A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: 72-hour gamble

? Gao Yang has been pierced with eight needle knives, he is very painful, but Fatino is very enjoyable.

The good news is that so far, Gao Yang has not lost any physical function, because each needle of Fatino avoids places such as nerves and tendons, but the bad news is that sooner or later Fartino will destroy his important body. function.

Fatino raised a needle knife and smiled at Gao Yang: "Where do we pierce this root?"

Gao Yang's voice was a little dumb, and the huge pain made him exhausted, and even the curse was weak.

While Fatino was slowly piercing a spike into his high thigh, the door was suddenly opened, a person rushed in, beckoned to Fatino, then whispered in Fartino's ear After a few words, he left in a hurry.

Fatino looked at Gao Yang, staring at Gao Yang for a moment, then shook his head and shouted, "You're in luck."

Gao Yang was surprised, and then when Fatino slowly pulled out a needle knife from him, it felt like a surprise.

Now let alone let go of Gao Yang, just to give him a short break, it is enough to surprise him.

Pulling out the needle knives one by one, Gao Yang soon showed a lot of blood on his body, but Fatino did not take any hemostatic measures against him, and the wounds were very small and did not damage anything. Blood vessels, blood will soon stop itself.

Pulling out the needle knife, Fatino silently took out a black hood and put it on Gao Yang's head. Gao Yang was going to say something, but in order to avoid stimulating Fartino and causing extra-budget, he eventually still Chose to shut up.

Is Mario about to let him go? This is Gao Yang's only thought.

Soon, Gao Yang could hear a lot of footsteps, then he felt a slight pain in his arm, someone gave him a shot, and soon, he was lifted up, his feet were still tied, his hands were Locked behind, Gao Yang was taken out by two people half-framed.

Is it going to be killed? Still to be released? Gao Yang was puzzled until he heard the huge noise from the helicopter, he finally realized that it was to take him away.

Gao Yangqiang endured the huge drowsiness until he was tucked into the helicopter cabin, and then he could not resist the drowsiness like the flood, and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept. When Gao Yang finally woke up, he only felt his head hurt. When he subconsciously wanted to touch his head, he found that his arm was locked on the armrest of the chair.

Gao Yang tried hard to recall what happened, and finally found that his situation did not get better at all. He was still locked in a chair, not wearing clothes, and Fatino stood opposite him. The only change was that he changed rooms. The room was no longer the dark room, but a very bright room with tiles on the walls.

"You wake up, then let's continue, you can give yourself a rest, because the next time will be very long, we will be very tired."

After speaking with a smile, Fatino picked up a small syringe and injected it into Gao Yang's arm.

Gao Yang smiled disdainfully and said, "What is this, do you vomit the truth? It seems that you have to resort to this thing."

After Fatino slowly injected the injection, he smiled at Gao Yang and said, "No, it's not a real agent. I never use that stuff."

After sitting back in front of Gao Yang, Fatino smiled and said: "I don't have to vomit the real agent. Sometimes, the real agent sometimes makes people have unanswered questions, but this is possible for normal ordinary people. It will be useful, but in many cases, the verbal confession from the truth-telling agent is not correct, because the truth-telling agent will fragment your consciousness, so the answer you get is fragmented, not completely accurate, or the most important Some omissions in the past, especially the large doses of true spitting agent will also destroy the human brain, and it will be irreversible to turn people into lunatics. When there is only one interrogation subject, I obviously cannot risk turning you into nothing worthless madman."

After he finished speaking, Fatino walked to the front again and smiled: "So I can only take a time-consuming and absolutely error-free way."

Stabbed a needle into Gao Yang's arm, with a thin wire behind the needle, and attached a small round piece to the needle. Fatino patted it with his hand and smiled: "That's it."

Gao Yang smiled weakly and said disdainfully to Fatino: "So your level is still at the level of having to resort to external forces. It's too bad. The masters I know don't need any tools to destroy your heart. You wait, I will let you try it. "

Fatino smiled: "Is it? I look forward to it."

One by one, the needles dragging the wires were pierced into the high skin, the head, the arms, the front chest and the back. After at least a dozen needles were pierced, Fatino returned to the chair opposite the high Yang and slapped his hand. , Laughed: "Okay, ready, let's consume it slowly, remind you, don't close your eyes, otherwise you will be miserable."

Gao Yang laughed with disdain again, that was a feeling of weakness.

"Farker oil, you incompetent waste, you originally planned to get the confession you wanted by not letting me sleep? Fatino, you are really wasteful, we bet, your move will not work."

Fatino laughed: "Yes, you guessed it, I just won't let you sleep until you collapse and say everything. This trick is very old-fashioned but really effective, so I just injected you with Hypnotic drugs will make you sleepy, but it will not make you lose consciousness. Since you all understand, then we have started. "

Gao Yang is very happy ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ because he forced him to get confessions by not letting him sleep, which is equivalent to getting time for him.

Fartino reached out and turned on a lamp, which was extremely bright, and then he pointed the lamp toward the sky.

Gao Yang no longer stimulates Fatino, because the current interrogation method is what he wants, so that he can get the time to wait for the rescue. If he stimulates Fatino to take other methods, it will be bad.

Fatino sat down with Erlang's legs, he looked at his watch, then smiled at Gao Yang: "Bet with you, you can't hold it for twenty-four hours."

Gao Yang exhaled and smiled, "I bet you can last for 72 hours, and wait for 72 hours, well, it doesn't matter."

Fatino said curiously: "Why doesn't it matter after seventy-two hours?"

Gao Yang said slowly but firmly: "Because at that time my people should arrive, they will grab you and return everything you have done to me to you!" (To be continued.)


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