A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2103: Only by myself

For two newcomers who ca n’t be new anymore, Phoenix has nothing but a battle to do, everything does n’t matter, and for Yuri, I do n’t know why I have to participate.

For Gao Yang, letting everyone make such a one-time choice is purely because he feels that if it is for the benefit or survival of Satan, anyone should fall into a mortal situation. Whoever let them join Satan, but for a follow-up If they have nothing to do with revenge, they should not.

Therefore, no matter whether it is superfluous or not, Gao Yang should let them have the right to choose. They have made their own decision, and they still bear the same sentence. After that line, they will live and die.

Although I do n’t know how Phoenix and Yuri will choose, other people ’s choices were expected, Gao Yang waved his hand and said, “Let ’s sit down, let me introduce the situation. Badadi announced the founding of the country. It was announced on TV that it is relatively closed here, you may not have received the news, and I asked Little Downey to block the news without telling you. "

Jason hurriedly said: "When is it?"

"The day before yesterday, after I received the news, I saw Badadi on TV. That's right. That's him. I can be sure that he is somewhere in Syria or Iraq, but I can't confirm the specific location."

Tyler's cheeks bulged high, and he said in a loud voice: "Have you heard about the news from Syria?"

"I have inquired. The answer is unsurprising. No one knows where Badadi is. Another difficulty is that I cannot issue a reward on the underground intelligence network to seek Badadi's hiding place, because the underground intelligence network has always been It's two-way, and we all know the style of intelligence dealers. "

Buying information is also selling information. If Gao Yang releases a reward for a certain information, then the object of the reward is certainly very happy who wants his own information. Moreover, the intelligence of people such as Badadi is particularly difficult to obtain. Therefore, if you are not a particularly familiar intelligence dealer, especially if you are not a long-term cooperative intelligence dealer, it is best not to contact with the intelligence dealer indiscriminately, which is not worth the loss.

Yack understands some insides of the intelligence community, and he said solemnly: "The intelligence aspect of Badadi must be cautious. Such people can survive for a long time, and they must have the support of a certain country. To be honest, relative For the price we can pay, the forces behind Badadi have countless times more resources than us, especially for the Cicero family, who have close contacts with various countries, it is clear that Badadi is more important than us. More. "

Gao Yang sighed and looked at Yake, saying: "So I have been very distressed these two days. Where did our information come from? I'm not afraid to pay a high price, but we don't seem to have a place to buy at present."

Yake smiled bitterly: "Justin can share the resources of the Cicero family, but he is eager to expand his power and cultivate his loyal customer base. Therefore, he only attached great importance to our small customers before, but now he does not It ’s the same. Justin is very likely to die. Only the big figures of the Cicero family can be reached. For those people, the high price we can pay is far less important than the other benefits they can get. The most important thing is how much. Is money really high for them? "

Gao Yang sighed: "So, what should we do? Is there not a channel that can obtain intelligence and be as accurate and safe as possible?"

Yake said: "Yes, the KGB, and the Syrian Press Bureau. In addition, we have no other intelligence channels that can be used. You have to figure out, Badadi's intelligence, definitely and other Intelligence is different. Think about how many people in the world want Badadi ’s intelligence. Syria, Russia, and many countries in Western Europe are willing to pay any price, but is there a result, not at all. "

Gao Yang was a little irritable. He stood up and walked back and forth in the house twice, hurriedly said: "The powerful forces hid even the protection of Badadi's umbrella. Syria and the KGB are not capable at all. Their intelligence network It ’s been shrunken for a long time. Believe it or not, maybe we are willing to invest more intelligence funds than them, otherwise Badadi should be damn! "

Phoenix suddenly raised his hand and said, "There is a problem."


Phoenix stood up and said blankly: "If you just want to satisfy the thrill of personal revenge, I have no doubt, but if not, why not wait for other more capable people to kill Badadi? According to me As far as I know, Badadi is enemies against the whole world, and he has no reason to live long. "

Some people laughed, Gao Yang shook his head and said helplessly: "Yes, if you are right, then Badadi is indeed **** long ago, but if not? For example, someone supports What about him? "

Phoenix glanced at everyone, and said coldly: "In any case, I don't think everyone here is more capable of killing Badadi than the United States, Russia, and Syria."

Fry laughed: "You are wrong. In fact, Badadi disappeared for so long, because we almost killed him with a gun, not the United States or Russia, but us."

Phoenix questioned: "You guys?"

Frye nodded: "Yes, it's us."

Peter touched his eyebrows awkwardly and whispered: "In fact, I have a little bit of a say in these, because we used to take on this task, but unfortunately, the most important thing for this beheading operation is intelligence, There is only intelligence, and if we can get intelligence, we will not have the problem now. "

Phoenix questioned again: "What do you mean?"

Peter said listlessly: "At that time, I was not with them all at all ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I used to represent Russia."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "Syria is not capable, the Air Force is unable to carry out beheading bombing, and special forces cannot effectively carry out beheading operations. As for Russia, let's wait for their large-scale public intervention, so even if we have intelligence, we will provide it On the Syrian side, it can only be a waste of intelligence. Who knows how many people in Syria are Badadi ’s supporters, and the United States, um, we still rely on ourselves. "

In a word, the reality is broken, and Gao Yang is full of helplessness: "So, the first thing we need to solve now is intelligence. If, I mean, if, Badadi is killed, then we will save trouble, but if Bada Di has been living well, and we have to rely on ourselves after all. At most, Syria will help. "

Phoenix suddenly said: "What if he is in Iraq?"


After Gao Yang stopped for a while, he was helpless and said: "If he is in Iraq, then we can only rely on ourselves." (To be continued.)

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