A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: Tomato field

? Going to the new location to find the artillery company just now. They drove them back to the place where they left the car. After driving around for a while, they finally reached the suburban location and got off the car to walk.

"Where are we? The suburbs? How can we deploy the artillery positions at the forefront of the suburbs? Logically, shouldn't the artillery positions be a little behind?"

Gao Yang was not curious, but he really didn't understand how to use artillery, and found that the way angels deployed artillery was not the same as his cognition, so it was natural to ask.

The wizard pointed behind him and said, "There are no suitable places for artillery positions in the urban area. The reason is more complicated. First of all, there are too many tall buildings. It will definitely not work, which will affect the artillery shooting. Then, some spacious places suitable for layout. In countless times of reconnaissance, he has mastered the position for a long time, and is prone to air strikes and artillery bombardment. Artillery is a very important heavy firepower for us. It cannot be consumed by the enemy, so it can only be frequently maneuvered and deployed outside the city. Now. "

Gao Yang nodded: "Understood, although the suburbs are close to the enemy, they are not easy to be discovered by aerial reconnaissance, because there are many places in the suburbs where the vegetation is dense and there are hidden places. Well, I understand, but unfortunately we can't use this experience.

"Yes, in Yemen, the desert is completely different from here."

Gao Yang looked back and found that Phoenix was still far away from them. After not hearing the conversation between him and the wizard, he continued: "Do any of you know how to concentrate artillery in the desert?"

The wizard shook his head: "Don't think about it. Why did Americans fight so hard in Vietnam? Why did they fight so easy in Iraq? It's not because there is no geographical conditions for guerrilla warfare in Iraq. Now, especially for the current reconnaissance equipment, it ’s basically impossible to hide in the desert. "

Gao Yang whispered: "Let's wait until I get to the field trip and think of a way, there will always be a way."

The wizard smiled in a low voice and said, "Actually, it depends on who your enemy is, right?"

Gao Yang also laughed and waved his hand: "Yes, in the Middle East, there are always a lot of battles to fight."

The two were chatting, and the wizard suddenly raised his hand, motioned to Gao Yang to stop, looked around, then pulled out a map from his pocket, squatted on the ground and started to look up.

"No, will you get lost?"

"It's not lost, just need to determine the direction."

"Don't you know where the artillery position was transferred."

"I'm not a local, and I can't go around every corner of this place. Even if I know the position of the artillery position, I have to look at the map."

After a brief conversation, the wizard stood up, pointed in one direction, and said: "Where to go, straight ahead, about a kilometer, almost coming."

Gao Yang stretched out his hand and pulled around, laughing, "There will be no snipers? Or enemy troops, we are at the forefront of your front."

They are walking in the suburbs, surrounded by dense trees, and houses are hidden between the trees, and between the houses are farmland and vegetable gardens, and there are thick and low between these farmland and vegetable gardens. The bushes have poor eyesight and it is safe to walk.

The wizard smiled and said: "Relax, although it is close to the front line, but it is not a key position, the enemy will not attack from here, because the terrain is not convenient for the deployment of mechanical forces, snipers occasionally, but rarely encountered, but you are not Do n’t worry if you are unlucky. ”

"That's fine, I have always had good luck. If there is a sniper, I can smell him about two kilometers away."

"You are bragging."

"thank you."

Gao Yang and they were on a small road, near the farmhouse. If they walked along the path, they would need to go around for a while, so the wizard reached out and shoved a bush from the bush. , Followed through the bushes.

Waiting for the wizard to come over, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Look what is here, tomato!"

Gao Yang they entered a field of tomatoes, and there were many small trees in the field, which was different from the long and neat vegetable field in his hometown in Gao Yang's impression. The shelf for the tomatoes here was quite random, and the tomatoes were very scattered.

Most tomatoes are still green, but there are some red ones hanging on the stems of the tomatoes, which looks quite attractive.

"The people here are too careless to compare with my hometown. Give, come one."

Gao Yang stretched out his hands and grabbed two red tomatoes. After throwing it to the wizard, he took one without rubbing himself, and said nothing. Then he nodded and said, "Well, it tastes good. It was when I was a kid. The taste is different from what is bought on the market, it's delicious. "

The wizard was not polite. After eating a small tomato in two or two, he reached out and picked two, and began to eat there with Gaoyang Station.

Waiting for Cui Bo, Lilia and Phoenix to drill through the bushes, whispered: "Come on, there is delicious food."

Cui Bo's eyes lit up, rubbed his hands, smiled and said: "Hey, yes, tomatoes, two, just thirsty."

The rise of Gao Yangzhai also threw it smoothly. After throwing a tomato at Phoenix, he smiled and said, "Eat a few, it tastes good."

Phoenix opened his mouth and was half a tomato. Cui Bo picked up two of the red ones and handed them to Lilia. After opening his mouth and biting, he smiled and said, "I tell you, this stolen thing is delicious. When I was a kid, I often went to the vegetable garden to steal ... "

With a bang, the earth beneath them shook.

Gao Yang opened his hands subconsciously, holding two uneaten ones in his left hand, holding a half-eaten tomato in his hand, half a tomato in his mouth, and his mouth open, still left by the juice, slowly on the side He looked at something still smoking on his left.

"This is, puff, this is ... missile?"

The wizard's body shook like sieve chaff, nodded, and then nodded.

The wizard was no longer able to speak. He was facing the thing falling from the sky.

Cui Bo still fell from the tomato in his hand ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ trembling: "My second Olympic missile, the missile, the second Olympic, this second missile, this second Olympic ..."

Phoenix sat straight down and said nothing, just stretched his hand to punch his hair, punching it over and over again, his face pale, as if he had lost his soul.

"What is this? Missile? Why didn't it explode?"

Only Lilia, with a curious look, walked to something less than 20 meters away from her.

"do not move!"


"Get down!"

"you wanna die!"

The four men screamed in unison. After Lilia stopped, she trembled and said, "Should ..., it shouldn't explode, my second Olympics, let's go back slowly."

The wizard was still shaking like sieve chaff, trembling: "I can't move, my legs are soft, you guys, walk slowly back, let me, let me calm down." (To be continued.)

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