A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2128: can not say

Twenty hours have passed since Gao Yang was detained by Mario. When one plane after another took off and all flew towards Italy as a destination, Gao Yang did not know this. What he expected now is Can sleep.

Directed by intense light, his drowsiness was getting heavier and heavier, and finally, his eyelids closed, but just after his eyelids closed, the sudden pain made him wake up immediately.

Fatino twisted a switch, and the weak current passed through the needle that pierced the body, causing Gao Yang to tremble immediately.

The tremor was trembling, but it was fixed on the chair and could not be free from the bondage. At the moment when the current was turned on, in addition to the extreme pain, there was itch deep into the bone marrow. come.

Fatino said with a smile: "I told you, don't close your eyes, it will be painful to close your eyes. This is just the weakest current. How does it taste?"

After talking with a smile, Fatino turned off the switch, and the trembling trembling was like sweating from the water.

After gasping for a few breaths, he looked up at Fatino and gasped, "I'm so cool! It's cooler than your mother Fak."

Fatino let go of the switch and smiled: "Wait and wait for the moment you can't hold it."

Gao Yang had no pajamas, but he also lost his strength and interest in talking with Fatino, and he really did not dare to close his eyes again, because although the current was very weak, Fartino gave him a very strong electrode position. Pay attention to the pain caused by his unbearable.

Gao Yang felt that as long as he came again, he would be defeated by pain. He really preferred to die immediately rather than being electrocuted again. To be honest, he began to hope that Fatino would stab him instead of turning on the power.

It was still very sleepy, and I especially wanted to sleep with my eyes closed, but the huge fear made Gao Yang refrain from the urge to close his eyes.

Gao Yang felt that he had endured for a very, very long time, but in fact, less than an hour later, he was finally defeated by sleepiness again.

Unconsciously, Gao Yang closed his eyes again, and then, unsurprisingly, he was once again dispelled by the electric current, as if his soul was pulled out of the body at once, let him instantly Come awake.

The electric current continued for twenty seconds, the tremor trembling violently, and the tears, snots, and saliva flowed out uncontrollably. Then, he was finally incontinent, and the feces and urine were flowing.

Fatino covered his nose and smiled, "God, it's so stinky."

The power was turned off slowly, and the trembling trembling suddenly collapsed, but his body was still tied to the chair and he couldn't move.

After gasping for a long time, Gao Yang stared at Fatino, very hoarsely said: "I will say whatever you ask, don't, don't do this anymore, please."

Fatino spread his hand and smiled: "Can't you bear it so quickly? Where did the tough guy just now?"

Standing up, picking up a water pipe, and opening the valve, Fatino rushed the very strong current towards Gao Yang.

Already thirsty and terrible, Gao Yang opened his mouth, hoping to receive some water, but Fatino did not rush the water column towards his head, so he could only open his mouth to catch some water drops that splashed into his mouth, despite this These waters are still very valuable to Gao Yang.

"Okay, it's not that bad, now, tell me everything you know and tell me where Justin is."

There was no water drop, Gao Yang sighed in disappointment, and then he swallowed hard and hard, whispering, "I don't know, I really don't know, I'm not willing to say."

Fatino snapped his fingers, squeezed his eyebrows, and said with excitement: "Great! Sure enough, it's a tough guy, it doesn't matter, we come next, I have patience."

Gao Yang was completely out of pajamas, but his sobriety lasted only a short time, and then came the never-ending sleepiness, and the waves were stronger than the waves. Finally, he closed his eyes again.

Not surprisingly, Gao Yang once again suffered from incontinence stimulated by the electric current, spreading all over his body, the pain in his bone marrow made him just want to die immediately.

After Fartino turned off the electric current with disgust, he picked up the faucet and washed toward the ground and the ground. He shouted: "How do you still pull, how much do you eat, how disgusting. . "

After tossing the faucet on the ground again, Fatino sat back in his chair and said proudly: "Will I continue to be a tough guy?"

Gao Yang couldn't even breathe, he whispered: "I really don't know, how long do you have to waste to understand this?"

Fatino rubbed his hands and said: "Okay, let's talk about other things, for example, your mercenary group, I heard that you are very powerful, tell me about it, you have done Let me see something. "

Gao Yang wanted to shake his head, but after finding that his head couldn't turn at all, he said weakly and firmly: "This can't be said."

Fatino laughed: "Oh, you're still good enough, you can't say it now, you can say it later, don't worry, I have patience."

The time that Gao Yang can stay awake is getting shorter and shorter, and he is getting shorter and shorter, so he is stimulated by the current once and again to be better than death.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Gao Yang was really better than death, his eyes were still open but he had lost consciousness, he still could not fall asleep, and even if Fatino increased the current, he did not Dracula.

Fatino was finally anxious, because the time passed but twenty-two hours, but Gao Yang still said nothing.

When the current was increased by one gear again, and Gao Yang spitting white foam in the tremor to restore his short sobriety, Fatino's face roared with a roar: "say, what is your real name!"

"can not say……"

Gao Yang turned this sentence up and down ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This was a long time ago, no matter what Fatino asked him, he could respond with this sentence.

Gao Yang's breathing became more and more rapid, and his voice was like the friction of two pieces of wood, because he was losing water too seriously.

Fatino was finally anxious. He tried his best to restrain his emotions. After taking a deep breath, he directly turned on the current switch. Now the weakest current can no longer make Gao Yang feel too painful, because he has gradually adapted , But the lowest current can make Gao Yang absolutely unable to fall asleep.

With electricity on, Fatino left the interrogation room directly. He walked out of the door, and after a long breath, he said to the person outside the door: "Go feed him some water, don't let him dehydrate and die, you Watch for me, never let him sleep! "

"What are you doing?"

Fatino said angrily: "I'm going to rest! I can't spend time with him. The drug effect is almost over. His will will be more sober than now. I will spend the next twenty-four hours with him!" (To be continued.)

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