A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2109: Double gunner

qlz87 or qlz04, and qlu11, the most pitiful thing is that they can't concentrate their advantages together.

It would be best if it could suppress and kill the enemy ’s large-scale infantry with rapid fire, and then use single-shot precision fire to destroy the enemy ’s firepower, and use single-shot precision fire to attack individual personnel.

But even if the advantages of the two grenade launchers cannot be brought together, Yuri can still be a double gun like Gao Yang.

Gao Yang's long-range shooting using a rifle and close-range shooting using a shotgun are super powerful. In the case of not being able to balance both, he had to bring two guns, which one is suitable for which.

Of course, Yuri can do the same. He usually prepares two grenade launchers, which is suitable for which one to solve the problem. After all, the battlefield will be preset before the battle. After knowing what terrain to fight on, choose in advance, let alone Satan ’s action. Most of the time, you do n’t just rely on your legs, and throwing a spare weapon in the car is not a hassle.

Now Satan ’s mid-range and long-range direct fire support is already very strong. There are high-precision shooters, Cui Bo and Phoenix snipers, and Grolev, a machine gunner. If Yuri can really develop into a qualified or even excellent The grenade launcher, the picture is so beautiful.

If the enemy hides in the dark castle, or shoots out from the armored vehicle, the role of snipers who promote them will be greatly reduced. For example, in the battle where Syria lost Peter ’s leg, the enemy will hide in the underground dark castle, even if it is high Marksmanship can kill the machine gunner hiding in it, but if the enemy has replacements, the threat cannot be completely lifted, unless Fry throws a few grenades into it.

If Yuri is a qualified sniper howitzer, shoot one shot inwards, and all the problems have been solved. If one shot is not enough, then two shots will be made. If two shots are not enough, more shots will be sent. Incendiary bombs can always solve the people inside. The important thing is that the accuracy of qlu11 is enough. It is not important to hit the grenade by luck, but it can be sustained and repeatable. This is too important.

More importantly, as a light infantry team, Satan, no one was able to carry and use the automatic grenade launcher weapon, and the sniper howitzer, this gadget did not exist before, Huaxia pioneered.

Yuri ’s physique, he can still follow the team with hundreds of grenade on his back. This is too important. Replaced with other people, no matter how easy to use the sniper howitzer or automatic howitzer, the ammunition is only a dozen shots. Still useless.

In addition, Gao Yang can get the qlu11 sniper howitzer because his deal with Huaxia in Ukraine is far from over.

There are no obstacles, it depends on whether Yuri can use the sniper howitzer well.

"Take a grenade launcher, hurry up, take a grenade launcher."

Gao Yang excitedly greeted people with grenade launchers. Li Jinfang had a gun-mounted grenade launcher, and in their camp, there was a Russian 30-mm automatic grenade launcher.

The ags-17 grenade launcher, with a caliber of 30 mm and a weight without a tripod, weighs nearly 20 kilograms. The total weight of the battle is more than 40 kilograms, but Yuri still moves up and leaves.

It's a pity that Yuri still can't carry the grenade launcher to fire bursts, because the recoil of the gun grenade is too large, and the bursts can only be a waste of grenade, but Yuri carries a very heavy grenade. There is no problem with the single shot.

Looking at Yuri's standing grenade one after another, Andy heartily said: "This guy is really a monster!"

Gao Yang said with great enthusiasm: "Now that I know how good I am, my brother no matter how accurate the marksmanship is, the same is true for people!"

Grolev smiled: "You just decided to let him use a grenade launcher."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "You don't understand this. I just saw him and thought that this person is a treasure. Even if I can't think of what he is suitable for, I can think slowly. The important thing is that I have brought it back. If this doesn't bring people, how can we find someone who can use sniper howitzers in the future? So my vision is good. "

After bragging about himself, Gao Yang shouted, "Yuri, try a 40mm grenade."

After speaking, Gao Yang said to everyone around him: "Which grenade launcher is used well? Who is good at teaching him."

Li Jinfang said: "I can only say ordinary."

Peter raised his hand and smiled: "I, I can, I am very familiar with the use of grenade launchers, but I don't understand sniper howitzers."

Gao Yang laughed: "It doesn't matter. Sniper howitzer is a new thing. Let's explore and develop various uses by ourselves. Snapping this thing, I and the rabbit can teach."

Elin smiled: "So sure which caliber is used? 35 mm, or 40 mm?"

35mm is the caliber developed by Huaxia. This caliber grenade is unique, but it is not easy to find. 40mm is the NATO general caliber and 30mm is the Huayao general caliber. Both types of ammunition are easy to find, but The power of the 30 mm caliber grenades is too small to be considered, so you have to choose from 35 and 40 mm calibers.

The second is that qlu11 also has a 40 mm foreign trade version of lg5. These two sniper howitzers are very similar to ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ but I do n’t know how far the performance of the foreign trade version is from the original version.

From the perspective of power and easy access to ammunition, it is still 40 mm caliber, but from a precision point of view, it must be a 35 mm caliber version.

After measuring for a while, Gao Yang said: "Sniper howitzers, the important thing is power rather than precision. The 35mm armor-piercing anti-personnel bullet has a five-meter radius, and the blasting anti-personnel bullet has a larger radius. Mm, the automatic grenade launcher uses the same 35mm. I will say this, we bought him 10,000 rounds of ammunition, how is it enough! "

Grolev said: "Less, still less, fifty thousand rounds! We want Yuri to have enough practice ammunition! In case it is inconvenient to buy it later, buy more at a time and use it if you can't use it up."

Grenades are not cheap, especially 35mm, but in order to develop a unique use grenade launcher, this price is still affordable for Satan.

Gao Yang laughed: "Okay, 50,000 rounds, no, 100,000 rounds! It really has to be considered in the long run, so we also come to ten sniper howitzers. As for the automatic grenade launcher, it doesn't matter anymore. I ’ll get in touch now, and you ’ll wait to see the birth of a twin gunner. ”(To be continued.)

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