Gao Yang absent, Grolev was the commander of Satan. After giving the final command, Grolev returned to the cabin.

The cabin was full of people, but everyone was serious, and when Grolev sat in the easy seat, Irene looked at him nervously and said, "Big dog, what's new News? "

Everyone was watching Grolev, and Grolev shook his head, and then Irene said disappointedly, "Isn't there any good news?"

Grolev whispered: "Ivan has already led people, he will arrive in Rome before us, and Ivan will continue to pressure Mario. If Mario can't be reached, Ivan will Take an offensive action to let Mario know that Big Ivan is not just talking. "

Irene said desperately: "But our head is still in Mario's hands, and we are fighting directly, head, head ..."

Grolev sighed: "No way, Mario must know that Ivan is not just a verbal threat, but the early attack will not be too violent, well, don't say anything, we will definitely be in twenty-four hours Rushed within. "

After waiting for another half an hour, the aircraft's engine finally started, and then the two transport planes took off from the bumpy runway and rushed into the night sky.

Just as Grolev took off, Knight Schumacher paced back and forth a little irritably.

The wizard stood silently, and Knight stopped and said to the wizard, "The Rams are in trouble again."

The wizard was silent. He knew Knight would continue to explain. Sure enough, Knight said annoyedly: "The Rams need help, but I especially hate being **** by interests and morally. In our current situation, it is not suitable for extracurricular branches. Help Satan. "

The wizard finally whispered: "Did Satan ask you for help, sir."

Knight waved his hand and said with a depressed face: "No, it's not Satan who asked me for help, but Ulyanko. Ulyanko felt that Satan's power was insufficient. He made a notice to inform me, hoping that the angels could join The rescue operation puts more pressure on the Cicero family. "

The wizard finally changed his face and said, "The Cicero family?"

Nete ​​said sadly: "Yes, the Cicero family."

The wizard exhaled and said, "The consequences of fighting the Cicero family are very serious, Lieutenant Colonel."

"Of course I know the consequences are serious."

The wizard whispered: "So, did Ulyanko require you to rescue the ram?"

Knight waved his hand and said, "No, he just notified me and let me decide if I would do my best."

The wizard whispered: "So, did you decide?"

Knight sighed and said helplessly: "Decided, our situation is not suitable for rescue operations ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ nor can we leave Ukraine, nor can we fight the Cicero family, so the angels will not participate The rescue of the Rams. "

The wizard lowered his head slightly and said, "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel."

Nete ​​smiled bitterly and said, "But we can't really let go, because we owe the Rams too much favor, you take the team to Italy, and mobilize all the people who can leave the combat, not in the name of angels, Just join Satan to help them fight, this is the maximum assistance we can make. "

The wizard raised his head and said, "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!"

Nete ​​waved his hand and said: "Hurry up and get ready, and set off immediately when you're ready. I'll be in Italy within 24 hours. I'll get in touch with Big Dog. You will meet in Italy and you will listen to them. "

After saluting, the wizard immediately turned and left, and he was about to redeploy.

After the wizard left, Knight sat down and said stupefiedly: "Ram, ram, you are too much to blame. You dare to provoke even the Cicero family, you are such a great guy!" (To be continued. )-Watching events, watching **** car models, looking at beautiful girls, looking at star photos, please pay attention to the WeChat public account (beauty island search meinvdao123 press and hold for 3 seconds to copy)

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