A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2104: Hercules

The decision to start revenge for Bruce means that the core and premise of the entire vengeance operation are intelligence. Tomler, Our Lady of Steel, and Badadi, the three main goals are the world of the Qiu family, one hiding deeper than the other the Lord.

Especially Badadi, not only Satan is looking for him, countless people around the world want to get him out, but Badadi has been living well, so, if Satan wants to let Badadi die, in addition to expecting others to kill Badadi must have intelligence before he can get rid of it.

When Justin was there, the source of intelligence was not a problem, but Justin was gone, ordinary intelligence was not a problem, but the source of big intelligence about people like Badadi naturally came to an end.

The top priority is to re-establish a reliable intelligence line, not only for Badadi, but also for Satan's future development.

"Yak, you go to find the principal of the Cicero family and talk to him about cooperation. If you think it is possible, we will buy Badadi's intelligence."

Justin ’s disappearance stems from a fight within the Cicero family. Although the relationship with Justin is not bad, Gao Yang cannot be tied to Justin and completely cut off the business relationship with the Cicero family, because, in this world Apart from the large intelligence agencies in several countries, the Cicero family's intelligence network is the largest. If you do not do business with the Cicero family, Satan has no other choice at all.

Letting Yac go to establish a new relationship with the Cicero family was decided long ago. Now letting Yac go to get in touch with the Cicero family is only part of the normal plan.

Yak said calmly: "Okay, it's not a problem to contact the Cicero family."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "You are ready to go now. The sooner this thing, the better."

Yack nodded and said in a deep voice: "If I think I can buy Badadi's intelligence with the Cicero family, what is the maximum budget?"

Gao Yang pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and whispered: "100 million dollars! As long as the information is accurate, let us catch Badadi, 100 million dollars!"

According to some information, it is worthwhile to smash pots and sell iron.

Yake stood up and said calmly: "It's a great price, a price that can't be refused. I think the problem shouldn't be big, then, I'm off."

"Be careful, go."

There was nothing to prepare for, Yake nodded at everyone, and left the meeting room.

Yake left, Gao Yang looked at the rest, after thinking for a moment, he nodded and said: "In the next time, we have nothing to do, and the search for Badadi is not yet known when we can start, so this Take time to train and adjust your condition to the best. "

After speaking, Gao Yang thought for a while, and then added: "Preparing more street fighting during this time, the desert climate here is very good, it is the environment we need to be familiar with."

Yuri raised his hand and looked at the people around him, and said with embarrassment: "Sorry, what am I doing? I mean, what should I do."

Gao Yang laughed: "This question is well asked, so what are you going to do?"

"I will build a house. Besides, I am really not good at fighting. I will shoot. I will know if someone else has used it."

Raphael laughed: "Will you build a house?"

"I am a construction engineer."

Raphael snapped his hand and laughed: "Very well, if you build a house, you will demolish it. Let me be an assistant. The two of us will be very happy to work together."

Tommy waved and said, "Will mortars be used?"

Yuri shook his head and said, "Yes, I haven't used it, but I often help them move the mortar shells, and the 82mm mortar battery can be removed by myself, so I often help them move Artillery. "

Tommy chuckled and looked at the crowd and said, "Do you have any questions about him as my assistant?"

Grolev shrugged and shouted, "Obviously I have doubts. You think there are thousands more machine gun bullets and two spare barrels now. Compared to a few more mortar shells, that More helpful? "

It ’s embarrassing, machine guns are important, and mortars are also important. The roles of the two are different, but they are really important, regardless of whether Tommy has more shells, or Grolev has thousands of machine guns For these people in Satan, especially these assaulters, this is really a trouble for happiness, and it is not a good choice.

Elin shouted: "Street battles with shells, field battles with bullets."

Li Jinfang said: "No, no, you have reversed it, I think it is better to carry artillery shells in the field, but it is better to carry guns in the street fight."

Two soldiers of different origins were not consistent in the choice and use of support firepower, and differences quickly emerged.

At this moment, Yuri said slowly: "Four rounds of mortar shells, I can move four boxes at a time. If there are tools for carts, I will pull at least thirty boxes at a time. The problem The key is that the boxed shells are not easy to handle, and I can't hold too many arms. "

Yuri raised her hand and made a gesture of holding something in her arm, slowly saying: "That's how it moves."

An 82-mm mortar grenade is about a little over three kilograms, which is calculated as three kilograms. Four rounds are twelve kilograms. Four cases of shells plus the weight of the box are at least fifty kilograms.

Tommy stood up and said excitedly: "Give him a suitable carrying bag. He can help me carry at least ten more 60-mm shells at a time, ten!"

For the magic gunner like Tommy, the ten extra mortar shells can do too much.

Grolev also laughed, and he shouted, "What can he do for me? He can help me with at least four thousand rounds ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and two more spare guns Although, in this way, I can provide you with machine gun fire with almost no gaps. "

After speaking, Grolyov stood up and patted Yuri ’s shoulder, saying with satisfaction: "You try with me first, I will see if you can become a qualified machine gun shooter, you have to follow me because of coincidence It ’s because our two names are Yuri. "

Gao Yang laughed: "Don't argue, let him try, and let him do whatever he is suitable for."

At this moment, Gao Yang's phone rang. He picked up the phone and looked at it, but it was ridiculously said: "Not good."

Grolev said with concern: "What's wrong?"

Gao Yangliang turned on the phone and said with a sad face: "It's Lucica."

Still ringing by the phone, Gao Yang just didn't answer, and then he said distressedly: "Lucica must have seen the news. What if she had to return to the team? What should I say?"

Eilean said with embarrassment: "But she and Bruce's children are only a few months old. Perhaps, she just asked instead of intending to return to the team?" (To be continued.)

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