A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2105: Bat returns

Gao Yang didn't answer Lucica's call, and after a while the phone would naturally not ring, but it didn't take long before the phone rang again.

Gao Yang still didn't answer the phone, Grolyov said impatiently: "Mute, mute, what should I do? Who should do?"

Li Jinfang said very firmly: "Bruce is dead, we can't let Lucica take another risk, not to mention that their children are only a few months old, and they must not let Lucica intervene, absolutely not!"

Jensen sighed and said helplessly: "No way, I know Lucica's character, she will definitely not, it will never be the case. If you don't answer her phone, she should come to the door. Now. "

Gao Yang grinned: "But she doesn't know where we are."

Jensen took a deep breath and said helplessly: "This is the problem, Lucica may be looking around. She is not the kind of woman you can easily persuade, so you should answer the phone."

Waiting for Lucica's third call, Gao Yang finally pressed the answer button, and then he said in a very serious tone: "Hi, Lucica, I have something to do here, what are you calling? Does it matter? "

"Boss, I know you already know. Don't lie to me that you don't know, we all know."

Gao Yang scratched his head and made a helpless expression at others, then immediately said seriously: "Know what? We are discussing some very important things, you know, our Yemen plan."

Lucica said calmly: "Boss, you know, you're a person who doesn't lie very much. If you are really discussing the issue, it is discussing revenge against Bruce, otherwise your tone will not be like this now. . "

Gao Yang was very helpless, he forced to maintain the original tone, said: "I know what you are talking about, but Badadi just exposed on TV, we don't know where he is, Lucica, we We are indeed discussing the issue of vengeance, but we ca n’t do anything. Now we can only wait for intelligence. So, I decided to put aside the vengeance for the time being, and plan Yemen first. Sorry, you may be disappointed. "

After being silent on the phone for a while, Lucica whispered: "Boss, what you said may be true, but, I don't believe it."

"Why? Don't believe anything?"

Lucica smiled and continued: "Boss, I know your character, so I don't believe what you say, well, we don't have to continue this topic, tell me your position, I'm going to find you . "

Gao Yang said very harshly: "Nonsense! What about your son! He hasn't even been weaned! That's your child, you just leave it alone? Lucica, you let me down!"

Lucica took a deep breath and said, "The baby is already weaned. I gave him milk powder and it broke off three months ago. I love my baby very much. Boss, you can't imagine how much I love him. Because you do n’t have children, but I ca n’t sit at home with children anymore. ”

Gao Yang angered: "You fart, who are you going to throw the child to? How can the child lack a mother? Do you want the child to grow up in an environment without maternal love?"

Lucica whispered: "I found him a nanny, four people, two people work shifts, two children and Bruce's mother will take good care of, and, my mother is Bruce's mother has not arrived When she ca n’t move, she will watch the babysitter take care of the children. I still leave them with money that I ca n’t use for a lifetime. The most important thing is that I know that even if I have an accident, there will still be you. , You will take care of them until you grow up. "

Gao Yang was really angry. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Give me a good stay at home and have good children. If you dare to come, I will break your legs. I would rather let you spend a lifetime in a wheelchair. , Won't let you drop the child and run out of play! Listen, this is the order. "

Lucica said firmly: "Sorry, boss, you said it was late."

"What do you mean?"

"I ’m in Djibouti, I do n’t know where you are, but since it is the Yemen plan, then you may be in the capital of Yemen. If you pick me the best, you do n’t pick me. I ’ve already bought the ticket and I went directly to Yemen. If I ca n’t find you, then I ’ll go to Iraq first. I ’ll do it myself. ”

Lucica, really a soft-hearted person.

Gao Yang was restrained, and there was no way to do it at all. When he met Lucika, he didn't listen to orders or justify reason. He really couldn't help him.

The angry lips moved for a long time, and Gao Yang trembled: "You, you, you ..."

Lucica continued slowly but firmly: "Boss, I have never given up my plans to personally take revenge. Bruce is my husband, and I am the widow of Bruce. You do n’t let me die by his side. When I saw the moment I left, I knew that you were trying to keep me alive, and you had to do that, but first, I want to avenge Bruce, and I will avenge him personally. Now that the child is born, even if he will I can grow up healthy even if I lose my mother. It might be a bit selfish to say so, but first, I have sacrificed enough for my children. Now I have to do what I want most. I am not a good mother, but I Must be the best avenger, this is the biggest meaning of continuing to exist! "

Gao Yang froze for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "We are in Berbera, stay well in Djibouti, someone will pick you up!"

Lucica smiled softly and said, "Thank you, boss."

Gao Yang said annoyedly: "Don't talk about it now. You can say it when you arrive. It's not bad to train with the team first. After all, you have been away for so long and need to train to get back to the state."

Lucy whispered: "I'm sorry ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I don't have any way except during the period of pregnancy. Since the child was born, I have been training myself. I have kept shooting, long-distance running, trail running, if If you want me to train to delay time, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Well, let's not talk, let's meet and talk. "

Hanging up the phone, the flamboyant high-handed pointing at Li Jinfang, said angrily: "When Lucica arrives, you will break her leg! Asshole! Such a big person is so capricious! I interrupt her leg to watch her Go back or not! "

Irene disdainfully said: "Okay, don't pretend, who doesn't know you, think of it honestly, let alone those useless words."

Eileen pierced the high-sounding words without any politeness, and the high-sounding gasps and gasps, but she could only get angry without any way. After a long day of anger, Bai finally could only helplessly accept the reality.

"Did not even listen to orders, this guy ..."

After sighing weakly, Gao Yang finally waved his hand and whispered: "I'm still ready to welcome Lucica back to the team. I can't really break her leg. This time, I really can't stop her. By the way! "(To be continued.)

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