A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2110: Invite

Yuri has determined the role to be played, and then he immediately invested in intensive training. As for Yang Yang, he also invested in desert combat training.

There are many things that are very busy and complicated in the preparation stage. When the stage actually starts, it may be very idle. This is the case with Gao Yang.

In addition to training, Gao Yang meets with Maid once a day, meets with Yalebin at a fixed time, and informs each other about the news sent back by a few black devils who first went to Yemen.

At present, it can only be regarded as normal, and everything is in an orderly direction.

On the third day, Lucica returned.

Lucyka's appearance has hardly changed. She looks like a servant, carrying a big bag, standing in front of Gao Yang like a child who does something wrong, timidly saying when I came back She was so angry that she couldn't say anything to blame her.

After staring at Lucica hard, Gao Yang could only helplessly say: "Come back and come back, not an example."

Lucy spit her tongue out, Irene ran over and took Lucy ’s big bag, then hugged Lucy, shouted: "I do n’t know if I should welcome you back, but I ’m really happy you Come back, Lucica! "

As one of the two women that Satan used to have, Lucica and Irene have always had a good relationship. They are also considered to be a companion together. Since Lucia left the team, Satan has only one woman.

After a long hug with Erin, Lucia patted Erin and smiled, "I don't plan to leave this time."

Elin smiled excitedly: "Introduce you to the new members and take you to your room later."

Lucica raised her hand and waved towards several people in Satan: "Hi, old friends, I'm back, are you excited?"

Grolyov said helplessly: "In fact, I don't want you to come back, but you have already come, then go to take a shower, prepare to eat, take a rest, you will start restorative training tomorrow, I hope you have not pulled Too much. "

Several of Satan ’s old people were deliberately gathered together to wait for Lucica. It was impossible to get her back, so simply welcome the old comrades.

At lunch, Satan's new and old people gathered together for the first time in the few days that training had begun.

The wine is not drinkable, but the atmosphere of the meal is still very pleasant, and while eating, Gao Yang received a call from Yake.

Yack had already gone to Italy to get in touch with the Cicero family. He called back and made a phone call. There must have been some progress. Gao Yang was very excited. After connecting the phone, he whispered: "Hey, is it right? Is there any progress? "

Yack said slowly: "Yes, I have already got in touch with Mario Cicero."

Mario Cicero, one of the important figures of the Cicero family, after the death of the old parents, he first launched to kill Justin who was designated as the new parent, and Mario was already in the Cicero family. A decisive victory was achieved in the fight, so he was already the new parent of the Cicero family.

According to the introduction of the great Ivan, Yake can get in touch with anyone in the Cicero family. Even if there is no relationship with the big Ivan, Yack can also have a relationship with the important figures of the Cicero family. Origin, so it ’s not surprising that Yack has already got in touch with Mario.

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "So, have our feelings of concern come to fruition?"

Yack whispered: "I have met with Mario, but I haven't talked about any specific things at all. When I indicated my intention, he said he wanted to meet you and talk about specific cooperation matters in person."

Gao Yang hesitated for a while. After all, he has been very busy recently, and after all, Mario killed Justin, which makes him certainly not very fond of Mario, but think of Mario is also a real big brother-level character In addition, he has the intelligence resources that Satan needs most now, and even if he does not want to, he still has to meet.

Actually speaking, Mario Ken still gave him a face when he saw Gao Yang. In terms of identity, Gao Yang as a mercenary is too far away from Mario, who is already the king of intelligence. They are all of the level of Great Ivan, which can stir the world. As a rising star, Gao Yang is still far away.

After thinking for a moment, he whispered: "Why does he want to see me, is there anything?"

Yake smiled: "I think I might want to show you something. After all, you are a great person now. I can't even count a small shrimp in front of Mario, but I learned that I am going on your behalf. After that, Mario gave me a face. I just left his house. After he served me a lunch, he politely suggested that you better meet him in person. If you decide to meet him, I will Go back and inform him and make an appointment. "

Gao Yang just thought for a moment and then said: "Okay, I'll take a trip, you count the time I need on the road, please ask Mario to decide the time to meet, and I will start."

Yake said: "Okay, I'm waiting for you in Rome. I'll let you know when I'll make an appointment. Goodbye."

Hang up the phone and exclaimed: "Dude, you, I need to go to Rome, I just go by myself, you continue training."

Raphael laughed: "Oh, go to Rome, what are you doing?"

"Go to a big man in Cicero's house."

Grolev said with a concerned expression: "Is there any progress?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "If you have it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Mario hopes to meet me and talk to me, I think he should not refuse our customer."

Raphael shouted: "I'll go with you, you need a translator, and you don't understand Italian."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "No, I still need to translate. You can train honestly. If you have been injured for so long, don't recover quickly. Don't try to be lazy."

Wiping his mouth on the thirteenth, he said: "I'll go with you, and it's useless for me to leave training."

Grolev also said: "You go with the 13th and Raphael, just when there are two more bodyguards around you, the first time you meet, don't let people look down on you."

Gao Yang laughed: "It's really a bodyguard, it must be a toad, but he still has to train people, okay, Raphael, you're going to be a bodyguard for me. It's like a little dress."

After making up his mind, Gao Yang stood up and shouted, "I will stop eating. I'm ready to go. Mario is also a big man. I can only wait for others, not for others to wait for me all the time." (Unfinished to be continued.)

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