A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2090: Old man

? People will always have a strong curiosity about the things that almost killed their lives, and the sense of happiness for the rest of their lives. In short, under the combined effect of all kinds of emotions, you must go back and take a look.

Five people, trembling and curious, approached the place where they had just stolen food. I saw that the tail of the missile was no longer smoking, and the tail was almost burned out. The most important thing was that the missile looked a bit There are no signs of explosion.

After standing tens of meters away and looking at the missile for a few moments, Phoenix said solemnly: "This is the luckiest moment of my life."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and see clearly."

Several people walked forward for a while, and found an old man standing next to the missile, squatting beside the missile, and did not know what was going on.

"Don't move, leave the missile!"

It is dangerous here, you must leave right away. "

"This thing smashed my tomatoes, those **** fascists, they even fired ballistic missiles at residential areas."

Gao Yang looked at the old man with some surprise. For an old farmer, he said what it was, which surprised him a bit.

"Look at me? Isn't this a ballistic missile?"

"Uh, yes, let me take a look. This is a polka-dot missile. It's a lot of luck. It didn't explode, otherwise your house will be gone."

After Gao Yang said lightly, the old man exclaimed: "What should I do with such a thing that has fallen down? I ca n’t throw it here. Whatever I do if it explodes, I can use it if I want to remove it. It ’s going to explode, really **** it. "

Cui Bo raised his head toward the old man and smiled, "Uncle, can you eat a few tomatoes?".

"Oh, pick whatever you want, anyway, I can't finish eating a lot."

The wizard waved his hand and said to the old man: "Leave here, let's check."

The old man waved: "You be careful."

The old man left, and the wizard looked at the missile with his chin. After looking at it for a moment, Shen said, "This is a dot U-shaped missile."

Gao Yang laughed: "No matter what missile it is, I only know that the Zhengfu Army is in a bad situation."

The wizard looked at Gao Yang and said with a smile: "It's a simple truth. This is, after all, a civil war. If the Zhengfu Army dealt with it very easily, they would not choose to use ballistic missiles. It means that the Zhengfu Army has no other means available, so maybe the battle of Donetsk will soon be over. "

The wizard nodded and said: "It makes sense that the enemy used missiles, which means they knew they could not occupy Donetsk with conventional troops, but the enemy used ballistic missiles, which meant that the fighting would be fierce in the next few days. We must be prepared to deal with an enemy offensive attack. "

After winning the chase or using a killer weapon, the subsequent attack must always keep up. Ballistic and ballistic weapons can be used as the final means. When there is no way to use ballistic missiles as the only attacking method, just like the missile attack in the Iran-Iraq war City battles, but more often, the use of ballistic missiles means a prelude to a large-scale attack.

Missiles knock out large-scale enemy staging areas, or important logistics bases, or airports and other places. After killing the enemy as much as possible and weakening the enemy ’s continuous combat capability, it is convenient for subsequent air strikes or large-scale ground attack.

According to the situation in Ukraine, the use of ballistic missiles by the Zhengfu Army cannot be for an indiscriminate attack on the city, it can only be a prelude to a new round of attacks.

After a short conversation, the wizard and the headquarters began to contact. The use of ballistic missiles by the Zhengfu Army was a big deal. He had to discuss it with Knight, and to promote them a few, they began to pick tomatoes.

This time it was not stolen, it was allowed by the owner, so they were not attacked by the second missile.

Although the time was short, staying next to an unexploded missile was always frightening, so they quickly left the vegetable field and finally continued their journey to the artillery position.

When he left again, the wizard's face was a little dignified. Gao Yang handed the wizard a tomato and said, "Do you need to go back and arrange things like defense?"

The wizard shook his head and said: "No, my task is to accompany you to choose the artillery you want. Our defense line does not need to be adjusted drastically, and the enemy can't fight in."

The wizard said no, and Gao Yang would n’t be too troublesome. The five men re-directed, through bushes and paths, and soon reached the artillery position they were looking for.

"Someone, stop! Otherwise, shoot!"

Suddenly shouted, the wizard raised his hand and held them high. After shouting, they shouted: "You guys, don't shoot."

Gao Yang and the others stood for a while. Two sentries with guns came out of the bushes and looked at them up and down.

"I have notified your commander to come to the position, this is my certificate."

As the deputy head of the angel, the wizard is naturally the armed senior commander. The following sentries will certainly not know him, and when he wants to show his identity, one of the sentries suddenly said: "You are Lieutenant Colonel Ram? ".

Gao Yanglen said for a moment and said, "Uh, I am."

The sentinel immediately put away his gun, and after showing no problem to the people next to him, he immediately saluted Gao Yang and shouted: "Sir, I am a soldier of a continuous battalion of the Harzisk regiment. I have seen you. "

Gao Yang immediately came to the spirit ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After saluting a military salute, he shouted: "Oh, I have seen you, yes, remember, I have seen you, when you were in Walvic With Ji, what about your company commander? Is he alright? ".

Strictly speaking, this warrior can be regarded as an exalted old man.

While defending Harzisk for the Angels, the high fire line promoted a group of officers, and also shot a deputy company commander, who directly promoted a college student who was extremely brave in the battle to the company commander, and this soldier was fighting. He was seen in Gao Yang, so he did not know the wizard, but he knew Gao Yang.

"Our company commander is behind, sir, please follow me."

A few people started to move forward, Gao Yang touched the wizard with his elbow, his eyebrows dazzled, his face triumphant, and he whispered: "Your soldiers don't recognize you, but they know that I am his chief."

If Gao Yang also commanded the soldiers for the angels, Gao Yang would never be like this, but he left now, and certainly would not come back to rob people with the angels, so he can mock the wizards.

The wizard squinted at Gao Yang, whispering, "Boring." (Unfinished.)

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