A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2087: Judging by appearance

An artillery position requires the close cooperation of many people to function properly. Scouts, calculations, and communications are generally staying in the frontier artillery command post.

There are also artillery positions, such as gunner, aimer, gunner, loader, etc.

The other part is the logistics manpower, such as drivers driving the towing gun to and fro, cooking, first aid, etc.

For Gao Yang, what he needs most now are artillery scouts, calculation soldiers, and signal soldiers. Another must-have is the excellent gunner and aiming hand. With these people, a little expansion is one. Even if it was expanded to two heavy artillery companies, it was possible to make a living, with all the staff together. After two years with the old and the new, the two companies could become two regiments.

As for other positions, such as gunner loader, as well as drivers and logistics personnel, you can train yourself, because the professionalism of these positions is not very strong.

The wizard brought them directly to the artillery position, but Gao Yang wanted to go to the command post.

In response to Gao Yang's request, the wizard did not refuse. He just waved his hand and whispered: "Come from the command post."

Gao Yang They were about to leave, but they suddenly saw someone on the ground suddenly yelled, and then those who were lazily guarding the cannon immediately moved, pulling the camouflage net blocking the shot, one by one. The gunner quickly shook the height and height steering wheels.

With the cooperation of many gunners, a cannon completed the adjustment of the shooting and aiming in less than two minutes. Then, with the command of the cannon array commander, a cannon quickly selected the shell and Waist bag, then hit out with a single pass.

It took two and a half minutes from the preparation to the completion of the first shot, which was fast enough.

The commander of the artillery array took the microphone and received the command from the headquarters, and then he quickly issued the shooting order.

"All of them, six quick shots and fire!"

The coordinates were set as soon as a shell was fired, and then the shot was rushed immediately. This efficiency is also high enough.

People in the artillery array wear a variety of clothes, some in military uniforms, some in casual clothes, some in shorts and shirtless, and some people are wearing dirty suits, and their ages are also seriously inconsistent. There are young men in their twenties, middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s, and even a few old guys with white hair.

But it was such a group of people who looked very different from the artillery, but they did the art well.

Loading, firing, Gao Yang dare to ensure that these people shot the maximum rate of fire of the 152 tow gun. He glanced at his watch, and as expected, six shells had been shot out in one minute.

After six quick shots, the commander of the artillery array shouted: "Transfer position!"

Numerous gunners immediately received the artillery, and when the artillery position was in a hurry, Phoenix said with a surprised face: "Who are they? They don't look like soldiers. Look at them. This is a group of civilians."

"Yes, they are the militia."

"You're kidding, the militia is so powerful?"

Shouted the number and put away the hoe, put down the turret, the truck pulling the artillery drove behind the artillery, hung the artillery on the car, drove the artillery and ran, and within less than a minute, the entire artillery position had begun to shift Too.

Gao Yang pointed to the artillery artillery, and said to Phoenix: "Tell you a trick, it is easy to distinguish the Russian elite or the cannon fodder, you can see it by looking at the clothes, but the opposite is what you think. All the uniforms are clean and clean. They must be recruited eggs. There is no fighting power. If you look at some people who are dirty and sloppy, they are all messed up and have a beard like a tramp, but they are all wearing sea soul shirts. Then you have encountered elite troops. "

During the talk, the artillery position was empty, everyone disappeared without a trace, Gao Yang clapped his hands and smiled at Phoenix: "As a sniper, if you don't know these, you will suffer a big loss, well, We will run quickly. "

Speaking in his mouth, he wasn't idle on his feet. He held that a few of them ran fast. Why did they run, because the enemy's revenge would soon come.

After Gao Yang ran out of more than 300 meters, the shells began to fall on the artillery position just now. Gao Yang looked at his watch and smiled: "The counterattack time is five minutes, and the enemy artillery is OK."

Phoenix whispered: "If it is the US Army, it will be able to counterattack the enemy's artillery position within thirty seconds."

Gao Yang laughed: "You are right, but the U.S. Army has artillery reconnaissance radar and self-propelled artillery controlled by a computer. The artillery here will be known as soon as it fires. The counterattack will naturally be quick, but it is different here. Everything here is done manually. Five minutes is very good. If you switch to the US Army, it will be good to fight back in ten minutes. Believe it or not? "

Phoenix spread his hand, didn't speak, Gao Yang stopped and said to the wizard: "Okay, now the position of the heavy artillery has shifted. Where can we find them?"

"do not know."

The wizard shook his head and said, "I don't know where they will be transferred. I can only wait for him to select a new artillery position and report it to the command post before I can know their location."

Gao Yang frowned: "Impossible, you always have a spare position that has been set up, don't you change your position every time?"

"Yes, I said ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The enemy ’s aerial reconnaissance is still very powerful. The standing position ca n’t be used at all. After being detected, the enemy will preset coordinates, so our artillery can only keep Replacement position. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said helplessly: "Wait then, I appreciate the heavy artillery company just now."

In the civil war in Ukraine, artillery is one of the protagonists of the battlefield. This is not like the low fire intensity wars that occurred in Libya or Syria. The artillery trained here is naturally what Gaoyang needs.

If Gao Yang has high-tech self-propelled artillery, he will not come to Ukraine to find artillery, but he can only afford old-fashioned towing artillery, so Ukraine is naturally his best choice for recruiting soldiers.

Several people waited for about half an hour. After the wizard talked to the headquarters, he said to Gao Yang: "Knowing where they are, we are now."

Gao Yang whispered: "Sorcerer, we are all old friends. Let me just say a few words. I want the entire headquarters of the heavy artillery company just now, will it work?"

The wizard smiled and said to Gao Yang: "Yes, in fact, we don't lack artillery. We don't lack any position. The only problem is that they have to walk with you." (To be continued.)

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