A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2108: Yuri's correct use

It takes at least a few months to train a soldier. Some basic things require time for Yuri to remember and form a conditioned reflex. There is also time for physical training, but for the machine If the gunner's skill training is to teach only basic things, at most one day is enough.

The operation of the machine gun is just how difficult it can be.

But if you want to train Yuri to become the second big dog and the second machine gun artist, it will be difficult. There are many things that can only be learned and understood from the battle. Grolyov ’s teaching can only help Yuri shorten. This process cannot completely replace Yuri ’s experience accumulation in combat.

Even if you do n’t expect Yuri to become the second big dog, but just train as a qualified machine gunner, then it will take some time for good shooters to be fed by bullets, like a sniper, or a machine gunner, especially When the shooting practiced in the shoulders and hands, he naturally became a good shooter.

Gao Yang had planned to train Yuri as a machine gun shooter, but Tommy had a different opinion at this time. He hurriedly said: "Guys, don't you want to see if Yuri can use mortars? Always Look, what if he is more suitable for operating mortars? "

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "Look at it, Tommy, you can try it."

Tommy ran quickly to get his barrel, and when he came over, several people helped him move an 82mm mortar and shell.

Passing the barrel to Yuri's hand, Tommy hurriedly said, "Can I just use this, can I get out?"

Yuri said blankly: "How to play this, I have never used it, I never thought about it."

Tommy was not surprised, he pointed to the 82mm mortar: "You try that."

The 82mm mortar has all the accessories, sitting on the sheet and all the gun mounts. Yuri looked at it and assembled the 82mm mortar, then looked at Tommy with a little daze: " Where should I fight, I can fight, but I do n’t know how to get it right. "

Tommy said confidently: "Then carry the mortar and run a few laps, let us see."

The 82mm mortar weighs more than 30 kilograms, and the whole gun can be moved by ordinary people, but like Yuri, he grabs the seat without the gun in one hand and carries the cannon in one hand, so few people can do it. Arrived.

Tommy pointed at Yuri, who could hold a cannon, and said, "Look, with him, we have more shells, and if necessary, can bring a larger caliber mortar. "

Grolev laughed: "But we don't need a simple porter. I can teach him to use machine guns, and you can't teach him to use guns. Because you are an experienced gunner, you don't know why you can put The artillery is so accurate, so you ca n’t teach a new gunner. "

Looking at Yuri, who was still running on the field, thinking about the machine gun and the mortar was more meaningful. If it could be combined, that high Yang felt a flash of electricity flash in his mind.

"Wait, I found the right way to use Yuri!"

Gao Yang was very excited. Grolev and Tommy said in unison: "What?"

Gao Yang pointed to Yuri and said excitedly: "Perfect, perfect, perfect!"

"What's perfect?"

Gao Yang swallowed and shouted, "Guys, whether it's training Yuri to be a machine gunner or a mortar gunner, it's difficult and takes a long time, but what about letting him use a grenade launcher?"

Tommy frowned: "Grenade launcher? Is it necessary to occupy a staffing?"

Gao Yang nodded excitedly and said, "It's necessary, it's necessary, guys, have any of you heard of China's qlz87 automatic grenade launcher?"

Grolev said with a puzzled expression: "I haven't heard of it."

Tommy also shook his head: "I don't know, the grenade launcher just."

Aline was puzzled and said, "Are there any characteristics?"

Cui Bo suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Yuri and said loudly: "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Aline slaps on Choi Bo's head and scolds: "If you have anything, just say, what are you."

Cui Bo said excitedly: "Perfect, perfect, perfect!"

Li Jinfang also said in a sudden realization: "Oh, this is really suitable!"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Huaxia qlz87 grenade launcher, 35 mm caliber, can launch anti-detonation blasting grenades, armor-piercing anti-personnel bombs, incendiary bombs and smoke bombs, fully automatic, loaded with 15 rounds, single or continuous fire The precision is great, the direct range is 600 meters, 600 meters. Guys, they can solve light armored targets and firepower points. The maximum range reaches 1700 meters. It also has a great lethal effect on the unprotected targets of the enemy. It ’s 12 kilograms, and the total weight of the tripod is only 20 kilograms. For us, this weight is a bit heavy, but for Yuri, this weight is nothing.

There is also an improved version of qlz04, type 87, 30 rounds of ammunition, a single launcher is only five kilograms, and a full round box of thirty rounds is 12 kilograms. Yuri is still very light. The most important thing is that there is a qlu11. thing. "

A group of people, look at me, I look at you, and finally Peter said softly: "A dedicated grenade launcher operator seems to be worth it, but the 35mm caliber grenade system of Huaxia I once tested it personally, the power seems to be It's a little bit smaller. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Cui Bo laughed with his arms akimbo, and then he looked around at everyone with his eyes looking down. After reaching for a circle, he said with high toes: "You scum that you don't know ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ don't understand me at all Let me tell you the horror of the great Chinese weapon, qlu11 is a sniper howitzer! "

A group of people stared at each other with big eyes, and at last Peter looked puzzled: "Sniper ... howitzer?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, you heard it right. It's a sniper howitzer, equipped with an optical sight. The destruction radius of the armor-piercing grenade is five meters. Directly hit a small target like a shooting hole within 400 meters, and directly aim at an armored target within 800 meters. , You think about other uses and specific effects! "

Cui Bo said with a happy face: "Our slogan is, you can be killed if you are not sure!"

Irene swallowed and looked at others: "This thing sounds very energetic, but the 35mm grenade is not easy to find and can only be bought from Huaxia."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "The good news is that there is a 40 mm foreign trade version of this stuff. Of course, the foreign trade version may not be as easy to use as the original version, but it does not matter, we can buy it, and it can also be sold in large quantities. I bought enough grenades for a lifetime. "

Grolev looked very emotional, he swallowed and said: "Interesting, this must be tried!" (Unfinished.)

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