A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2089: 1 joke

Lilia is not very afraid, her fearlessness stems from ignorance, because she ca n’t think of what it means when the missile falls on her side in an instant, and when she wants to understand the fear when she starts, she will not be so scared that her legs will move so softly. Not anymore.

What does it mean to land a ground-to-ground tactical missile? Of course, the bones were gone.

Because of knowing what it means for the missile to fall on the side, the four of them are so high that they scare their legs.

Think about it, a black cylinder fell off with a boast, and when you looked intently, it was a big smoky missile. This psychological impact, no one who can understand it can bear it.

Lilia finally understood what was happening. She stared at the missile staring blankly.

Gao Yang swallowed hard, and he subconsciously tried to move back. As a result, his brain arrived and his legs couldn't keep up. He found that his legs were shaking like a sieve at the moment, and he couldn't make any effort.

The tail part of the missile is smoking and keeps on smoking.

Gao Yang's voice brought tears into his mouth, and he shivered: "What about smoking?"

Cui Bo lost his soul and said: "Run!"

"Can't run."

Phoenix looked serious, and she began to crawl sideways, then whispered: "Crawl!"

The wizard wiped his face hard with a trembling hand, then his body began to lean forward, and finally lying on the ground with his hands on his back, slowly turned, and his mouth shuddered and said: "Fak! Fak ! Damn it ... "

The wizard started to speak German, and Gao Yang couldn't understand it. At this time, Cui Bo waved at Lilia, slowly walked over, grabbed Lilia's shoulder, and dragged and said: "Go, go, don't dare Stay here. "

Gao Yang took a deep breath and began to retreat slowly. At first, the energy that scared the gluten and cartilage began to subside. He was finally able to move.

"Sorcerer, Rabbit, is that a dot ballistic missile?"

"Don't know, dare not watch."

The wizard trembled: "Yes, dot U."

"Is there a delay initiating warhead on the dot?"

"I don't know, I can't remember it, does it seem to be there? Is it?"

Speaking on the mouth, he gradually gained strength. Several people climbed and walked, and walked within a few meters. When the huge fear began to be replaced by the desire to survive, the five people were almost in no particular order. Started running.

Running faster and faster, and later running desperately, I do n’t know how far I ran out. Gao Yang first stood on his feet and lay back on the ground, breathing heavily: "It ’s alright, Fack. ! It's all right! "

The wizard took a quick breath and took out a satellite phone. After a trembling call, he quickly intermittently said: "Hey, we have encountered a missile attack, and, Fak! We have encountered a missile attack!" Tactical ground-to-ground missiles! Dot! Yes, right near that heavy artillery position! "

After rushing to speak, the wizard paused for a moment, gasping for breath: "Of course I can speak, it's okay, how far? Less than twenty meters! No explosion! That missile did not explode! Fak, thank God ! "

Tossing the phone around, the wizard lying on his back shouted, "Thank God! We are not dead, we are not dead ..."

The wizard was almost crying, but in fact he was sobbing.

The chance of being hit by a ground-to-ground tactical missile is very small. It is definitely greater than the chance of being hit by a meteor, but the size is also limited. Right, and a ground-to-ground missile is not explosive. The odds are really almost the same as the chance of being hit by a meteor, and the high number of them will be met.

Phoenix, who had never said anything, was also trembling: "Did we just witness a miracle?"

"I'm dead!"

After saying something, Gao Yang gritted his teeth and said: "Lao Tzu is hard! This can't die, thank you if you want to thank me!"

After smirking a few times, Cui Bo shouted: "Everyone, I remembered a joke, saying that an artillery unit was performing live ammunition exercises. They were distorted when they were firing. "

Gao Yang said angrily: "This joke is not funny at all! Stop talking!"

Cui Bo closed his mouth, but the wizard was trembling: "Let's finish, I want to hear."

"Okay, the shells fell on a man in the cabbage field next to someone who was stealing cabbage. The thief said, I was just stealing a few cabbages, would I have to shell them, haha, haha, hahaha ..."

Listening to Cui Bo's dry laugh, the wizard exhaled for a long time, and said, "This joke is not bad, but it's not good at all."

There was a silence, and then a particularly loud explosion. After the explosion, there was a muffled and muffled voice: "The missile must be a missile. Are you saying it was the one just now?"

"No, it's far away."

After the wizard said something, he exhaled and shouted: "Damn, they started to use tactical missiles."

Gao Yang, who felt that he had returned to his soul, took a deep breath and muffled and said: "Come on, hurry on, Fak! How many strong winds and waves have come over, here, just **** here, almost A missile was blown up, this ghost place can't stay for a long time, hurry and leave! "

Speaking of leaving, a few people didn't move, and after a moment of silence, Cui Bo said cautiously: "If this delayed fuze, should it explode?"

"It should have exploded long ago. How long has the delayed fuze been delayed for so long? It's almost ten minutes."

"Fuck, warheads that specifically blast the runway, it is possible to delay for two hours."

"Is this an airport? Is there an airport? Need a delayed fuze?"

Listening to the lifting of Gao Yang and Cui Bo, the wizard said quietly: "It's not a delayed fuze, I think it should be a malfunction."


After concisely adding a sentence, Phoenix said seriously: "We are lucky!"

A group of people stopped talking again ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After staying again for a while, Cui Bo cautiously said: "If this is not a delayed fuze, and certainly not a chemical warhead, what do you want to go back and see? "

"Look what! Look for death!"

After sternly criticizing Cui Bo, he intellectually told Gao Yang that he must leave quickly, but Gao Yang had the same idea as Cui Bo, that is to go back and look at the missile that almost killed them.

"But after all, if it's a malfunctioning bomb, unexploded, it should be fine if it doesn't move? Or, really go back and see?"

The wizard said in a deep voice: "Go and see, are you in any hurry?"

"No, what can be urgent, but wait no longer?"

"Okay, wait a little longer, insurance."

Several people fell into silence again. After a while, they whispered: "Everyone, I have a proposal, this matter can be said, but for the sake of image, we must not be able to say a few reactions, agree?"

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